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Light him up traduction Portugais

96 traduction parallèle
This is a fireplug and I'm going to light him up.
Isto é um pistão e eu vou ligá-lo.
You light him up in his eyes, I've seen it.
Fá-lo feliz, já o vi.
- Light him up.
- lluminem-no.
- Light him up again.
- Reanimem-no.
So, you light him up.
E então pega-lhe fogo.
Why don't you just light him up a doobie?
Já agora, passa-lhe uma ganza.
We can light him up.
Conseguimos incendiá-lo.
When we get back to town, I'm gonna find that guy in the camping store and light him up.
Quando voltarmos para a cidade, vou procurar aquele cara da loja de camping e irei pegá-lo de jeito.
- You want me to light him up?
- Quer que o incendeie?
Light him up.
That's when you said to your officer, I quote, "light him up."
Isso foi quando disse ao teu agente, cito "acendam-no".
Come on, light him up!
Vamos! Dêem cabo dele!
I want SAMs on that thing! Light him up!
Quero mísseis SAM naquela coisa!
Light him up!
Avoid the chandelier. - Light him up, Ray.
Não estraguem o lustre.
Marky, light him up, man.
Marky, acende-lho, meu.
Light him up.
Acende as luzes.
Lance, don't light him up.
Não faças isso.
Light him up, put him out, light him up again.
Acende, apaga, acende de novo?
Okay, let's light him up.
Certo, vamos alegrá-lo.
Okay, number six, you light him up.
Número seis, pega-lhes fogo.
But not enough to light him up and cause the burns that we saw on the vic's head.
Mas não é suficiente para o acender e queimar como vimos na cabeça da vítima.
Light him up.
Liga a sirene.
Light him up, newbie.
Pega-lhe fogo, novato.
They're gonna light him up, man.
Vão largar-lhe fogo.
Okay, Officer Mitchell, light him up.
Agente Mitchell, podes electrocutar.
Light him up!
Peguem-lhe fogo!
Light him up.
And I turned on the light and I woke him up, and I asked him to hold me.
Acendi a luz e acordei-o, e pedi-lhe que me abraçasse.
Well, live and let live, I say, but when I pull up next to him at the light, your wife leans over and gives him the finger.
Bem, deixai-o ir, pensei eu. Mas quando parei ao lado dele num semáforo, a tua mulher inclina-se e estica-lhe o dedo.
If he is, we're gonna run enough electricity through him to light up Birmingham.
Se for, vamos passar tanta electricidade por ele que vai ligar Birmingham toda.
I tell him you're coming around and his eyes light up.
Digo-lhe que vens aí, e os olhos brilham...
Light him up a quarter mile away and we'll be waiting.
Avisem-no a um quilómetro de distância que nós estaremos à espera.
We used a Pro-Mist and tried to open up the aperture to give him a rim light.
Usámos o filtro Pro-Mist... e tentámos abrir o diafragma para lhe criar uma espécie de auréola.
To see little Davey's eyes light up as McGWIRE handed him 4 seats on the first base line, well, it's something that I will never forget.
Ter visto os pequenos olhos do Davey brilharem, quando o McGuire, colocou-o na primeira base, bem, é algo que eu nunca vou esquecer.
- No. I'll stick a light bulb up his ass. Turn him into a beer sign.
- Não, vou ligar uma lâmpada no teu rabo, e encher-te de bebida.
- You want to light him up?
Você quer o iluminar em cima? Você faz isto.
I'm feeling generous, so I offer him one of my girls, and you should have seen his eyes light up and said he needed girls.
Como sou generoso, ofereço-lhe uma das minhas miúdas. Devias de ter visto os seus olhos iluminarem-se.
- You light up when you talk about him. - Thanks.
O seu rosto ilumina-se quando fala dele.
You know, that was the first time I've seen him really light up since the accident, so thank you so much for doing this.
Sabe, foi a primeira vez que o vi realmente animado desde o acidente, por isso, muito obrigado por fazer isto.
Officer Finn's patrol car was parked at an angle where his headlights wouldn't have picked up Johnson, which means that that light put him in silhouette.
O carro patrulha do Agente Finn estava estacionado num ângulo onde os seus faróis não apanhariam o Johnson, o que quer dizer que aquela luz destacou-lhe a silhueta.
And then Aaron came along, and... Your face would light up when you talked about him, and you always talked about him.
Um agradecimento especial ao senador por ter tirado as nossas mães da prisão.
And he was kind of like this beam of light sort of above it all, and to see him hooked up to machines, that was the...
E ele era uma espécie de raio de luz por cima de todos e vê-lo ligado às máquinas foi...
Picked her up, was taking her to the shelter when she tried to rob him with a knife at a red light.
Agarrou-a, e estava a levá-la para o abrigo quando ela o tentou roubar nos semáforos com uma faca.
I just mention him, and you just light right up.
Acabei de mencioná-lo, e tu iluminaste-te.
This one up top - - pretty light, didn't hurt him too badly.
Este em cima foi fraco, não provocou grande dano.
Light it up, get him up.
Vamos, apanha-o.
All right, we light up the bastard and finish him off.
Muito bem, a gente aquece o bastardo e acaba com ele.
The only time I've seen him light up was when you came along.
A única vez que eu o vi despertar, foi quando você apareceu.
He was too light, so... they picked up a gallon of water before they went in there... and they made him drink it and said, "Don't pee until you get weighed."
Era demasiado leve. Foram buscar 5 litros de água antes de entrarem, obrigaram-no a bebê-la e disseram : "Não mijes até te pesarem."
You'd want to see him up close... watch the light go out of their eyes, and you wouldn't care if you got caught.
Irias querer vê-lo de perto... ver a luz a apagar-se nos seus olhos, e não importaria se fosse apanhado.

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