How are you traduction Portugais
41,962 traduction parallèle
Hello, Johnny. How are you today?
Como estás hoje?
How are you today?
Como estás hoje?
- How are you today?
- Como estás hoje?
How are you?
Como está?
How are you?
Como estás?
- How are you?
- Como estás?
How are you doing?
E o general?
How are you?
Como estão?
- How are you?
- Como está?
- Hey how are you?
- Olá, como estás?
How are you going to do that?
Como vais fazer isso?
- How are you?
- Tudo bem?
Even at this age how are you so energetic?
Mesmo nesta idade como está tão enérgico?
How are you able to sleep?
Como consegue dormir?
How are you going to perform this miracle?
Como irás efectuar esse milagre?
How are you my daughter?
Como podes ser a minha filha?
Hello Zen, how are you?
Olá, Zen, como estás?
But Hector's got your gun. How are you gonna shoot me?
O Hector tirou-te a arma.
How are you?
E tu? - Bem.
How are you doing?
Como estás?
How are you feeling?
Como te sentes?
- How are you?
Como estás?
How are you fixed for work?
Tens trabalho?
I'm good. How are you?
- Bem, e o senhor?
Uh-huh. How are you so calm?
Porque estás tão calmo?
How are you?
- Como estás?
Bruh, how are you not scared of this, man?
Mano, como é que isso não te assusta?
People are like, "How are you the best?"
Perguntam-me : "Como é que és a melhor?"
How are you doing, sweetie?
Como estás, meu querido?
How are you doing?
Como estás tu?
How old are you, Freddie?
Quantos anos tens, Freddie?
No offense, Simon, how exactly are you gonna do that?
Sem ofensa, Simon, mas como vais fazer isso?
How and if you die here is totally up to you but I can assure you that perspiration stains on your $ 300 shirt are the least of your worries.
Como e se morres aqui só depende de ti mas, posso garantir-te que essas manchas de suor na tua camisola de $ 300 são a menor das tua preocupações.
Why don't you let me see how the numbers are here?
Deixem-me cá ver os valores, sim?
Only when you stamped me I realized how strong you are!
Somente quando me bateu percebi o quão forte você é!
I was just, uh, I was just thinking about how strong and amazing you are.
Estava só, só a pensar como tu és forte e espantosa.
And you want a lot more of us considering how many of them there are.
E vão querer mais de nós considerando quantos deles há.
I'm the only one who knows how smart you really are.
Sou o único que sabe o quanto tu és mesmo inteligente.
You know how many there are?
Sabem quantos há? Sim.
How far along are you?
Quanto tempo demoras?
Okay, why are you counting how many times I go to the bathroom?
Porque contas quantas vezes vou cagar?
How are you judging them?
Como as avalias?
How are things with you and Ziggy?
Como estão as coisas entre ti e o Ziggy?
How it works is I find out exactly why you are dead and we go from there.
Descobrindo exatamente como morreste e começando a partir daí.
You are asking pointless questions, going on about how you went to university-
A fazer perguntas irrelevantes, a gabares-te de teres ido para a Universidade...
How old are you?
Quantos anos tem?
How good are you?
Até que ponto jogas bem?
How old are you?
Quantos anos tens?
It was really weird how when you get popular, people who were nice to you last week just, like, venomously hate you and are talking about you behind your back.
É muito estranho, mas quando nos tornamos populares, pessoas que gostavam de nós na semana anterior, ganham-nos um ódio de morte e falam de nós pelas costas.
I thought, and I know this isn't how things are usually done, but I thought you could be friends.
Sei que não é costume ser assim, mas pensei que podiam ser amigas.
I know how busy you are.
Sei como está ocupado.
how are you doing today 43
how are you today 265
how are you doing 1681
how are you feeling today 58
how are you guys doing 47
how are you getting on 32
how are you holding up 260
how are you feeling 1478
how are you guys 55
how are you this morning 41
how are you today 265
how are you doing 1681
how are you feeling today 58
how are you guys doing 47
how are you getting on 32
how are you holding up 260
how are you feeling 1478
how are you guys 55
how are you this morning 41
how are you this evening 24
how are you going 16
how are you alive 17
how are you doin 57
how are your parents 17
how are you tonight 17
how are you still alive 23
how are you feeling now 36
how are you doing that 45
how are you here 63
how are you going 16
how are you alive 17
how are you doin 57
how are your parents 17
how are you tonight 17
how are you still alive 23
how are you feeling now 36
how are you doing that 45
how are you here 63