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I was here first traduction Portugais

545 traduction parallèle
I was here first.
- Eu cheguei primeiro.
Excuse me, but I was here first.
Senhor, eu estava primeiro.
I was here first.
- Foste tu que começaste.
I've got to keep letting them know I was here first.
Tenho de lhes ir lembrando que cheguei aqui primeiro.
Lembrem-se de eu cheguei primeiro.
- I was here first.
- Eu cheguei primeiro.
I was here first.
Saia. Eu cheguei primeiro.
Hey, I was here first!
Olhe que eu estava primeiro.
- I was here first.
- Cheguei primeiro.
Oh, no, you don't. I was here first.
- Eu cheguei primeiro!
Here I was for the first time in my Iife, having a nice, peaceful time,
Aqui estava eu, pela primeira vez na vida a ter um belo repouso tranquilo.
I was right here, in this very chair when her first child, the little Princess Thérèse, was born.
Eu estava bem aqui, nesta cadeira... quando a primeira filha, a princesa Teresa, nasceu.
I came here when the first Mrs. De Winter was a bride.
Vim quando a primeira Sra. de Winter era uma noiva.
And he says, "Well, before I came out here to see you," he says, "my first impression was like in Bellevue."
E ele disse : "Bom, Mike, antes de vir aqui ver-vos, a minha primeira impressão foi como em Bellevue".
I saw it that first night he was here.
O vi a primeira noite que esteve aqui.
When I first began visiting you here, I didn't know I was going to fall in love.
Quando comecei a visitar o seu jardim, não sabia que me ia apaixonar desta maneira.
But I knew you were coming here today, and I had to see him first because... there was something very important I wanted to ask him.
Mas sabia que a Menina vinha e eu tinha de a ver, porque tenho uma pergunta muito importante para lhe fazer.
I was a horse's hindsight for coming here in the first place.
Eu fui um cú de cavalo vindo aqui primeiro.
It was the first time, since I was transferred here, that I had company and it was very pleasant.
É a primeira vez, desde que me transferiram para cá... que convivo com alguém e... foi um prazer.
When I first came here 50 years ago, I was just 20.
Quando cheguei aqui, há cerca de 50 anos, tinha 20 anos.
But I must admit I was pretty teed off the first time I came here.
Mas reconheço que fiquei algo zangado da primeira vez que vim aqui.
The first night I was here.
Na primeira noite que aqui estive.
Yeah? I was pretty sure you were. You know, when I first saw you down here...
Tive quase a certeza que era, quando a vi aqui em baixo...
Yeah, you mean like when I was first here.
Pois, como da primeira vez que eu cá vim.
It was he who first suggested I come here.
Foi ele quem primeiro sugeriu que viesse aqui.
Now they are, I mean before, first came to town. why weren't they stopped. There was nobody left here.
E antes, quando os mexicanos chegaram, porque é que ninguém se opôs?
I took them away from Braddock together with the Winchester, the first night he was here.
Afastei-me de Braddock junto com o Winchester, a primeira noite, que ele estava aqui.
I was just telling him that you're not the first through here this afternoon.
Estava a dizer-lhe, que não são os primeiros que passam hoje.
Much like my own when I first came here, only I was never given the ultimate authority to implement it.
Mas a mim não foi dado autorização para levá-lo a cabo.
When I first came here, I was a midget. Phaw!
Quando eu cheguei aqui era um anão.
Well, I was going to but Bobby had to come up here and feel it up here first.
Eu queria vir mas o Bobby preferiu ver primeiro como paravam as modas.
Yellow Hand... when you first brought me here, you said I was a horse. An animal.
Mão Amarela, quando me trouxeste para cá, disseste que eu era um cavalo.
Mark was the first one to sign. I had to come here to get his signature because he's gonna be gone this afternoon!
Tive de vir porque vai viajar esta tarde!
Curiously enough, I think she was the reason he came here in the first place.
Curiosamente, Waverley... acho que ela é a razão que eu vim.
If I was careful, I never would have come out here in the first place.
Se eu fosse cuidadosa, nunca teria vindo aqui, para começar.
I was the first one here.
- Fui o primeiro a chegar.
When Mac and I first came here, he was laughing like a hyena.
Quando cheguei aqui, ele estava a rir como uma hiena.
Imagine, on my very first day here I was served an excellent fillet of beef with mushrooms.
Imagine, no meu primeiríssimo dia aqui foi me servido um excelente filé com cogumelos.
- I was here first.
- A casa de banho é um problema?
Here I am, in court as lead defense counsel... for the first time and I'm going down in flames... because I can't settle this stupid case... that shouldn't have even made it to court... but the judge at the preliminary hearing... was a jackass.
Aqui estou eu, no tribunal como advogado de defesa. pela primeira vez estou a cair em chamas.... porque não consigo deixar este estúpido caso... aquilo não devia sequer ter chegado a tribunal... mas o juiz na audição preliminar... era um idiota.
I first realized we had a problem that was directly traceable to the chemical plant when a couple of kids burned themselves trying to put out a fire they started here, quite by accident.
Eu soube dos problemas da fábrica diretamente ligados aos resíduos por crianças tentando extinguir o fogo iniciado aqui. Por acidente, eles jogaram por coincidência?
The first night I was here, I said, "Where's the toilet?"
Na primeira noite que aqui vim, disse, "Onde é a casa de banho?"
I tell you, when we first came up here I thought it was kind of scary.
Quando chegámos pensei que era um pouco assustador.
The first time I ate here was in 1923. Or was it in'25?
O meu primeiro jantar aqui foi em 23, 28...
I was going to give it to you before we came up here here, but... things got so hectic and this is really the first chance we've had to be alone.
Ia dar-to antes de a gente vir, mas... as coisas ficaram tão estranhas... que não tivemos tempo de ficar a sós.
I haven't been here very long, but Mrs Tander, who was cook here when the first Mrs Vergerus was alive, she could tell you a thing or two.
A Sra. Tander poderia contar muita coisa.
When I first met this one here, she was a rag and a bone and a hank of hair.
Quando a conheci, era trapo e osso.
I was here first!
Eu estava aqui primeiro.
At first I thought I was wrong, but the more I ate here...
Primeiro, achei que estava enganado, mas quanto mais como aqui...
AMANDA : When you and your friends first showed up here... I thought I was experiencing a close encounter of some kind.
Quando tu e os teus amigos apareceram aqui, pensei que estava a experimentar um encontro imediato de algum tipo.
I was out here one night when I first saw Carter's men... rounding up the horses.
Estava por aqui uma noite, quando vi os homens do Carter a reunir os cavalos.

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