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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He would have been

He would have been traduction Portugais

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Another second, and he would have been crushed by the pressure down here.
Mais um segundo e ele ia ser esmagado pela pressão.
Harun, if I had a son, he would have been one like you.
Harun, se tivesse um filho, queria que fosse igual a si.
- Surely he would have been concerned.
- De certeza que ele ficaria preocupado.
If I had, he would have been alive today.
Se fosse assim, ainda estaría vivo.
He would have been Pharaoh.
Teria sido Faraó.
He would have been angry.
Ele ficaria zangado.
You would have liked Sebastian and he would have been charmed by you.
Teria gostado do Sebastian e ele teria ficado encantado consigo.
If there had been a prize for growing calluses, he would have been Mr. America.
Se houvesse um premio para calos crescendo... ele seria o Mr.América.
He would have been rather difficult to stop.
- Seria difícil impedi-lo.
So, you see, he would have been... a very profound old man indeed... to suspect that every night, just at 12 : oo... I looked in upon him while he slept.
Então percebam, que tinha que ser um velho muito perspicaz para suspeitar que cada noite, a meia-noite, eu o observava enquanto dormia.
He would have been drowned.
Ele havia de ficar enfiado.
He would have been me in a matter of days if you'd given the poor fellow a chance.
Dentro de dias ele seria eu, Se tivesse dado uma hipótese ao coitado.
Little Robert E. would have been... He would have been just the same age as Jerome is now.
O pequeno Robert E. teria teria a mesma idade que Jerome tem agora.
"You would have been, he would have been...."
"You would have been, he would have been...."
I didn't think that the salesman would notice the difference, but, uh, if he had, this little sparkler would have been found upon you, my dear boy, and not upon your dear, old Uncle Felix.
Acho que o vendedor não ia dar pela diferença, mas se desse, esta pedra seria encontrada em si, meu rapaz, e não no seu querido tio Felix.
But I believe that the public, if they had been told or if they had heard about it somehow, they would not have believed it, because it was so terrible, that if a person was himself decent, he could not possibly believe that other people could be so bestial.
Acho que se tivessem contado às pessoas, ou se elas tivessem descoberto, não teriam acreditado, porque era tão terrível que uma pessoa decente nunca acreditaria que alguém pudesse ser tão selvagem.
Well, if he'd been shot from the window he would have had to be holding his head back like this, which is unlikely.
Se tivesse sido atingido a partir da janela, tinha de estar com a cabeça para trás, assim, o que é improvável.
Would you tell Mr. Aysgarth that there's been a delay in replying to his inquiry? We have written him fully on the matter. He should get our letter in the morning.
Dizia ao Sr. Aysgarth que houve um atraso na resposta ao pedido dele, mas que lhe escrevemos a dar os detalhes e que deverá receber a carta Segunda-feira de manhã.
We would only have been in Washington one day later, and he might've helped you.
Só nos atrasaria um dia e decerto que ele poderia ajudar.
You would've thought, he'd have been grateful.
Seria de imaginar que ele ficaria grato.
He'd have had a chance to tell his story and that would have been the end of it.
Ele podia ter-lhes contado a história dele e isso seria o fim.
It would have been better if he had.
Antes tivesse morrido.
I was so young, they asked Henri to hide me and if he'd been caught, it would have been the end of him.
Eu era tão pequena, eles pediram a Henri para me esconder... e se eles tivessem sido capturados, teriam dado cabo dele.
He could have healed my body, and it would have been natural for me to laugh and sing.
Podia ter-me curado o corpo, e ser-me-ia natural rir e cantar.
Because if he had... the key would still have been on him when he died.
- Se o tivesse feito, ainda teria a chave com ele quando morreu.
If Swann had used Mr. Wendice's key... it would still have been on him when he died.
Se o Swann usasse a chave do Sr. Wendice, ainda a teria com ele quando morreu.
There would have been a car, and he wouldn't have had to hitchhike.
Tivesse tido um automóvel esperando-o, e não teria que roubar um.
He must have hit the rock, it would have been instantaneous.
Ele bateu no rochedo, morreu imediatamente.
He would not have married me and I'd have been left to starve in the rubble.
Ele não se teria casado comigo e teria sido deixada a passar fome entre as ruínas.
Well had he been dealing with our own people his reaction would have been completely different.
Bem, ele está lidando com nossa própria gente | a reação dele poderia ter sido completamente diferente.
Perhaps if you hadn't been British, he would have asked you to get him a girl.
Se não fosse britânico, talvez lhe tivesse pedido para arranjar uma rapariga.
