It just stopped traduction Portugais
243 traduction parallèle
- It just stopped at the foot of the pass.
- Parou no sopé da passagem.
- It just stopped.
- Parou, simplesmente.
Then it just stopped.
E de repente parou.
And it just stopped?
E parou simplesmente?
Then around daybreak, it just stopped.
Depois, por volta do amanhecer, simplesmente parou.
His breathing just slowed down and then it just stopped.
A respiração dele abrandou e depois parou.
Then suddenly it just stopped.
De repente, parou.
I don't know what happened. It just stopped...
- Não sei o que aconteceu...
It just stopped...
- Saca isso daqui.
It was nice 1 day it just stopped
Foi bom. Mas um dia... parou de repente.
( man ) Just about August, it was ordered that a lot of production was stopped or minimised. And there was a kind of a euphoria that the war was, so to say, over.
Em Agosto, mandaram parar ou minimizar parte da produção e havia uma grande euforia, porque a guerra acabara.
I've been all over this country, looking for the exact right place and right people, so once I got stopped, I wouldn't have to be moving again. And it just hasn't worked out.
Corri a região à procura do sítio certo e das pessoas certas, para não ter de me fazer de novo ao caminho, mas não deu certo.
I'm just sorry it had to be you, Jim. I'm glad your arrival stopped this.
Ainda bem que a vossa chegada impediu isto.
If we could just throw it off, interrupt the cycle, then he might be stopped by his own inflexible standards.
Se pudermos interromper o ciclo... então talvez ele poderá ser detido pelo seu próprio padrão inflexível.
Just as acids or alkali in the blood stopped it.
Só os ácidos e os álcalis do sangue puderam pará-lo.
It'll just take a second I stopped by your apartment a few times
Passei pelo seu apartamento algumas vezes. Porquê?
It sort of worries me that I stopped you from going just now.
Está a incomodar-me não o ter deixado ir logo.
She tried to take poison for the shame of it and they stopped... her just in time.
Ela tentou envenenar-se pela vergonha e eles detiveram-na a tempo.
It was flying along, then it just smacked right into the tower and dragged it about 100 yards, Then it stopped and it's floating here,
Estava voando, então tombou com a torre e arrastou-a por 90 metros. Depois parou, e ficou flutuando aqui.
Sir, it just shot straight up at over mach ten... and stopped 20 miles up.
Eles voaram 10 vezes a velocidade do som. E pararam a 20 milhas lá em cima.
I went running after it, and then it just suddenly stopped.
Eu fui a correr atrás dele, e de repente ele parou.
- I just got it stopped.
- Acabo de parar.
It was never more than just a little knockabout place. But now that I look back on it, when that cafe closed... the heart of the town just stopped beating.
Ele foi sempre uma espelunca, mas agora que penso nisso, quando o Café fechou o coração da vila parou de bater.
It's like it all just stopped,
É como se tudo tivesse parado.
Well, that's why I stopped by. I just wanted to make sure that it was really okay.
Sim, por isso passei por aqui, queria saber se está tudo certo.
It's as if for Counsellor Troi, for three minutes, time just stopped.
- Não sei. É como se para a conselheira o tempo tivesse parado três minutos.
- It just means the signal stopped.
Só significa que o sinal parou.
She stopped in here just before it happened to stock up on cigars for him.
O curioso, é que ela parou aqui mesmo antes de tudo acontecer. Para lhe comprar cigarros.
Hey, I was just thinking, when we stopped for gas this morning I think it was you who put the oil in.
Estava aqui a pensar, quanto parámos para pôr gasolina acho que foste tu que puseste óleo.
I mean, we just make it look like, uh, we stopped a robbery in progress.
- Abatêmo-lo. Fazemos crêr que impedimos o crime.
But your torpedoes just stopped us from getting it to our crew and putting an end to this.
Mas seus torpedos nos impediram de dá-la a nossa tripulação e colocar um fim nisso.
Then, after many of our caste died fighting it... it was they who just stopped.
Depois, após muitos da nossa casta terem morrido a lutá-la... foram eles que a pararam simplesmente.
- It just stopped.
- Parou.
She just, I don't know, stopped feeding it. So after a while it wandered away.
Deixou de alimentá-la e ela foi-se.
So I pulled offthe road and I just sorta stopped in this I guess it was a rest area.
Por isso encostei o carro e parei num lugar, acho que eram uns serviços.
- You stopped by just to give it to me?
- E vieste aqui só para mo dar?
Yeah, I thought it was just time I stopped living'like a frat boy.
Pensei que já era tempo de parar de viver como um rapaz universitário.
That's just the point. It didn't seem right to ManueIe, because the lass made no sign. But a car stopped, the door already open for her to get in.
O caso é que a Manuelle não estranhou porque a fulana não fez sinais, mas parou um carro com a porta já aberta para que entrasse.
I liked it when animals barred my way, or I just stopped for them.
Gosto quando os animais nos fazem parar. Ou de parar para os observar.
It was fun from then on... once I stopped trying to do it and just have fun with it and be it.
A partir daí foi muito divertido. Assim que parei de me esforçar e me comecei a divertir, deixei levar-me.
If just one person had stopped and taken the time to look at the guy to listen to him, to figure out what was wrong with him it might not have happened.
Se apenas uma pessoa tivesse parado e perdido o tempo para olhar para o tipo, para ouvi-lo, para se aperceber do que estava de mal com ele, talvez não tivesse acontecido.
I just stopped by to say congratulations... ... and I think it's great. "
Só passei por cá para vos felicitar e acho que é fantástico. "
If I'd deployed one Nova bomb, just one, I could've stopped the Long Night before it began.
Se tivesse disparado uma Bomba Nova, só uma, Podia ter parado a Noite Longa antes de começar.
It's almost like time just stopped.
É como se o tempo tivesse parado.
You know, maybe it would be best if you just stopped talking.
Parece-me que será melhor que fique calado.
I just can't put the genie back in the bottle, because... if she suddenly stopped working, you know, just dropped out of sight, they'd never let it rest.
Não posso pôr o génio na garrafa, porque se ela parasse de trabalhar e nunca mais aparecesse, não me deixavam em paz.
After he turned me away from his house, he put me back at my old desk, and he just stopped doing it.
Depois de me fechar a porta na cara, voltou a instalar-me na minha antiga secretária e parou de fazer aquilo.
He stopped just short of calling me by name, I'm losing it!
Ele parou logo a seguir de me chamar pelo nome.
Curran, have you ever stopped to wonder why none of the little games you play ever work or do you just figure it's a hygiene problem?
Curran, alguma pensaste... porque nenhum dos teus jogos funciona... ou será algum problema de higiene?
I just can't put the genie back in the bottle, because... if she suddenly stopped working, you know, just dropped out of sight, they'd never let it rest.
Eu não posso pôr o génio de novo na garrafa. Se de repente ela parar de funcionar. E quem sabe, desaparecer.
He just stopped outside the kitchen to eat something and just... It's okay.
Ele parou na cozinha para comer algo e... tudo bem.
it just happens 49
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21
it just doesn't feel right 28
it just occurred to me 28
it just goes to show 17
it just is 92
it just feels right 19
it just doesn't 17
it just so happens 29
it just came out 53
it just started 21