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Read him his rights traduction Portugais

88 traduction parallèle
Read him his rights, Junior.
Lê-lhe os direitos, Júnior.
Eh, I read him his rights, Your Honor, didn't I, Clancy?
Eu li-lhos, Meritíssimo, não li, Clancy?
Read him his rights.
Lê-lhe os direitos. Homicídio?
Frank, read him his rights.
Lê-lhe os direitos.
Read him his rights.
Lê-lhe os direitos.
Read him his rights. I'll stand here being happy.
Leia os direitos.
No! Read him his rights.
Lêem-lhe os direitos.
- Read him his rights.
- Leia-lhe os direitos.
So I casually read him his rights.
Depois li-lhe os direitos.
I mean, alls we do is we read him his rights and then kill him.
Tudo o que temos de fazer é... ler-lhe os seus direitos e depois matamo-lo.
- Should I read him his rights?
- Leio-lhe os direitos?
Read him his rights.
Read him his rights.
Leiam-lhe os direitos.
You hit the brachial nerve, he drops the gun. You read him his rights.
Acertas o nervo braquial, a arma cai, e tu lês os direitos.
Read him his rights even though he's a little unconscious.
Diz-lhe os direitos dele, embora esteja um tanto zonzo.
Officer Dunleavy... read him his rights.
Agente, leia-lhe os direitos.
A guy cuts your wife and daughter into eight pieces and you read him his rights?
Um tipo corta a tua mulher e filha em pedaços e tu lês-lhe os direitos?
Read him his rights and get him outta here.
Leiam-lhe os direitos e levem-no daqui.
Agent Collins, read him his rights.
Agente Collins, leia-lhe os direitos.
- Have you read him his rights?
- Leste-lhe os direitos?
Someone read him his rights.
Leiam-lhe os seus direitos.
Read him his rights first.
Lê os direitos a ele primeiro.
Read him his rights.
Cite-lhe os direitos.
- I have to read him his rights.
- Fred... - Tenho de lhe dizer os direitos.
Read him his rights!
Leiam-lhe os direitos.
I should read him his rights?
- Devia ler-lhe os direitos?
If the captain were a suspect, we would have read him his rights, wouldn't we?
Se o capitão fosse suspeito, ter-lhe-íamos lido os direitos, não?
Should I read him his rights?
Devo ler-lhe os direitos?
DiNozzo, read him his rights.
DiNozzo, lê-lhe os direitos dele.
He's in a situation where you can't compel a statement... out of him until you read him his rights, and we haven't done that yet, so...
Não pode recolher o depoimento dele, enquanto não lhe ler os direitos.
In a few hours we're gonna have to read him his rights.
Dentro de algumas horas, vamos ter de lhe ler os direitos.
Don't forget to read him his rights again.
Vê se lhe voltas a ler os direitos.
The cops didn't read him his rights... so the judge threw out the case on a technicality.
A polícia não lhe leu os direitos, então, o juiz rejeitou o caso devido a termos técnicos.
Read him his rights, Flores.
Leia-lhe os direitos, Flores.
He confessed, but apparently the cops forgot to read him his rights.
Ele confessou, mas aparentemente a policia esqueceu-se de lhe ler os direitos.
Speaking of which, Frank, read him his rights.
A falar disso, Frank, lê-Ihe os direitos dele.
Secondly, Rayburn has enough money and legal connections to make this all go away before any of us has a chance to read him his rights.
Segundo, Rayburn tem dinheiro suficiente e conexões legais para fazer isto tudo desaparecer antes de qualquer um de nós tivesse hipótese de lhe ler os seus direitos.
Don't you have to read him his rights before you strangle him?
Não tens de lhe ler os direitos antes de o estrangulares?
In the old days, we'd just book him and read him his rights, but it's a 9-11 world.
Nos velhos tempos, apenas multávamo-lo e líamos-lhe os direitos, mas estamos num mundo "9 / 12".
Sergeant Gabriel, would you please read him his rights?
Sargento Gabriel, pode ler-lhe os direitos?
Read him his rights. Clean him up.
Diz-lhe os direitos.
Oh, yeah, speaking of her husband, I read him his rights And dumped him in one of the interview rooms.
Sim, falando de seu marido... eu li-lhe os seus direitos... e levei-o para uma das salas de interrogatório.
Because if so, you probably should read him his rights.
Porque se é deviam ler-lhe os direitos dele.
You wanna read him his rights, or do I have to do it?
Você quer ler-lhe os seus direitos, ou tenho que fazer isso?
Paul, file a motion to withdraw the charges against Mr. Gregg and let's get him home as fast as we can. And read Mr. Doyle his rights.
Paul, apresenta uma moção para retirar as acusações contra o Sr. Gregg, ponham-no em casa depressa e leiam os direitos ao Sr. Doyle.
He smiled. Tell the jury what happened next. Before we could read him his Miranda Rights
O sémen nos lençóis corresponde ao sémen no cadáver.
Maybe you can come with me and read him his Miranda rights.
Talvez possa vir comigo e ler-lhe seus direitos, Miranda.
I read him his rights.
Li os direitos dele.
Read this gentleman his rights and see to it that he gets medical attention and stick him in a cell.
Lê os direitos a este senhor... trata que ele tenha cuidados médicos e depois mete-o numa cela.
Come on, read him his fucking rights or something.
Leia-lhe a porra dos direitos.
Chief, I read the brother his rights, and I put him in 1.
Chefe, li os direitos ao irmão e pu-lo na 1.

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