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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ S ] / She knew it

She knew it traduction Portugais

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She created a situation in which she knew it could happen.
Criou uma situação em que esse desfecho era possível.
Mother was asking... about Jane Fairfax, asking if there was any news from her... even though she said she knew it was not Jane's day for writing.
Mamãe perguntava sobre Jane Fairfax... mas ela sabia que não era o dia da carta dela.
No. She knew it would be more painful if I had to put Argo down.
Não, ela sabia que seria mais doloroso se eu tivesse que matar a Argo.
Mary Ann, she knew it.
A Mary Ann sabia.
She knew it. She knew it, so you destroyed her.
Ela sabia, por isso é que você a destruiu.
She knew it was time.
Sabia que chegara a altura.
She knew it was my favorite.
Ela sabia que era a minha marca de chocolates favorita.
He was going to recommend against her and she knew it.
Ia recomendar o afastamento dela e ela percebeu.
Almost like she knew it was going to happen.
Como se ela quase soubesse o que iria acontecer.
Well, she knew it was probably one of her last.
Bom, ela sabia que talvez fosse um dos seus últimos.
- I don't think she knew it was me.
- Não creio que ela soubesse que era eu.
She knew it was me.
Soube que era eu.
Ema knew there was only one thing for it. · she must pretend, play dead.
Percebeu que só podia fazer uma coisa : dissimular, dar-se por morta.
Before I knew it she was walkin'next to me
Before I knew it she was walkin'next to me
She just knew it would make things harder if she came.
Ela sabia que seria tudo mais difícil se viesse.
- It is if she knew he was alive.
- Se ela sabia que ele estava vivo, é.
If she knew he set it up, why won't she tell us?
Se soubesse da armadilha, porque não nos contou?
She knew you couldn't resist opening it.
Ela sabia que não iria resistir e a abriria.
Oh, I knew she'd like it
Eu sabia que ela tinha gostado.
You don't talk about it, but you know and she knows. Fucking Marsellus knew it and Antwan should have known better.
Não se fala nisso mas tu sabes, as gajas sabem, o cabrão do Marsellus sabe e o Antwan também devia saber!
If my mom knew what a socket wrench was, I'm sure she'd love it too.
Se a minha mãe soubesse o que é uma chave de boca tenho a certeza que adoraria também.
I wouldn't deny it if I really knew her, whether she was your sister or not.
Eu não ia negar se realmente a conhecesse, sendo ela tua irmã ou não.
See, the problem is... when I went round to talk to her... it turned out she knew much more than she thought she did.
Vê, o problema é... Quando andava a investigar e fui falar com ela... fiz com que ela ficasse a saber muito mais do que aquilo que ela pensava.
It turned out Phil Green, Mr. Integrity... had a partner nobody knew about. And when she showed up and started demanding money...
Parece que o santinho do Phil Green... tinha uma sócia secreta... e quando ela começou a exigir dinheiro do Tangiers...
I knew it was a sign because she's so religious.
Eu sei que era um sinal, por ela ser tão religiosa.
Your sister would kill us if she knew we did it in her bed.
A tua irmã matava-nos se soubesse que o fizemos na cama dela.
I just knew. It was like a light just went off in my head, and I knew she'd... I knew she just got rid of him.
Fez-se luz na minha cabeça e soube que ela se tinha livrado dele.
So you see, she knew I was gonna lead the Army of the Twelve Monkeys into history before it even occurred to me.
Por isso, ela sabia que eu seria o líder do Exército dos Doze Macacos, mesmo antes de eu saber.
I told her it wasn't safe staying here if she knew something.
Eu disse-lhe que, se sabia algo, não era seguro ficar aqui.
It would break her heart if she knew what you did to me.
Partia-lhe o coração se ela soubesse o que me fizeste.
then he would be smuggled out... And the courtesan knew that it would be some time be fore she saw her child again.
Depois ele quis vir cá pra fora... e a cortesã sabia que levaria algum tempo para voltar a ver o seu filho novamente.
So he knew who she was, but it wasn't about her?
Então, ele sabia quem ela era, mas não tinha nada a ver com ela?
It might help her to get over her loss if she knew that there was somebody who really cared about her.
Poderia ajudá-la a superar a perda se soubesse que há alguém que realmente se importa com ela.
When all the lights went out... and she knew that he was trapped under the bleachers, she could hear him screaming, but she wouldn't make it stop.
Quando as luzes se apagaram, ela sabia que ele estava preso sob as bancadas, ouvia-o gritar, mas não parou.
That's how she punished me by singing it until everyone in New York knew that I was "Poor John."
E a Maribelle castigou-me assim, cantando-a até que Nova lorque toda soubesse que eu era o "Pobre John."
Yesterday in the hall, do you think that she knew she was gonna do it?
Ontem no corredor, achas que ela sabia que ia fazê-lo?
If we claim surprise, she'll say she knew about it.
Se alegamos surpresa injusta, ela pode dizer que já sabia.
She knew I'd done this, but it didn't stop her.
Ela sabia que tinha feito isto, mas não a travou.
[Skinner Narrating] As strange as it sounds... deep down, I think she knew I wasrt her son... but the lie made us both happier than the truth ever could have.
Por estranho que pareça, no fundo penso que sabia que eu não era o filho. Mas a mentira fez-nos mais felizes do que a verdade poderia fazer.
I knew she wasn't my wife but sometimes she would smile at me a certain way and then the light would hit her eyes and it was my Jennifer.
Sabia não ser a minha mulher, mas, às vezes, ela sorria de uma certa forma, a luz iluminava-lhe os olhos e era a minha Jennifer,
I knew it. But she's too good for you.
Eu sabia, mas ela é boa demais para ti.
Is it possible, if this keeps happening to Kes, that she might actually jump back into a time before she knew any of us?
É possível, se isto continuar a acontecer com Kes, que ela pudesse de facto saltar atrás para antes do tempo que ela conhecesse algum de nós?
It's the only life she ever really knew.
É a única forma de vida que ela realmente conheceu.
I knew she didn't want to be a rancher's wife, but I wanted to give it a try.
Ela não queria ser mulher de um rancheiro, mas eu quis tentar.
No, she was a good — I knew it.
Não, estava muito bem...
I don't know if it was the alcohol or the ammonia but the next thing I knew, she was mopping the floor with me.
Nem imaginas, näo sei se foi do álcool ou do amoníaco, mas quando dei por mim, ela estava a esfregar o chäo comigo.
It seemed like she just knew.
Ela já sabia. Parecia que já sabia.
You saw the hat in the kitchen and knew she'd go in hatless to get it.
Viste o chapéu na cozinha e percebeste que ela ia lá buscá-lo.
It would be a shame if she never knew.
Seria uma pena se ela nunca soubesse.
She knew how to handle it.
Ela sabia lidar com isso.
Here she is. I knew it.
Cá está ela. Eu sabia.

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