I was there too traduction Portugais
448 traduction parallèle
Well, some smart reporter could figure I was there too, you know?
Um jornalista espertalhão podia dar conta que eu também estava ali.
I was there too and I couldn't swear to nothing.
Eu vi-o! Eu estava lá, mas não podia ter certeza de nada.
I wish I was there too. I really do.
Eu também.
Yeah, but the guy called her around 9 : 30, too, and there was no answer on the telephone. I have to ask myself the question, why couldn't she answer the phone?
Pois, mas o tipo ligou-lhe por volta das 21h30, e ninguém atendeu o telefone, por isso é que tenho esta pergunta a atormentar-me,
And the first thing I shall say is, that she was there too.
Vou começar por dizer que ela estava lá. Ah sim?
"If there is another hotel in Cocoanut Beach, cancel our reservations." I knew it. It was too good.
Haverá tanta gente que seremos obrigados a recusar montes de pessoas.
I went to see Tiger Brown, and my father was there too.
Fui ao gabinete do Tigre Brown, e o meu pai também lá estava.
If you look on the first page you will see my name written down when I was born. And my little brother and sister marked down there too.
Se olhar para a primeira página, verá o meu nome escrito quando nasci e os do meu irmãozinho e da minha irmã também estão lá.
Sometimes I think Tarzan's up there too in the clouds, just like he was in the escarpment.
Às vezes, penso que Tarzan também está lá em cima... ... nas nuvens, tal como estava no maciço.
When I got there, it was too late.
Quando cheguei era tarde de mais.
If I was young and out there with one of you, I'd have been tempted, too.
Se fosse jovem e estivesse com vocês, também me sentiria tentado.
Me, too. I got holes in my cap, holes in my pants... but there ain't no holes in me, except the ones that was intended.
Tenho buracos no gorro, buracos em minha calça... mas me livrei de me mandarem ao buraco.
I told him there was too little salt.
Te avisei que havia pouco sal.
I always used to think there was too much of me in you... for us to hit it off... but I know now that that was wrong.
Sempre achei que havia muito de mim em si... para nos entendermos. Mas sei agora que estava errado.
You know, much as I hate to give Thomas J. Doyle too much credit, he might have gotten a hold of something when he said that was pretty private stuff going on out there.
Por muito que deteste dar crédito ao Thomas J. Doyle, ele pode ter acertado quando disse que o que se passa ali é privado.
I thought about you too while I was up there.
Também pensei muito em ti enquanto lá estive.
Well, I was sort of figurin'on going there myself someday... and I thought it would be kind of nice if you were up there too.
Bem, eu acho que vou para lá algum dia... e pensei que seria bom se estivesse lá também.
I knew what I was there for... and that whole family knew it, too.
Sabia porque estava lá... e toda aquela família sabia disso também.
I ordered the prowl car out, but when they got there, it was too late.
Mas quando lá chegaram já era tarde demais.
But I was watching you out there too.
Mas também o observava a si aí fora.
I was taken there by some boy who got too drunk to stand.
Fui levada por um rapaz que se embebedou.
- I was there, too.
A Montparnasse?
When you were marching into Dachau with those troops, I was there, too.
Quando você entrou em Dachau com as tropas, eu também estava lá.
If I'm not being too nosy, Your Highness... I read somewhere there was some dispute over the ownership of the Pink Panther.
Alteza, li que havia uma disputa pela posse do Pantera Cor-de-Rosa.
There weere the sound of horses. I knew it was too soon to be you
Escutámos uns cavalos, sabia que não eram vocês.
But, already at this point I started to suspect that there was something too modern, too industrialised in this landscape.
Mas, já neste ponto comecei a suspeitar que neste interior havia algo demasiado moderno, demasiado industrializado.
If there was an emergency, I'd be interested in how that crew reacted too.
Se houver uma emergência, também estarei interessada em como o grupo irá reagir.
If there was an emergency, I'd be interested in how that crew reacted, too.
Se houvesse uma emergência, gostaria de ver como reagiria a tripulação.
I was there, too, remember.
Eu também lá estava, lembra-se?
I was out there too.
Também lá estive.
I'm happy too, now at last we know there was a Sumerian influence here in Abu Simnel in the early pre-dynastic period,
Também estou feliz. Finalmente sabemos que existiu aqui influência suméria, aqui, em Abu Simbel, nos primórdios do período pré-dinástico, dois mil anos antes do reino de Tutankhamon.
Well, I was taking some snapshots of my nephew out at the pool And Tracy and her friend were out there, so I took one of them too
Eu estava a tirar fotografias ao meu sobrinho, na piscina, e a Tracy e o amigo estavam lá, por isso também tirei a eles.
I guess it was pretty dark up there too.
Acho que também devia estar muito escuro lá.
I was there, too, remember.
Eu também lá estava, lembras-te?
I know there was something there before, but we were here too!
Sei que houve algo aqui antes, mas éramos nós que estávamos aqui.
I see too much in his face that was never there before.
Vejo algo na sua cara que não havia antes.
I was too late to save her. She'd been stabbed by the time I got there!
Cheguei tarde, tentei salvá-la, imbecil.
And I knew too, as certainly as I knew that... that he knew - knew it was poisoned, knew that his end was there on that fork... and that he didn't care... that he welcomed it.
E também soube, com a mesma certeza, que ele sabia que estava a ser envenenado, que o seu fim chegara, naquele garfo, e que ele não se importava, que estava contente com isso.
Yes. There was a woman in Evanston, Illinois, but I learned too late.
Houve uma mulher em Evanston, Illinois, mas apercebeu-se tarde demais.
The last trip to Madrea, I noticed no one was too crazy about living there :
Na última viagem a Madrea notei que não gostavam de viver em Madrea.
Yeah. I mean, I... I know this is hard for you... and I know... we've had our problems, but... there was good stuff, too.
Quer dizer, eu... Eu sei que isto é difícil para ti... e eu sei... que nós temos tido os nossos problemas, mas... também havia coisas boas.
Being your mommy was one thing, but there are other things too and this is what I have to do.
Ser tua mamã era uma coisa, mas também existem outras coisas e é isto que eu tenho de fazer.
I recall his daughter was there, too.
A filha dele também lá estava.
Oh, I managed to get off a couple of shots, but there was just too many of them.
Consegui disparar alguns tiros, mas eles eram muitos.
I thought there was one reference too many to children... with gaunt rib cages and dull, listless eyes.
Só não gostei de "crianças com lúgubres costelas e olhos apáticos".
But I do know... that there was always something about Alex... that was too good for this world.
Mas sei que o Alex tinha algo bom demais para este mundo.
I couldn't make it out too clearly, because there was this bright glow.
Não vi muito bem porque havia... um brilho muito forte.
Ah, there, there, there, it really was too bad of me to spring it on you like that, but Watson here will tell you that I never can resist a touch of the dramatic.
Não deveria tê-lo apanhado assim de surpresa, mas Watson sabe que não resisto a uma pitada de dramatismo.
Kemal Yfter earned five million dollars but I believe there was a nice slice of the pie for you too. - What do you want from me?
Kemal Yfter lucrou 5 milhões de dólares, mas creio que a si também lhe deve ter calhado uma bela fatia do bolo...
There was a line at the gate too, but I got rid of them.
Já faziam fila no portão, mas mandei-as embora.
Now basically, I was an honest kid. But there are some things in life... that are just too compelling.
Basicamente, eu era um fedelho honesto....... mas, há coisas na vida que são difíceis de resistir.
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was kidding 211
i was just passing by 33
i wasn't talking to you 127