If he and all of the other defendants had been degraded perverts... if all of the leaders of the Third Reich... had been sadistic monsters and maniacs... then these events would have no more moral significance... than an earthquake, or any other natural catastrophe.
Se ele e os outros réus foram seres perversos... se todos os líderes do Terceiro Reich... foram monstros sádicos e maníacos... então esses eventos não teriam maior importância moral... que um terremoto ou qualquer outro desastre natural.
He couldn't have been in the park this afternoon, or one of us men would've seen him.
Ele não estava no parque hoje, pois nenhum de nós o viu.
Like the other two, his family name would have been revoked, and he and his household banished, but I could have at least had his life spared.
Como os outros dois, que foram banidos, eu podia, pelo menos, ter salvo a sua vida.
He'd have gone out with us, we'd have taken him to the airport, he'd have given me his signature, and all would've been well.
Ele teria saído conosco, nós o teríamos levado ao aeroporto, ele nos teria dado sua assinatura e tudo estaria em ordem.
If he'd not been the kind of man who hesitates when faced with such a great responsibility I would not have chosen him.
Se não fosse o tipo de homem que hesitasse quando confrontado com tamanha responsabilidade, não o teria escolhido.
And where would we all have been if he'd resigned?
E onde estaríamos nós, se ele se tivesse demitido?
What you said, is that he should have been born five years later. That way we would have saved more, and we would have our own house.
O que você disse foi que devia ter nascido cinco anos mais tarde, assim teríamos juntado mais e já teríamos casa própria.
O chefe gostaria de vos ter vindo receber mas certamente ainda aparecerá logo que tenha terminado a soneca.
Perhaps I should've been an artist... then He would've listened to me as He appears to have listened to you.
Talvez não devesse ter sido um artista... então, Ele ter-me-ia ouvido, como parece tê-lo ouvido.
I believe if God was not in Him He would not have been able to make me see.
Acredito que se Deus não estivesse nele... não teria sido capaz de fazer-me enxergar.
And he would have let me bleed to death... if it hadn't been for that woman over there come along and bandaged up my leg.
E ter-me-ia deixado sangrar até à morte, se a mulher não me tivesse ligado a perna.
How indignant Pierre would have been seven years before, when he'd returned from his sojourn abroad, if someone had told him that there would be no need for him to seek or plan anything, that his path had long ago been traced and predetermined for him.
Se há 7 anos, quando Pierre voltou do estrangeiro, alguém lhe tivesse dito, que já näo precisava de buscar nada na vida, que já tinha entrado no trilho, do qual näo sairia nunca, ele teria ficado horripilado.
He would have been 14 tomorrow.
Faria 14 anos amanhã, o pobre animal.
How indignant Pierre would have been seven years before, when he'd returned from his sojourn abroad, if someone had told him that there would be no need for him to seek or plan anything, that his path had long ago been traced and predetermined for him.
Se há 7 anos, quando Pierre voltou do estrangeiro, alguém lhe tivesse dito, que já não precisava de buscar nada na vida, que já tinha entrado no trilho, do qual não sairia nunca, ele teria ficado horripilado.
He could not possibly have survived alone. The ship's food would have been exhausted in a year or so.
Não poderia sobreviver sozinho, a comida da nave terminou em 1 ano
To the end, he maintained that Europe would have been better off if it had been united under his rule.
No final, ele sustentava que a Europa estaria melhor se ficasse unida sob suas regras.
He would probably have been a pessimist, anyway - it was part of his egotism - but appearing when he did, the tide of disillusion carried him along, so that he became, after Napoleon, the most famous name in Europe.
Talvez ele não desejasse ser um pessimista, tanto faz - era parte do seu egoísmo - mas surgindo ao mesmo tempo que ele, a maré de desilusões o sobrepujou, e assim ele se tornou, depois de Napoleão, o nome mais famoso da Europa.
Perhaps if he had been brought up in a different environment and had a better education, he would have made more than what he has.
Talvez se tivesse sido criado num ambiente mais apropriado se tivesse tido uma educação melhor, teria conseguido mais.
Had he said the word before the thing he desired was conceded, he would have grasped the use of words, communication would have been established, and rapid progress would have followed.
Se tivesse dito a palavra antes de lhe darmos a coisa desejada, ele compreenderia a sua utilidade, estabelecer-se-ia a comunicação, e seguir-se-ia um rápido progresso.
He was caught on the rocks, it would have been months before he got to the surface.
Estava preso nas rochas, passariam meses antes de vir à superfície.

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