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It was just traduction Portugais

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He told him it was just mining equipment.
Disse-lhe que era equipamento de mineração.
Maybe it was just a warning shot.
Talvez fosse só um tiro de advertência.
You said it was just "general chatter."
Disseste que era só por precaução.
It was just before the yellow pipe at the time.
Estava mesmo antes do cano amarelo.
You've always been the guide in our family, and to see you up there guiding the whole Movement, it was... it was just...
Sempre guiaste a nossa família e ver-te ali em cima, a guiar todo o Movimento, foi simplesmente... Está bem.
Maybe it was just the dose she needed to close the vessel.
Era a dose de que precisava para fechar o canal, parece.
It... it... it was just a hook-up.
Isso... Isso... Era apenas um caso.
Oh, it was just... I was just... no, I'm sorry, it was...
Não acredito.
Now, I don't remember the last time it was just you and me hanging out.
Não me lembro da última vez que nós os dois saímos sozinhos.
It was just a stupid letter.
Foi só uma estúpida carta.
I can't explain it. It was just there.
Não consigo explicar, só estava lá.
You know, before the quarantine was in place in St. Louis, it was just me and 115 people in a Costco.
Sabe... antes da quarentena ser estabelecida em St. Louis, era apenas eu e mais 115 pessoas num "Costco".
It felt really real at the time, but it was just the Ayahuasca, or whatever he put in that stuff.
Parecia muito real na altura mas foi apenas a Ayahuasca, ou o que quer que ele tenha posto na bebida.
But it was just an accident.
Mas foi um acidente.
Sorry, it was just such a tough semester, with work, and Roscoe, and Violet, and... crazy stuff around here.
Desculpa, foi um semestre muito difícil, com o trabalho, o Roscoe, a Violet e as loucuras por aqui.
It was just a few jokes over coffee.
Só estava a fazer algumas piadas no café.
It was just a text.
Era só uma mensagem.
It was just role-play.
Era só uma encenação.
Yeah, it was just fine.
Sim, só... bom.
God, it feels like it was just a few days ago that I was braiding Kim's hair.
Parece que ainda foi ontem que eu fazia trancinhas à Kim.
But I felt it was just the kind of lie Diaz would enjoy telling as it'll inevitably score him political points hit the sweet spot of jingoistic outrage.
Mas achei que era o tipo de mentira que o Diaz gostaria de dizer, dado trazer-lhe inevitavelmente benefícios políticos, ao acertar em cheio no sentimento de ultraje chauvinista.
Yeah, it was just the right amount.
- Foi apenas a quantidade certa.
- Okay. - It was just...
- Foi apenas...
Okay, so now we just have to figure out a way to narrow it down to the one that Collins was using to communicate with us.
Agora temos de descobrir um modo de reduzir isto para qual deles o Collins usa para falar connosco.
Oh, I was just gonna tell you about this thing that happened. It's-it's crazy.
Apenas te queria contar uma coisa que aconteceu.
It was all just a fantasy.
Foi tudo, apenas, uma fantasia.
He was just holding onto it in case he needed it.
Estava só a guardá-lo, caso precisasse dele.
The inspectors just had to take a look to see that it was not in order.
Os inspectores só tiveram que dar uma vista de olhos para ver que não estava em ordem.
It doesn't say on the file, but this was sent to Baker just one week ago.
Não diz no arquivo, mas isto foi enviado ao Baker a semana passada.
Oh, God. The guy was so drunk, he just left it.
O tipo estava tão bêbado que se esqueceu do cartão.
On the dance floor she was just working and twerking it.
Ela dançava e rebolava na pista de dança.
Well, I was just out doing a little shopping and I thought I would pick you up a few things, but it looks like maybe you don't need them.
Bom, eu estava fazendo umas comprinhas e eu pensei trazer algumas coisas, mas parece que não precisa.
I knew Henry was acting strange, but I just assumed it was because his father's deployment had been extended.
Sabia que o Henry andava estranho, mas assumi que era por causa da missão do pai dele ter sido prolongada.
I don't know. I just felt like it was time for me to start being a normal teenager, I guess?
Apenas senti que estava na altura de eu começar a ser uma adolescente normal, acho eu?
It's just... I was just freaking out.
Estava a passar-me.
It seems like I was just here signing these for Jenny's last surgery.
Parece que ainda ontem estava a assinar os papéis da última cirurgia da Jenny.
Now, nothing was damaged, nothing was missing, so the cops just chalked it up to a prank.
Não havia nada estragado, nem nada desaparecido, portanto, a Polícia descreveu-o como uma partida.
I was just skimming through it.
Só estava a folhear.
It was not just role-play.
Não era só uma encenação.
I was just skimming through it.
Estava só a folhear.
It wasn't just your sister that I killed, was it?
Não foi apenas a tua irmã que eu matei, pois não?
Yeah, I was really just talking about the modem. But, sure, I get it.
- Eu estava só a falar do modem.
Yeah, okay, I also just wanted to call and say thanks for, you know, seeing that Mutiny Exchange wasn't something we could do on our own and that it was smart to buy SwapMeet.
Sim. Também queria ligar para agradecer ter visto que a Mutiny Exchange era algo que não podíamos fazer sozinhas e que era inteligente comprar a SwapMeet.
That's weird. I was just talking on it last night.
Que estranho, ainda ontem à noite estive a falar nele.
But his handlers monitored the meet, and, uh, I don't know, it was clear to me that I was just there to listen.
Mas, os contactos dele vigiaram o encontro, e, não sei, para mim ficou claro que eu estava lá apenas para ouvir.
And to be honest, it was nice to just let someone else drive for awhile. Ugh!
E para ser honesto, foi porreiro deixar alguém conduzir por algum tempo.
How hangs it? I was just coming by to get some milk, but you guys probably already dried her out, didn't you?
Só vim aqui pegar um pouco de leite, mas vocês já devem tê-la secado, não é mesmo?
I-I didn't want you to get the victory, though, so I just said that I loved it, but... it was all an act, man.
No entanto, eu não queria que tu ganhasses, então eu disse que adorei, mas... Foi tudo encenação, meu.
She was just wearing it.
Ela tinha-o vestido.
I hope it doesn't make you too jealous, but I was just sexting with Randy.
Espero não te causar ciúmes, mas acabei de mandar um SMS de sexo para o Randy.
It's so obvious ; Come on. your cinder-hellion had just plunged a screwdriver into the poor lad, when she was interrupted by the chambermaid, who she then snuffed out with her bare hands.
É tão óbvio, A tua Cinder-diabrete enfiou uma chave-de-fendas no pobre rapaz, quando ela foi interrompida pela criada de quarto, ela estrangulou-a com as próprias mãos.

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