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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / How was work

How was work traduction Portugais

448 traduction parallèle
- How was work?
Que tal o emprego?
- How was work?
- Como foi o trabalho?
How was work?
Como correu o trabalho?
Como foi o trabalho hoje, querido?
How was work?
- Que tal o trabalho?
How was work?
O trabalho correu bem?
How was work?
- Como foi o trabalho?
- So how was work?
Que tal o trabalho?
Hilary, sweetheart, how was work today, darling?
Hilary, querida, como correu o trabalho hoje, fofinha?
Hi, Dad, how was work?
Oi, pai, como foi o trabalho?
Jake. How was work?
Jake, como correu o trabalho?
So how was work?
Que tal o trabalho?
- How was work?
- Que tal correu o trabalho?
- How was work? - Oh, great.
- Como correu o trabalho?
How was work at the plant?
Como foi o dia na planta fabril?
So how was work today?
- Como é que foi o emprego?
How was work?
Que tal foi o trabalho?
It was with a heavy heart that Nicola wished Mara well... for he's well aware how these things work.
Agora, o Nicola é demasiado pobre para casar com a Mara.
Mr. Donahue, it was awfully sweet of you to come back and tell me how much you admired my work.
Foi um amor em dizer como admira o meu trabalho.
Later, over coffee, she told me she had seen the fight... and I suppose that got me started talking about myself... about what a wash up I was and how I was going back to Seattle... and work on my uncle's horse ranch.
Depois, ela disse-me que assistiu ao combate, então imaginei que iríamos conversar sobre mim, sobre o facto de eu ser um fracassado, e como iria voltar para Seattle, para trabalhar no rancho do meu tio.
How it would never work out between you and me, as long as she was upstairs sitting in that chair.
Não poderá existir nada entre nós enquanto ela continuar inválida numa cadeira de rodas.
They work for us and say how terrible it was... that 6,000,000 Jews went into the oven.
Eles trabalham para nós e dizem como foi terrível... que 6 milhões de Judeus fossem para os fornos.
He was just showing me how it will work.
Ele estava apenas a mostrar-me como funcionará.
And when the season's work was over I'd pay him off, no matter how well he'd worked or how well he'd pleased me,'cause the man that's in a woman's bed thinks he's her boss
Mas nem todos, e nem sempre que eu queria. E quando o trabalho acabava, eu fazia as contas com ele. Não importa como ele trabalhou ou como ele me agradou.
"Officer Stanley Dolan said that the hardest part of police work was learning how to walk in high heels, man."
"O agente Stanley Dolan disse que o mais difícil do trabalho da polícia era aprender a andar com saltos altos."
How was it supposed to work?
Como deveria funcionar?
"Cantata of Pioneering Captain-General Don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras, of his Feats... in the Territories of the Indies, of the Singular Events in Which He was involved, and of How They Made Him Evolve." The work begins with Don Rodrigos arrival... in what would later be called the River Plate.
"Cantata do Adiantado don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras, de suas façanhas... em terras lndias, e dos singulares acontecimientos em que se envolveu, e de como se desenvolveu". A obra se inicia com a chegada de don Rodrigo... ao que logo se denominaria o Río de la Plata.
One might ask how I could be so sure this was the work of Jack Dalton.
E porque tinha eu tanta certeza de isto ser obra do Jack Dalton?
One time, when my momma was at work, and I was about 13, he come into my room and he told me to take my shirt off'cause he wanted to see how I was developed.
Uma vez, quando a minha mãe estava a trabalhar eu tinha uns 13 anos, ele entrou no meu quarto e pediu-me para eu tirar a blusa, para ver se eu "tinha crescido"
- The work was half done - you will inform me how it ended..
- O trabalho já está meio feito. - Vais dizer-me quando estiver terminado.
If I was you I would go round his gaff and pour break fluid all over his paint work, see how that goes down
Se fosse comigo, apanhava-lhe o carro e atirava-lhe óleo de travões para cima...
I was thinking, no matter how elaborate a philosophical system you work out in the end, it's gotta be incomplete.
Não importa o quanto é complexo o sistema filosófico... no final, acaba ficando incompleto.
I don't know how to work it, so I was kicking it and swearing at it... which is not an uncommon thing to do.
Não sei trabalhar com ela, portanto estava ao pontapé e a praguejar... o que não é nada de especial.
I told her how wonderful I thought your work was, so she'd like to come see it.
- Eu disse-lhe como o teu trabalho é bom. - Então ela disse que vai dar uma olhadela.
I guess I was naive about how things work in your business.
Acho que fui ingénua quanto aos seus negócios.
One might ask how I could be so sure this was the work of Jack Dalton. Well, sometimes you just know.
E porque tinha eu tanta certeza de isto ser obra do Jack Dalton?
When eventually he went home from hospital... he was told he needed 24-hour nursing, and everyone was saying... " How is he going to go in and do work?
Quando acabou por ir do hospital para casa, foi-lhe dito novamente que precisaria de cuidados durante 24 horas por dia e todos se questionavam como é que ele ia trabalhar?
I was just sitting here trying to work exactly how I ruined my life.
Estava só aqui a tentar decidir exactamente como dei cabo da minha vida.
I was sitting in my office... and it suddenly occurred to me how to make the ending work.
Estava no meu escritório e de repente ocorreu-me como fazer o fim resultar.
How was your day at work, dear?
Como correu o teu dia no emprego, querido?
How did he know what he did was going to work? He didn't.
Como é que ele sabia que o que fez ia funcionar?
You know, Olive was good. She still needs work, but- - Hey, Charlie, how are ya?
A Olive ainda tem de ser trabalhada, mas não foi mal...
How was it supposed to work
Como seria suposto trabalhar?
He talked about his work and his upcoming tour, how he was leaving for New York at the end of the week, how he didn't want to go, and right in the middle of it all, he began telling me stories.
Ele falou do seu trabalho e o seu próximo tour, e como estava de partida para Nova Iorque no final da semana, e que não lhe apetecia ir, e mesmo a meio de tudo, começou-me a contar histórias.
And he never told you how proud he was of all the work you did at his company.
Nunca disse que se orgulhava do teu trabalho na empresa dele.
I don't know how he was able to do it, how he ever went back to work.
Não sei como é que ele conseguiu. Como é que voltou a trabalhar.
I hope you told him how pleased I was with his work.
Espero que lhe tenhas dito o quão satisfeita fiquei com o seu trabalho.
On my way here, I was trying to work out... how many tricks you had to turn... to save 150,000 pesetas.
Quando vinha para cá, tentava calcular quantas quecas deves ter dado para economizar 150 mil pesetas.
How did you know I was here? You usually work through things with work.
Jefferson, the warden was very specific about how this was going to work.
Jefferson, o diretor foi muito específico sobre como irá funcionar.
You remember how much work it was when ally was born £ ¬ and £ ¬ you know... no offense £ ¬ but you were you.
Lembras-te do trabalho que foi quando a Ally nasceu e, tu sabes, sem ofensa, mas tu foste o costume.

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