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It was amazing traduction Portugais

851 traduction parallèle
It was amazing, going round and round and round!
Até fazia impressão, a andar à roda.
And I tell you, Martha, it was amazing, as if he could see through the cards.
E digo-te, Martha, foi espantoso, como se pudesse ver pelas cartas.
It was amazing.
Foi espantoso.
It was amazing!
Foi incrível!
It was amazing.
Foi incrível!
It was amazing.
Era espantoso.
I must really tell you. Tonight it was amazing.
Maurizio devo te dizer que foi realmente extraordinária esta noite.
Bud, it was amazing.
Bud, foi fantástico.
It was amazing.
Aquela foi excelente.
It was amazing, and endless, and magnificent.
Foi espantoso, interminável e magnífico.
It was amazing.
Foi incrível.
Quer dizer, foi incrível!
[Voiceover] It was amazing. Somebody pinch me.
- Alguém me beliscou.
I think it was amazing.
Foi fantástico.
It was amazing.
Era inacreditável.
It was amazing. It was one of the best parties I have ever been to.
Foi uma das melhores festas onde já estive.
- Because it was amazing.
Porque foi incrível.
It was amazing, and not just for her.
Foi espantoso e não foi só para ela.
Yeah, it was pretty amazing, I'm really proud of you.
Sim, foi muito incrivel, Estou realmente orgulhoso de voce.
Amazing. It landed five miles from where I did. They told me it was still going when they picked it up.
Aterrou a quilómetros de mim e continua a funcionar na perfeição.
And it was amazing.
E é incrível...
Foi uma experiência incrível, Max.
You know, it's really amazing that anyone was able to go this far.
É mesmo incrível alguém ter chegado tão longe.
The initial phase of the war was of periods more amazing than I lived, therefore it was a time of euphoria for the people of this country.
A fase inicial da guerra foi dos períodos mais espantosos que vivi, pois foi uma época de euforia para as pessoas deste país.
I mean, it was just amazing.
Era espantoso.
- That was some 14 years ago. - It is an amazing story.
- É uma história fantástica.
It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!
Nunca vi nada tão excitante!
In the few months the organism was there, the weightless vacuum of space allowed it to mutate at an amazing rate.
Nos poucos meses que o organismo esteve lá, a ausência de peso no vácuo permitiu esta mutação de rapidez admirável.
It's amazing that no one was hurt in the explosion.
É impressionante como ninguem Ficou ferido na explosão.
Yeah, you know, it's amazing how he sensed I was doing that.
Sim, é espantoso como ele sentiu que eu estava a fazer aquilo.
It was just amazing he could guess the kid was dyslec... dis-disick or some...
Foi assombroso que soubesse que o moço é disléxico... ou algo assim.
It was just amazing.
Era espantoso.
It was pretty amazing.
foi mesmo fantastico.
It was Szalinski's matter-expanding machine that was responsible for last night's amazing events.
Foi a máquina de expansão de matéria de Szalinski a responsável por todos esses acontecimentos.
Did you know, M. Poirot, what the wreath of flowers from the funeral ceremony was still lying on the antechamber floor when my father opened the tomb? - It is amazing.
O senhor sabia, Poirot, que a coroa de flores da cerimónia fúnebre estava no chão da antecâmara quando o meu pai abriu o túmulo?
It's amazing to think that a couple thousand years ago life expectancy was 30. Which, in our terms, would mean you get your driver's license around 5 you'd marry at 9, divorced at 15.
É espantoso pensar que, há escassos 2 mil anos, a probabilidade de vida era de 30 anos, o que, segundo os nossos padrões, significa, que se tira a carta de condução lá pelos 5,
It was warm, and there was this amazing tingling sensation that...
Era quente e tive uma sensação de formigamento incrível que...
"And when Mel Clark made his amazing comeback in August... it was Roger's- - it was Roger's idea to start him."
"Quando o Mel Clark fez o seu retorno fantástico, a ideia dele jogar foi de Roger." Sou eu.
- What an amazing place! When was it built?
Que lugar incrível!
It's an amazing story. Shortly after Mrs Werner was crippled her husband was hit by a heavy concrete flowerpot.
- É uma história impressionante. o marido foi atingido por um vaso de flores de cimento.
It's amazing how he manipulated the shock wave sensors into thinking... something the size of the Rocky Mountains... was trying to penetrate the system.
É espantoso como ele manipulou os sensores do Onda de Choque para pensar que algo do tamanho das Montanhas Rochosas tentava penetrar no sistema.
It was pretty amazing.
Foi absolutamente fantástico.
It was... amazing.
Foi... incrível.
Amazing, amazing. How'd you know it was ruined?
Como é que soube que se tinha estragado?
It was an amazing experience, but it's left me a little disturbed.
Foi uma experiência incrível mas que me deixou um pouco perturbada.
I WAS a scientist on the verge of an amazing liquid skin discovery, until they took it all away.
Era um cientista prestes a descobrir o segredo da pele líquida, até eles me tirarem tudo.
It was the most amazing journey. - What do you mean?
Foi uma viagem incrível.
I mean I was actually riding the wave! Yeah, it was amazing.
It was an amazing gift.
Foi uma prenda fantástica.
It was an amazing game though.
No dia do jogo, estamos num bar a fazer horas, e vejo entrar uma mulher.
It was... amazing.
Foi incrível.

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