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It was over traduction Portugais

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- It was over too soon.
- Não, passou rápido de mais..
I wanted to see the look in his eyes when he knew it was over.
Queria ver os seus olhos quando soubesse que o fim tinha chegado.
It was over a woman.
Algo sobre uma mulher.
The next day, it was over.
No dia seguinte, acabou.
And even so, I-I... I went to serge, and I told him that it was over.
E, mesmo assim, falei com o Serge e terminei com ele.
Actually, it was over 147 years ago.
- Na verdade, acabou há 147 anos.
- I'd say it was over a new issue.
Diria que era por causa de um caso recente.
He crushed me, and just when I thought it was over, that he couldn't destroy anything else or do anything worse...
Esmagou-me. E quando pensava que tinha acabado, que ele não podia destruir mais nada, ou fazer algo pior...
It was over.
Tinha acabado.
It was over.
Já tinha acabado.
It was over a procedure that your son helped me conquer.
Em nome de um procedimento que o seu filho me ajudou a conquistar.
# It was rising up over the hills
# It was rising up over the hills
It was the Christians and the lions all over again.
Foi como os cristãos a enfrentarem os leões.
The club was pissed, but he said he'd smooth it over.
O clube ficou fulo, mas, ele disse que resolveria. Sim, mas... mas...
That was a difficult situation, and I want you to know it's over now, all right?
Foi uma situação difícil e eu quero que saibas que terminei tudo, está bem?
If I was the thief, which I am by no means admitting, I could have read that schedule a hundred times over before I was forced to destroy it.
Se fosse eu o ladrão, o que não estou minimamente a considerar-me, poderia ter lido aquele itinerário uma centena de vezes antes de ter sido obrigado a destruí-lo.
Well, if I remember correctly, it was an argument for the Pope's absolute authority over national rulers in all matters, both spiritual and temporal.
Se me lembro correctamente, era um argumento para a autoridade absoluta do Papa, sobre governantes nacionais, em todas as questões, quer espirituais quer temporais.
It was Dominique's special powers of persuasion... that finally won him over.
Foi o poder de persuasão da Dominique que lhe deu a volta.
Two people are dead, it was all over the news.
Houve dois mortos, apareceu nas notícias...
I didn't know it was gonna be flying all over the place!
Eu não sabia que ia voar por todo o lado.
It was because of his persistent barking last night that I even bothered to come over.
Foi por causa dele ter ladrado muito, ontem à noite, que nem me preocupei em passar por cá. Como está a tua cabeça?
- It was all over the place.
- Estavam por todo o lado.
- It was all over!
- Estava por todo o lado.
It was the best time we'd had for over a year.
Foram os melhores momentos que tivemos, durante mais de um ano.
Last night was amazing, and now you're just over it.
Ontem à noite foi fantástico e agora já esqueceste.
Anyways, it was still nice to meet you and your family, even though you kind of screwed us over.
Seja como for, foi bom conhecer-te a ti e à tua família, ainda que nos tenham lixado.
Like, Mother would have completely taken over if it was at her house.
A mãe teria tomado conta de tudo se fosse em casa dela.
Later, tectonic forces lifted the skeletal reef high above sea level, where it was eroded and sculpted over eons by wind and rain.
Mais tarde, forças tectónicas ergueram o esqueleto do recife muito acima do nível do mar, onde foi erodido e esculpido durante eras pelo vento e pela chuva.
It was a popular neighborhood joint over in Bunkhead.
Era um local popular nas redondezas, em Bunkhead.
Hey, uh, I don't know if you doth realize it or not, but, uh, I was pretty helpfull with Yon Knight over there.
Não sei se por um acaso percebeu ou não, mas ajudei muito aquele cavaleiro.
It was a tough commute, but she found something over in The Hamptons.
Foi difícil, mas, ela encontrou algo nas Hamptons.
I was confused and actually I got depressed over it.
Fiquei confuso. Na verdade, fiquei deprimido.
I was driving home over the bridge and I just thought, maybe this could be it.
Conduzia para casa pela ponte e pensei, talvez isto pudesse acontecer.
Now that he knows she was unfaithful, it's over.
Agora que sabe que ela foi infiel, acabou.
Now that he knows she was unfaithful, it's over.
Agora que ele sabe que ela foi infiel, acabou.
And if it was an accident, something I've shed tears over, Would that change your opinion of me?
E se foi um acidente, algo que já lamentei, isso não mudaria a tua opinião sobre mim?
So many epic changes over one short summer... That it was reassuring to see some things - hadn't changed at all.
Tantas mudanças num Verão tão curto, que era animador ver que algumas coisas não tinham mudado.
I was getting out of the car, and I saw this baby shoe, and I leaned over to get it.
Estava a sair do carro quando vi um sapato de bebé e me baixei para o apanhar.
And it looks like the dirt was brushed over.
E parece que a terra foi remexida.
"The nightmares, the hangovers, the fucking and the punching, the gorgeous, shimmering insanity of this city of ours, where for years I woke up, fucked up, said I was sorry, passed out, and did it all over again."
"Os pesadelos, as ressacas, as fodas e os murros," "a cintilante insanidade desta nossa história," "onde, durante anos, acordei,"
I was around, passably cute, and now it's over.
Eu estava por perto, razoavelmente gira. E agora acabou-se.
I'm so sorry for the confusion, but she was under strict orders not to mention it to anybody, but I can assure you that she's saved your store over several hundred dollars in the last couple weeks.
- Desculpe a confusão, mas ela não podia contar a ninguém. Mas posso garantir que ela lhe poupou centenas de dólares nas últimas semanas. - Verdade?
But over it was not.
- Mas não tinha acabado.
I snuck in, removed a wire from the orchestra's piano, and slipped it... Over the lead actor's neck as the first act was ending.
Entrei secretamente, retirei uma corda do piano e fi-la deslizar... pelo pescoço do protagonista no final do primeiro acto.
So maybe it was pulled over before?
Então, talvez ele já tenha sido detido antes?
Um, I was just... going over it, you know, before I...
Eu estava só... a pensar nisto, sabes, antes de eu...
So I was you, I'd hand it over. Now before you get to wishing you ain't never even got out of bed this morning.
Se fosse a ti, entregava-o agora, antes que desejes não ter saído da cama.
It was Slade all over again.
Foi como com o Slade.
So I showed him the code and I didn't know what would come next but as it turns out, over the course of the next few hours of that conference he was sitting in the corner improving my code,
Portanto, mostrei-lhe o código e não sabia o que viria a seguir, mas, acontece que, no decurso das horas seguintes naquela conferência, ele ficou sentado a um canto, a melhorar o meu código, a recrutar um amigo que vivia perto de uma das bibliotecas
So, it wasn't handing information over, it was, at least this was how I saw, it was just having a discussion, having an inteview with them
Em que, basicamente, lhes dava informação em troca de proteção da acusação. Não era dar informação. Era...
And so it was our belief that with that the case would be over.
E, portanto, acreditámos que, com isso, o caso terminaria.

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