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She knew him traduction Portugais

336 traduction parallèle
Particularly in what he was before she knew him.
Sobretudo pelo que ele era antes de conhecê-la.
O'my word, and she knew him as well as I do, she'd think scolding would do him little good.
Se ela o conhecesse tão bem como eu, saberia que ralhar não serve de nada.
I thought Susan acted like she knew him.
Bem me pareceu que Susan o conhecia.
She knew him so we took the drinks and he sat down and we started talking.
Ela conhecia-o, portanto aceitámos as bebidas e ele sentou-se e pusémo-nos a falar.
We've been working with the assumption that the killer fed Adena hot dogs. That he spent time to cook for her. That she went along with him willingly as she knew him well enough.
Portanto, investigámos presumindo que o assassino lhe deu cachorros e couve, passando tempo suficiente com ela para uma refeição, que ela foi com ele de livre vontade porque o conhecia e não tinha motivos para ter medo.
And she knew him the same way- - wanderers, both of'em, or searchers.
E ela o conhecia do mesmo modo. Viajantes, curiosos ou pesquisadores, agora tinham algo em particular para procurar.
She knew him so well.
ela conhecia-o tão bem...
Before I knew what happened he made me tell him what you said. That she deserved to die.
Antes que me apercebesse, fez-me contar o que você disse, que ela merecia morrer.
I knew she'd stand him up.
Eu sabia que ela ia deixá-lo tomando um chá de cadeira!
Everything she knew or ever became was because of him.
Tudo que o que ela sabia, ou no que se tornou, foi por causa dele.
Miss Harding knew him well. She's worried about whether he got away.
A Menina Harding conhece-o muito bem e está preocupada com a fuga dele.
I knew that she was in love with him. She told me so herself.
Sabia que ela estava apaixonada por ele.
And when Courtland threatened to expose her she went to his apartment to plead with him in the only way she knew.
Quando o Courtland ameaçou contar a verdade ela foi á sua casa para o demover da melhor maneira que sabia.
If she did wash the glass... it's because she knew he killed him.
Se Iavou mesmo o copo, foi porque ela sabia que tinha sido ele a matar o Paradine.
Inspector, my wife simply means that as far as she knew... she never saw him before.
Inspector, a minha mulher quer dizer que, pelo que sabia, nunca o tinha visto.
I knew she was no good for him.
- Eu sabia que não era mulher para ele.
She never knew him.
Ela nunca o conheceu.
Father knew him and liked him... but he couldn't stop laughing when Iris told how she said no... simply because the fella wanted her to give up her dancing and just be his wife.
O Meu pai conheceu-o, e gostou dele, mas ele não conseguiu parar de rir quando Iris contou porque disse "não", simplesmente porque o homem queria que ela desistisse da dança para ser apenas sua esposa.
And by then I'm sure he knew she didn't love him... but he never said anything.
Então, tenho certeza que ele sabia que ela não o amava, mas ele nunca disse nada.
She marched Alec to the altar before he knew what struck him.
Conduziu o Alec ao altar antes que ele percebesse o que lhe acontecera.
I knew when he came home with a pair of green socks she'd knitted for him.
Eu soube quando chegou a casa com um par de meias verdes que ela havia bordado para ele.
She just arrived. She knew Callender was forcing her brother to keep a 2 : 00 appointment with him.
Ela sabia que Callender estava forçando seu irmão para manter um encontro às 2 : 00 com ele.
I wrote to him out in the East told him your mama wasn't a good wife and she never knew why he turned so cold on her.
Eu escrevi-lhe do Leste... a dizer-lhe que a tua mãe não era uma boa esposa e ela nunca soube porque é que ele ficou tão frio com ela.
Seeing him like that, whom she knew so well,
Mesmo vendo-o assim, ela que o conhecia tão bem,
She knew how I felt about Tiberius and she wanted us to marry, but Agrippa had the same idea, and Augustus needed him more than he needed her son, so she had to wait.
