Quite well traduction Portugais
2,671 traduction parallèle
You're looking quite well.
Estás com bom aspecto.
Despite the great unpleasantness, I've been doing quite well financially, so.
Apesar do grande desconforto, que eu tenho vivido monetariamente.
I'm doing quite well.
Estou bastante bem.
You did quite well.
Saíste-te bem.
He was quite well known up to a few years ago in the concert field and then his lungs cracked up and he came out here.
Há uns anos, ficou muito conhecido na área dos concertos, mas os pulmões começaram a falhar e veio para aqui.
Doing quite well.
Estou muito bem.
I happen to know the Chancellor quite well, myself.
Por acaso, conheço bem o Chanceler.
I think the meeting went quite well.
Acho que a reunião correu bem, não acha?
I know it's not the most accessible work but for the first day, you did quite well.
Sei que não é fácil aprender nesta área, mas para o primeiro dia, esteve muito bem.
I am not leaving this date until it is officially over, and... I think it's going quite well.
Não me vou embora deste encontro até ter terminado oficialmente, e... acho que está a correr bastante bem.
I'm not leaving this date until it is officially over, and I think it's going quite well.
Não vou sair deste encontro até estar oficialmente acabado, e acho que está a correr muito bem.
I think it's going quite well.
Acho que estás a ir muito bem.
Did you ever notice how the government buildings there are quite well-maintained?
Alguma vez repararam como os edifícios governamentais de lá têm uma boa manutenção?
Mr Carson, are you quite well?
- Mr. Carson, está bem?
Quite well.
Muito bem.
Mr Mosley, are you quite well?
Mr. Molesley, sente-se bem?
Well, you sure seem to know quite a lot about Kristi.
Bom, tu pareces saber bastante sobre a Kristi.
Well, I was quite blistered from drink.
Estava bastante tocado pela bebida.
My family was quite close, but Klaus and my father did not get on too well.
A minha família era bastante unida, mas o Klaus e o meu pai não se davam lá muito bem.
Well, math was never my prime subject, but this feels quite a bit south of 20,000.
Nunca fui grande rolha a matemática, mas isto parece-me menos do que $ 20.000.
And if you think I'm gonna pound around on my feet and ride buses, and lose all that time, and be a sap while you lay up with another woman enjoying the high life, well, you're quite mistaken.
E se achas que vou pôr pés ao caminho, apanhar autocarros e perder todo aquele tempo e dedicação, enquanto tu dormes com outra mulher e desfrutas dos prazeres da vida estás bem enganado.
Well, I can't quite believe I'm doing this.
Bom... Nem acredito que estou a fazer isto.
Well, "ran into" isn't quite accurate, as I assumed he came by to re-establish contact with me.
pois pareceu-me que ele queria reatar o contacto comigo.
Well, I had quite the meltdown.
Bem, tive um colapso absoluto.
Well, this is quite a thrill.
Bem, isto é emocionante.
Well, he's quite a...
Bem, ele é...
Well, he's, uh, he's quite a character.
- Sem dúvida.
Well, I think it's quite clear that the military involvement at this stage is the least desirable option that the President is considering.
Acho que está claro que o envolvimento militar nesta altura é a opção menos desejável, na qual o presidente está a pensar.
I've done quite well on my own.
Tenho-me safado bastante bem sozinho.
She's been responding quite well.
Ela tem reagido muito bem.
Thanks a lot. Our car is broke down in the road... quite a bit away from here and, well, we need some water for the radiator.
O nosso carro avariou no caminho... longe daqui...
Well, the interview with Trevor was a tricky one but something that I am, I guess, always quite accustomed to dealing with.
Bom, a entrevista com o Trevor foi um pouco atribulada mas é algo que não esteja, creio, habituada a lidar.
Well, not quite.
Não propriamente.
Well, I haven't quite said yes yet.
Bem, eu ainda não disse que sim.
Yeah, well no one can mix metaphors quite like you Sam.
Sim, ninguém consegue fazer metáforas como tu, Sam.
Well, I don't know if this case is quite as messy as you think it is.
Bem, não sei se este caso é tão complicado quanto pensas.
Uh, mm, well, you know, I'm not sure these are quite right for you.
Bem, sabes, não sei se são adequados para ti.
And though she never quite shook the nickname, Sparkles went on to do very well at World Wide News. Especially after this happened.
E apesar de nunca se ter livrado da alcunha... a Cintilante acabou por se sair muito bem na World Wide News - sobretudo depois de isto ter sucedido.
Well, without a little sideshow like this, my match won't be quite as thrilling.
Mas sem este entretenimento, a minha partida não seria empolgante.
Well, Razer, it took quite a bit of work to get you outfitted, but I think we got everything you need.
Todo este verde no meio da aridez? Não em Alton's Grove. - Gostam?
Well, 17 years is quite a long time.
Bem, dezassete anos é bastante tempo.
Well, with all your horsing around, it was quite easy.
foi bastante fácil.
Well, the kid definitely likes to draw, but I can't quite figure out what it is he's drawing.
O miúdo gosta de desenhar, mas não percebo o quê.
I thought, "there's something quite dark in there, as well."
Capital de Agrabah
Well, of course I don't, but the poor girl seemed quite certain.
Não sei, mas a pobre rapariga parecia ter a certeza.
Well, I wouldn't quite have put it like that, but yes, I suppose.
Não o teria dito assim, mas creio que sim, mas...
And I don't think Mary would have done that quite as well as me, really.
E não acho que a Mary o teria feito tão bem como eu, a sério.
Well, forgive me if I, uh- - I'm not quite convinced but I do have to phone this in.
Não! Perdoe-me se não estou convencido. Mas tenho de contar isto.
Well, now actually, it is quite difficult to lift my hand.
Agora, tenho muita dificuldade em levantar a minha mão.
Well, as you fall into a black hole, across the event horizon, then if you were going feet first, your feet would be accelerating faster than your head, so you would be stretched, and you would be quite literally spaghettified.
Mas se caíssemos num buraco negro através do horizonte de eventos, se entrássemos de pés, os pés acelerariam mais rapidamente do que a nossa cabeça, por isso, seríamos esticados, e transformados em esparguete.
Yeah, well, it is quite a show and the show hasn't even started yet.
É um evento e tanto. E olhe que nem começou.
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well hello 20
well spotted 23
well thank you 29
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well hello 20
well spotted 23
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well enough 63
well yes 116
well actually 36
well yeah 97
well uh 21
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well enough 63
well yes 116
well actually 36
well yeah 97
well uh 21