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How was i traduction Portugais

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How was I to know it was a Skinshifter?
Como eu saberia que era um metamorfo?
How was I supposed to know it was gonna take ten hours?
Sabia lá eu que demoraria dez horas.
How was I supposed to follow the kid if I was at home?
Como podia ter seguido o rapaz, se estava em casa?
But I was wondering, how does that work for you on a day-to-day, considering your line of work, mate?
Mas pergunto-me, como é que isso funciona contigo no quotidiano considerando o teu ramo de trabalho.
He did just get out of Arkham... how the hell he did I'll never know... but lest we forget, he was in there for a murder you committed.
Ele acabou de sair de Arkham... como saiu, nunca vou saber mas não nos vamos esquecer, ele estava lá por um homicídio que tu cometeste.
I don't know how you figured it out, but you found out he was the witness.
Não sei como conseguiste, mas descobriste que ele era a testemunha.
If that was Galavan that I saw, he'll know how to stay out of sight.
Se foi mesmo o Galavan que eu vi, ele sabe como se esconder.
If people knew how smart I was, it would have been harder to control them.
Se soubessem como era esperta teria sido mais difícil controlá-los.
These past few days, I've done lots of things, but all I could think about was you and how not to mess things up.
Nestes últimos dias fiz imensas coisas, mas eu somente pensava em ti e em como não estragar tudo.
- Yeah, that's why I was wondering, how would you do dialysis if you were on a boat sailing to Pakistan?
Por isso estava a imaginar, como farias a diálise se estivesses a velejar para o Paquistão?
- Do you know how scared I was?
- Estava tão assustada.
I don't know how long he was outside.
Não sei quanto tempo esteve lá fora.
To be honest, I was just thinking, given how Kelly died, I wouldn't put my faith in any foundation.
Honestamente, dada a maneira como o Kelly morreu, não colocava a minha fé em nenhuma religião.
I was wrong. And I was foolish. And I didn't think of you or how I was hurting you.
Estava errada, e fui tola e não pensei em si, ou como estava a magoá-lo.
Ernesto, how long was I unconscious in that print shop?
Ernesto, quanto tempo estive inconsciente, no centro de fotocópias?
And how long was I lying on the floor before the ambulance arrived?
E quanto tempo estive deitado no chão, até a ambulância chegar?
How long was I out for?
Quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
I remember how much Jenny said it helped when she was with child.
Lembro-me de a Jenny dizer que ajudava, quando estava grávida.
Earlier I told you that I was certain that the pardons would eliminate all resistance in Nassau and you asked me how I was so certain.
À pouco disse-te que tinha a certeza que os perdões eliminariam toda a resistência em Nassau e tu perguntaste-me como é que tinha a certeza.
I had the desk where it was for a reason, though I suppose you haven't been here long enough to know how to sit in that chair.
Tinha a secretária ali por um motivo. Mas suponho que ainda não tiveste tempo para aprender a ocupar essa cadeira.
There was a time in which I could not conceive of how I could ever forgive you.
Em tempos, nem conseguia perceber como algum dia te perdoaria.
You can imagine how tempted I was to take that knife and put it in his hand and let him use it to his liking.
Podes imaginar como me senti tentada a pegar naquela faca e pô-la na mão dele e deixá-lo usá-la como quisesse.
you will see that it was all I could think to do to protect you... the only way I know how.
ides ver que era tudo que podia pensar fazer para vos proteger... É da única forma que sei.
Well, I wasn't there, but, um, I'd hazard the guess that you learned of what had happened, told him how fucking stupid he was, and in that moment, he gave you a look that amounted to something less than contrite.
Bem, eu não estava lá, mas, arrisco adivinhar que soubeste do que aconteceu, que lhe disseste quão idiota ele foi, e nesse momento, ele fez-te um olhar que era tudo, menos de arrependimento.
I was just thought it might be Hedy Lamarr, because how much she adores you.
Desconfiei da Hedy Lamarr porque ela o adora.
I remember..... when I arrived there, being struck by how grand-looking it was.
Lembro-me de quando lá cheguei, ter ficado impressionado por quão imponente aquilo era.
