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Lieutenants traduction Portugais

296 traduction parallèle
Lieutenants Maréchal and Rosenthal have escaped!
Major, os tenentes MaréchaI e Rosenthal evadiram-se.
"The achievement was led and inspired... by two British officers of the Royal North Surrey Regiment... captured in the fight at Gakdul Wells, Lieutenants Burroughs and Willoughby."
Dois oficiais britânicos lideraram o regimento Surrey, capturados em Gakdul : os tenentes Burroughs e Willoughby ".
- "Lieutenants Burroughs and Willoughby'- - Hmm. "... whose release from prison was due to an act of heroism... described to me personally by Lieutenant Burroughs.
" Os tenentes Burroughs e Willoughby, cuja fuga da prisão, se deveu a um acto heróico, descrito pelo Ten.
- Lieutenants Lange and Schneider.
- Tenentes Lange e Schneider. - Sim, senhor.
Believe me, they don't roll second lieutenants at the Maison Lafitte.
Acredite, eles não engatam segundos Tenentes na'Maison Lafitte'.
Lieutenants Miller, Dorr, Perry... Rujesky, Karlen, and Musetti.
Tenente Miller, Dorr, Perry, Rujeski, Carlin e Musett.
Unless it's the custom at Fort Apache to provide transportation for incoming second lieutenants and leave a commanding officer to travel shanks'mare.
A menos que seja hábito no Forte Apache... fornecer transporte a segundos tenentes... e deixem um oficial em Comando ir a pé.
You made a fool out of a couple of young lieutenants.
Fez dois tenentes de tolos.
Captain of a troop one day, every man's face turned towards you, lieutenants jump when I growl.
Um dia, capitão das tropas, todos nos admiram, os tenentes saltam quando rosno.
Lieutenants. captains... colonels... colonels... generals.
Tenentes, capitão... coronéis... - Oh! - coronéis... generais.
- Like second lieutenants wear?
- Como a roupa de segundos-tenentes?
Lieutenants :
Tenentes :
Papa says as long as I say my prayers and behave myself with the young lieutenants, he doesn't care if I ride like Lady Godiva.
O pai diz desde eu faça minhas preces e me comporte com os tenentes novos, não se importa que eu até monte como a Lady Godiva.
There was a general, a major, two captains, two lieutenants and me.
Havia um general, um major, dois capitães, dois tenentes e eu.
But if they have, become lieutenants, as the son of Mr. Count,
Mas se têm, são tenentes, como o filho do Sr. Conte,
You already have many lieutenants, and I only want what's due me.
Já tens muitos tenentes, e eu somente quero o que é para mim.
After all, when he went to the Sudan... as Governor General and put down the slave trade... with nothing but his own audacity... and a few loyal lieutenants... sir, he didn't face the Mahdi. He didn't face a holy war... and he didn't face 10,000 Remington rifles.
Quando lá esteve como Governador-geral e acabou com o tráfico de escravos só com a sua audácia e uns poucos ajudantes leais, não tinha de enfrentar o Mahdi ou uma guerra santa, e não tinha pela frente 10.000 espingardas.
- Sir, Lieutenants Taylor and Welch.
- Os Tenentes Taylor e Welch.
But the other is one of Mongo's lieutenants.
Mas o outro é um dos tenentes do Mongo.
But lieutenants often do.
Mas os Tenentes costumam ter esse ar.
Every plainclothes man in the division and one, maybe two lieutenants?
Todos os paisanas da Divisão, e um, ou talvez dois tenentes?
Assign Lieutenants Boomer and Sheba as shuttle pilots.
Designe os Tenentes Boomer e Sheba para pilotar o vaivém.
One of them cocky gook asshole lieutenants and shit...
Com um daqueles tenentes merdosos.
I didn't know police lieutenants worked traffic detail.
Não sabia que os tenentes da polícia trabalhavam no trânsito.
They got two lieutenants and a captain.
Atingiram dois tenentes e um capitão.
Captains, lieutenants...
Capitães, tenentes...
NEWSCASTER 1 Lieutenants Ray Tango and Gabriel Cash two highly decorated officers, go on trial today for slaying an undercover agent during a drug-sting operation.
Os Tenentes Tango e Gabriel Cash, dois agentes altamente condecorados, vão hoje ser julgados pela chacina dum agente à paisana durante uma operação antidroga.
"... the need for exquisite caution. Many-faced lieutenants of Lucifer. "
Requer extremo cuidado no manuseamento ; alguns já experimentaram tentações luciferianas.
Maybe I can get one of his lieutenants.
Talvez eu consiga um dos seus tenentes.
He was teaching hand-to-hand combat to second lieutenants...
Ensinava a combater mano-a-mano...
- From teaching those lieutenants.
- que ensino aos segundos-tenentes.
I suppose I must introduce you to Lieutenants Gibbons and Berry
Acho que devo apresentar-lhe os Tenentes Gibbons e Berry.
I believe these are the remains of one of our lieutenants.
Poderiam ser de um de nossas tenentes.
Are all the Starfleet lieutenants as brash as you are?
Todos os tenentes da Frota Estelar são assim tão insolentes como você?
Theres the lieutenants jeep.
Aí está o jipe do tenente.
The lieutenants left.
O tenente foi-se embora.
Lieutenants Lee, Cappy and Roberts reporting as ordered, General.
Tenente Lee, Cappy and Roberts apresentando-se, General.
What if this is one of Bill Church's lieutenants?
E se for um dos braços direitos do Bill Church?
Lieutenants Paris, Torres and Durst.
Os Tenentes Paris, Torres e Durst.
If the two lieutenants prevail, they'll most likely sell them to Spain and they'll be executed.
Se os dois oficiais triunfarem, eles serão muito provavelmente vendidos a Espanha e executados.
Neither, of course, do those for salvage made by Lieutenants Meade and Gedney.
O mesmo sucede com a dos tenentes Meade e Gedney.
Eight days ago Terek and his lieutenants were spotted in the town of Porvoo 60 kilometers west of Helsinki.
Há oito dias, o Terek e os seus capangas foram avistados na cidade de Porvoo, 60 quilómetros a oeste de Helsínquia.
" Meet Tony Brancato and Anthony Trombino two rising lieutenants in the Mickey Cohen rackets.
Apresento-vos Tony Brancato e Anthony Trombino dois homens em ascensão nos negócios de Cohen.
They're 86ing Cohen's lieutenants.
Estão a arrumar os homens do Cohen.
This includes the assassinations of Mickey Cohen lieutenants the systematic blackmail of city officials and the murders of Susan Lefferts, Pierce Patchett, Sid Hudgens and Sergeant Jack Vincennes.
Isto inclui os assassínios dos homens de M. Cohen a chantagem de altos funcionários e as mortes de Susan Lefferts, Pierce Patchett, Sid Hudgens e do sargento Vincennes.
Lieutenants Paris and Torres, I'd like to speak with you for a moment.
Tenentes Paris e Torres, gostaria de falar com vocês um momento.
The emperor Pericles relied more for policy on his mistress than he ever did on his lieutenants.
O imperador Pericles confia mais nas mulheres na política... do que nos seus tenentes.
Second Lieutenants.
Lieutenants Paris and Torres, Ensign Kim.
Tenente Paris e Torres... Alferes Kim.
Good evening, Lieutenants.
Boa noite tenentes.
I've learned from observing Lieutenants Torres and Paris that humans sometimes require a pretext for being intimate with one another.
Aprendi observando os Tenentes Torres e Paris que humanos as vezes precisam de pretexto para se aproximarem.

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