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Maybe i did traduction Portugais

961 traduction parallèle
Maybe I did, but I had to do it.
Talvez sim, mas tinha de o fazer.
Or maybe I did at that.
Ou talvez sim.
Uh, well, maybe I did hear about it.
Bem... talvez tenha ouvido qualquer coisa sobre isso.
Maybe I did talk out of turn.
Talvez tenha sido injusto.
Maybe I did wrong, maybe I deserve to be punished,
Talvez eu tenha agido errado, talvez eu mereça ser punido,
Maybe I did. - Which one?
E talvez o quisesse.
Maybe I did have just a couple, but...
Telvez tenha bebido uns...
Maybe I did, but I don't want to go on that way.
Talvez o tenha feito, mas não quero continuar assim.
Yeah, maybe I did.
Sim, talvez.
Maybe I did.
Talvez o tenha feito.
Maybe I did what I thought, what I had to do.
Talvez eu fiz o que achava, que eu tinha que fazer.
Then maybe I did the smart thing.
- Então acho que fiz a coisa certa.
- Maybe I did.
- Sim, talvez, mas...
Maybe I did make a mistake, but you might as well hear all of the story.
Talvez eu tenha cometido algum erro... mas vais ouvir toda a história.
Maybe I did not take him seriously.
Talvez eu não o tenha levado a sério.
Maybe I did get a little money from that man and you're entitled to that.
talvez eu tenha recebido dinheiro e que algum seja teu.
Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't.
Talvez sim, talvez não.
Maybe I did kill somebody.
- Se calhar matei mesmo alguém.
Maybe I did know :
- Talvez até soubesse.
Well, maybe I did jump to conclusions.
Bem... Talvez tenha feito uma idéia errada mas você tem que admitir Que isto parecia um pouco esquisito
Oh, I did stop by the National Archives, just to maybe book a field trip for the kids.
Ah, passei pelo Arquivo Nacional para tentar marcar uma visita de estudo com as crianças.
I did say that, sir. But in the light of these new developments, it occurred to me maybe he had an accomplice.
Eu disse isso, mas à luz destes factos novos, ocorreu-me que, talvez ele tivesse um cúmplice.
# Honolulu Baby where did you get those eyes # and your dark complexion that I idolise? Maybe they're in Betty's house.
Talvez estejam em casa da Betty.
Maybe someday after I've paid for what I did there'll be a chance to begin again.
Talvez algum dia, depois de eu pagar pelo que fiz... ... haja a possibilidade de começar de novo.
Did you make it yourself? Maybe I'll make some teeth and whiskers.
Acho que vou colocar dentes e costeletas.
About give up looking for them to come back to see me but I did think maybe Lizzie Belle, anyway, would write.
Já desisti de esperar que voltassem para me ver, mas cheguei a pensar que a Lizzie Belle escrevesse.
- Maybe. I did eat cheese.
- Talvez sim, que eu comi queijo.
Maybe I'd have lied my head off just like you did.
Talvez eu tivesse mentido como tu.
Well, so did I maybe.
Bem, talvez eu também.
If we did, maybe I'd lose some of this fat.
Talvez eu derretesse umas banhas.
Maybe I was. - Why did you go there?
- Porque é que você lá foi?
Look, maybe I don't like what he did or the way he did it, but he'll be back, and you'll be taken care of.
Talvez não me agrade o que ele fez ou como o fez, mas ele volta, e você terá os cuidados necessários.
Maybe i did.
Se calhar isso mudou tudo.
Maybe he did have some ideas. It doesn't mean that I shared them.
Ele talvez tivesse ideias, mas não era correspondido.
I heard what Dave did to you, and maybe you had good cause but killing's killing.
Ouvi o que o Dave lhe fez, e talvez você tivesse uma boa razão, - mas matar é matar.
I think maybe he did us a favor.
Eu acho que ele talvez nos tenha feito um favor.
Nor did I. Maybe this will help.
Não foi. Mas talvez isto possa ajudar.
I don't wanna hurt you, Mama but if he did have a lot of women, maybe he had a reason.
Não quero magoar-te, mamã... mas se ele tinha muitas mulheres, talvez tivesse uma razão.
You killed him, or I did, maybe it was something neither of us could help or anybody.
Está bem, você o matou, ou fui eu? ou talvez fosse algo que nenhum de nós o pudesse evitar, ou ninguém.
Não sei como, Max, mas você acabou de salvar a Costa Leste e talvez o mundo todo.
I'm suggesting that maybe you did have a lapse.
Sugiro que tenha tido um lapso.
Maybe he did a little figuring and tracking, like I did with the flowers.
Talvez ele investigou um pouco, como eu investiguei sobre as flores.
Or is it something maybe you just think I did?
Ou talvez seja alguma coisa que tu penses que eu fiz!
So I got to thinking... if maybe that's what Sir Roger did with his umbrella, and something dropped into it... that night,
Pus-me a pensar. Se Sir Roger fez isso com o chapéu dele e nessa noite alguma coisa tivesse caído lá para dentro...
Maybe I did!
Talvez tenha isso de propósito!
I always figured he would make it. I always figured that, well... maybe he'd be playing around cabarets here and there. But I didn't know he was gonna make it... so worldwide like he did.
Sempre achei que ele conseguiria, sempre achei... que tocaria em cabarés, pensei que o faria, mas nunca a nível mundial.
And maybe I could find someone to take it to the network the way I did today.
Talvez conseguisse encontrar alguém que a levasse para a estação, ainda hoje.
Just go in there and get me at least $ 50... and maybe you'll prove to me that you didn't do what I know you did.
Traz-me 50 dólares e prova que não fizeste o que sei que fizeste.
Maybe beauty knows no pain, but I knew I did.
Talvez a beleza não conheça a dor, mas eu sei que eu a conheço.
You needn't be happy about what I did, but maybe we can help each other now.
Não gostas do que fiz, mas agora podemos ajudar-nos.
No, I didn't, but maybe KITT did.
- Não, não vi. Talvez o KITT tenha visto.

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