Sabia o que eu sentia por Tibério e estava determinada a casá-lo comigo. Mas Agripa teve a mesma ideia e na altura, Augusto precisava mais dele. Mais do que do filho dela.
She knew absolutely nothing about him, so I had him checked out.
Não sabia nada sobre ele. Pedi informações acerca dele.
Driving by chance down Charles Street she saw him leaving what she knew to be
Ao passar, por acaso, por Charles Street, viu-o sair da casa que sabia pertencer a Brenda Champion.
He knew it was just a matter of time before she gave him up.
Ele sabia que era uma questão de tempo até ela o denunciar.
He knew she had to be stopped, Or she would leave him forever.
Percebeu que se não a detivesse, ela fugia-lhe para sempre.
Why she suddenly forgave him, nobody knew.
Por que de repente ela perdou-o, ninguém soube.
I knew she was gonna marry him.
Eu sabia que ela se ia casar com ele.
I remember once, she said that she knew he was using her, but she said she was using him, too.
Lembro-me que uma vez disse... que sabia que ele a usava, mas... ela também o usava.
She was perfect. 'He knew almost nothing about her, and she didn't know much more about him.
" Não sabiam quase nada acerca um do outro.
When I knew that savage fiend was dead and she was free of him I reckon I done the best nights work of my life.
Quando ví que aquele selvagem estava morto e que ela estava livre, pensei que era a melhor noite da minha vida.
I knew she could not be trusted with him.
Eu sabia que não podíamos confiar nela com ele.
I knew she was in lοve with him, planning tο run away. And I... shοuld lοse her.
Eu sabia que ela o amava e que pensava em fugir com ele, e que havia de a perder.
I bet she told him whatever dirt she knew about Mike and Bobby.
Aposto que ela lhe contou todos os podres do Mike e do Bobby.
She said Sam knew who killed him.
Ela disse que o Sam sabia quem o matou.
Now, they meet and they don't connect, only she noticed him, he could feel it, and he noticed her and they both knew it was gonna happen.
Conheceram-se e não fizeram faísca, mas ela reparou nele, ele sentiu-o, reparou nela, e ambos souberam que ia acontecer.
We knew that she still needed him.
Nós sabíamos que ela ainda precisava dele.
I was the only one who knew that she would sneak out night after night and go to him.
Eu era a única que sabia que ela saía às escondidas, noite após noite, e ia ter com ele.
Well, I knew him as well as she did.
Eu conheço-o tão bem como ela.
She threatened him, he was volatile, she knew.
Ela ameaçou-o, ele estava inseguro.
I really think we must ask ourselves what happens when a young man turns his life over to a person trained in the human psyche, someone who abuses his trust, and someone who knew how to manipulate him because her profession demands that she know that.
- Sim, eu entendo. Não podemos deixar de pensar no que acontece quando um jovem entrega a sua vida a um perito em psique humana, alguém que abusa da sua confiança, alguém que sabia como manipulá-lo porque a sua profissão exige que saiba manipular.
If she knew, she wouldn't be so worried about him.
Porque se ela soubesse, não estaria tão preocupada com ele.
I just knew. It was like a light just went off in my head, and I knew she'd... I knew she just got rid of him.
Fez-se luz na minha cabeça e soube que ela se tinha livrado dele.
- She knew something about him,..... and we should find out what that is before he goes back to work.
- Ela sabia alguma coisa acerca dele e devíamos descobrir o que era, antes de ele voltar ao trabalho.
When all the lights went out... and she knew that he was trapped under the bleachers, she could hear him screaming, but she wouldn't make it stop.
Quando as luzes se apagaram, ela sabia que ele estava preso sob as bancadas, ouvia-o gritar, mas não parou.
He knew she didn't want him.
Ele sabia que ela não o queria.
Yeah. She's wondering whether she ever even really knew him.
Não te preocupes, porque eu já acabei com ele.
I always knew she liked him.
Sempre soube que ela gostava dele!

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