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I think you're wrong traduction Portugais

475 traduction parallèle
I think I know what's wrong with the hotel. I know, too. You're fired.
A única sorte foi que não me atingiu.
I think you're wrong, Ravelli.
Penso que está enganado. Ravelli.
If you think I'm going to let a cheating, lying wretch like that upset my plans, you're wrong.
Se acha que vou deixar que uma aldrabona como ela estrague os meus planos, está enganada.
I think you're on the wrong track, sir but I've completed the list of what you term "copperheads" or "rebels."
Acho que você está no caminho errado, senhor... Mas eu completei a lista do que vocês chamam de "serpentes" ou "rebeldes".
Abby, dear, I think you're wrong.
Acho que estás enganada.
If you think I'm going to tell you, you're wrong.
Se esperas que te vá dizer, estás enganada.
I think you're wrong.
- Acho que está enganada.
If you think I was her lover, you're wrong.
Se sugere que ele era seu amante errado.
If you think I'll share you with that old bugger, you're wrong.
Se pensa que a vou dividir com aquele velho jarreta, está enganada.
I don't want to insist, but I think you're wrong lt doesn't start in that way, it starts with her saying she has had enough lt starts like that.
Não quero parecer insistente, mas está enganada. Não é assim! Começa com ela dizendo que não aguenta mais.
If you guys think this means I'll step into a ring, you're wrong.
Se acham que me põem num ringue, enganam-se.
Hold it, chief. I think you're fixin to raise the wrong hair.
Acho que está agredindo a pessoa errada.
- I think you're wrong.
- Acho que está errado.
I think you're wrong.
Acho que está enganado.
If it's love you're looking for, I think you're in the wrong racket.
Se é amor que procuras, acho que estás na profissäo errada.
If you think I'm kidding, you're wrong.
Se achas que estou a brincar, estás enganado.
Because I think you're wrong.
Acho que está enganado.
Because I think you're wrong.
pois acho que está enganada.
I think you ´ re wrong about her.
Acho que está enganado acerca dela.
If you think that I'm crazy, you're wrong!
Se pensas que estou louco enganas-te.
If you don't think I mean it, then you're wrong!
E se pensas que não quero, estás enganado!
I think you're wrong. Whatever happened between you and Micol... your friendship is worth saving.
Eu acho que estás errado. a vossa amizade vale a pena ser salva.
If you think I'll owe you for this, you're wrong.
Se julgas que te fico a dever, enganas-te.
If you think I'd risk some of the brothers just'cause your daughter's black, you're wrong, man.
Se julga que arriscaria a vida dos meus companheiros... só porque a sua filha é negra, está muito enganado.
Really, Hetty, I think you're absolutely wrong.
Acho que estás totalmente enganada.
If you think I'm suffering, you're quite wrong.
Se pensa que sofro, está enganado.
Whatever harm you think I've done your people, you're wrong.
Seja qual for o mal que pense que fiz à sua gente, está errado.
Listen. I could be wrong, but I really think they're going to lynch you.
Escuta... posso estar enganado, mas acho que querem linchar-te.
No, I think you're wrong.
Penso que está enganado.
Oh no, I think you're wrong there.
Não, não, acho que aí não tem razão.
You think I'm being taken in by a kiss. Well, you're wrong.
Foi isso que me deixou furioso.
I'll take S.C. Over Notre Dame, but I think you're dead wrong about Penn State.
Aceito que o SC vença o Notre Dame, mas acho que estás enganado em relação a Pennstate.
- I think.... No, you're wrong.
Nao, esta engadado.
If you think I needed you to teach me some kind of lesson today, you're wrong!
Se julgas que preciso de lições, estás enganada!
If you think I'd do anything to hurt Michael Knight... you're absolutely wrong.
Se achas que faria qualquer coisa para magoar o Michael Knight... estás absolutamente errada.
- Here, I think you're doing it wrong.
- Acho que estás a fazer isso mal.
I think you're wrong.
Acho que está errado.
If you think that I'm gonna stand for that, you're wrong.
Se pensas que vou permitir isso, estás enganado.
I think you're afraid of finding out that you're wrong.
Acho que tens é medo de descobrir que tens estado errada.
Feeling her out. I think you're wrong, man.
Penso que está enganado, homem.
Thank you, Grace. I think you're wrong.
Obrigado, Grace. Acho que estás enganada.
Now, Kelly, here's what I think you're doing wrong.
Ouve, Kelly, isto é o que penso que estás a fazer mal.
I think you have something inside of you... that is worth a great deal. Well, I think you're wrong.
- I think you're wrong.
- Enganas-te.
I have to tell you, I think what you're doing is wrong.
Tenho de te dizer que acho que estás a agir mal.
If you think I feel bad, well, you're wrong!
Se pensas que me sinto mal, estás errado!
And I think you're rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.
E penso que estás a afectar muita gente da maneira errada.
You're wrong, Rick, if you think I won't do it!
Enganas-te, se pensas que nao o faço!
Oh, I think you're wrong, Priscilla.
- Engana-se, há quem goste.
Well, I think you're wrong about that.
Pois olha, acho que fazes muito mal.
- Oh, I really think you're wrong.
- Acho que estás enganada.

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