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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ S ] / Sure he does

Sure he does traduction Portugais

371 traduction parallèle
- Sure he does.
- Claro que sim.
- Sure he does.
- Claro que pesca.
- I'm sure he does.
- Estou certo.
Oh. Now, I'm sure he does.
De certeza que quer.
I'm sure he does.
Tenho a certeza.
Sure he does.
Claro que tenho.
I'll make sure he does.
Eu certifico-me disso.
I'm sure he does.
Isso sei eu.
All orders are to be sure he does not die, and also make sure he regrets the day he was born.
Só tens que te assegurar de que ele não morre, e que ele também lamente o dia em que nasceu.
- I'm sure he does, later.
- Sim, decerto, John.
Sure he does, Gloria.
Claro que acredita, Gloria.
I'm sure he does.
Tenho certeza que ele faz.
Zova will make sure he does.
A Zova assegura-se de que ele permita.
Sure he does.
Tenho a certeza que sim.
Sure he does.
Claro que quer.
Sure he does.
Claro que sim.
- Sure he does.
- Claro.
That's Christy, Sure he does it with his left foot!
E sim as de Christy Brown. De certeza que as fez com o seu pé esquerdo!
I'm sure he does.
Claro que sim.
Sure he does.
Claro que tem.
I'm sure he does, but I don't think Daddy... wants to stand on the front porch at night yelling that out.
Claro que tem, mas acho que o Pai não... quer ir para o alpendre de noite gritar isso.
I'll make sure he does.
Eu garanto que ele faz.
If he only does, I'm sure it will be the most beautiful place in the world.
Eu talvez já seja arquitecto.
He sure does.
Well, he sure does.
Com certeza que sim.
Nor do I disbelieve it. However, one thing's sure : He does believe it.
No entanto uma coisa é verdade, ele acredita nelas.
He sure don't think much of a gun, does he?
Ele não tem grande opinião sobre armas, pois não?
- He sure does!
- Conheces bem?
- He sure does!
- Quer, pois!
I'm sure to meet him I know he does exist
Hei-de encontrá-lo pois sei que ele existe
Yeah, sure. Twinkle Toes here never pukes, does he?
Pois, claro, aqui o lavadinho nunca vomita, pois não?
- He sure does.
- Tem mesmo.
No, please look, I don't quite understand, he does seem a bit worked up about something, but I'm sure there's some quite innocent explanation.
Não faz mal. Ele parece estar preocupado com alguma coisa mas de certeza que a explicação é muito simples.
He sure does.
Muito bem!
He sure does look familiar.
O ar dele parece familiar.
He sure does.
Certamente que sim.
- He sure does.
- De certeza que sim.
- Make sure he never does it again.
Certificarem-se que ele não o volta a fazer. Como?
- Why, sure he does.
Claro que sabe.
Sure, he does something like that.
Faz algo assim.
I'm sure that he does.
Tenho a certeza que ele te ama.
Because we got cops like Larry Schooner and Carlos Wiley who make sure everybody does what he's supposed to do.
Porque temos polícias como Larry Schooner e Carlos Wiley que fazem com que ninguém se porte mal.
Just make sure that he does get them when they are clean.
Faça só com que ele os receba depois de limpos.
I sure hope he does.
I sure hope he does.
He sure as hell does.
Claro que sabes.
He is sure what he does not want that it keeps you?
Tem a certeza que não quer que fique consigo?
- He sure does.
- Pois diz.
- He sure does, Uncle Herb.
- Pode crer que sim, tio Herb.
Yeah, he sure does.
- Eu asseguro-me disso.
The only thing that's sure is, if he does get away out there, he can come out anywhere.
Uma coisa eu tenho a certeza, se ele quiser sair de lá, pode sair em qualquer lado.
He does everything to make sure I touch him... you know where.
Faz todos os possíveis para que a minha mão toque "aí".

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