If I was electrocuted, how the hell were you gonna find your mother?
Se fosse electrocutado, como é que ias encontrar a tua mãe?
Wait. How long was I out?
Espera, quanto tempo estive inconsciente?
You know, when he was dying, Richard said to me when they offered him this, to pass over, pass through, spend eternity in this fucking graveyard you're so in love with, he said, " How can I?
Sabes, quando estava a morrer, o Richard disse-me que, quando lhe ofereceram isto, fazer a passagem, passar a eternidade nesta merda de cemitério que tanto adoras, ele disse : " Como posso?
Careful uncle... or I may have to tell my mother how your man Vlade was behind Scorann's death.
Cuidado, tio... ou contarei à minha mãe como o teu homem estava envolvido na morte de Scorann.
I didn't want him driving off in his cab given how intox he was.
Eu não queria que ele conduzisse tão intoxicado como estava.
- How'd you know I was here?
- Como sabia que eu estava aqui?
You asked me how the sex was when I met Declan.
Perguntaste-me como era o sexo quando conheci o Declan.
Nah, I was just trying to give those people a voice the only way I know how... through art.
Estava a tentar dar voz a essas pessoas da única maneira que conheço, pela arte.
But now that I had a job, all I could think about was how much I hated my job.
Mas agora que tinha emprego, tudo o que pensava era o quanto detestava o meu emprego.
How do you reconcile I was able to maneuver undetected all these years?
Como te conformas que eu tenha conseguido manobrar sem ser apanhado durante todos estes anos?
I thought it was an interesting idea to create a film just focused on Spock, who he is, how he came about, and why he has continued to resonate for 50 years, all as a part of the celebration of the anniversary of "The Original Series."
Achei que era uma ideia interessante criar um filme focado só no Spock, em quem ele é, como ele apareceu e porque continuou a repercutir-se durante 50 anos, tudo como parte da celebração do aniversário de The Original Series.
And to show you how naive I was, at that time, I still had my phone listed in the phone book, and my address, and it was all...
E, para vos mostrar como era ingénuo, naquela altura, ainda tinha o meu telefone na lista telefónica e a minha morada, e estava tudo...
One of the things that I really respect about your dad was, I guess, his love and affection for the fans and how he always had time and energy.
Uma das coisas que respeito muito no teu pai é o amor e o afeto dele pelos fãs e como ele tinha sempre tempo e energia.
I thought that was the final "Star Trek" movie, and when they said to me, "How about a death scene?"
Pensei que aquele era o último filme do Star Trek, e quando eles me disseram : "Que tal uma cena de morte?"
But I was amazed at how open he was.
Mas fiquei espantado com a abertura dele.
I'm not sure how serious it was.
Não tenho a certeza do quanto era sério.
I had no idea how rough it would be for you to chaperone alone, and, look, I was an ass.
Não fazia ideia que ia ser tão difícil conseguires supervisionar tudo sozinha. E, fui um idiota.
I didn't realize how late it was, okay?
Não me apercebi que era tão tarde, está bem?
And don't give me this crap about how it was all business either, because I saw the two of you out there.
E não me digas que foi só negócios, eu vi-vos lá fora.
I was gonna be number one, kick some ass, show'em how it's done.
Eu ia ser o número um, dar cabo deles, mostrar-lhes como se faz.
All I can remember is how tired I was. How tired I was of everything.
Só me lembro de como estava cansado, como estava cansado de tudo.
And there I was, with the phone in my ear, listening to how she gave your ex what he called
E ali estava eu, com o telemóvel no ouvido, a ouvi-la a fazer ao teu ex, o que ele chamou de
Well, actually... I'm not sure how clean that water was...'cause I'm starting to get a gnarly itch on my thighs.
Na verdade, duvido que a água estivesse limpa, porque começo a sentir comichão nas minhas coxas.
I just wish I knew how I was doing, you know?
Só gostava de saber como me estou a sair, percebem?
Ok, well how about this for more, when I saw she was taken by those...
E que tal isto? Quando percebi, ela estava a ser levada pelos...

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