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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ S ] / Sure you would

Sure you would traduction Portugais

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Look, I'm sure you would do anything to save your father, but this may not be the best way.
Olhe, tenho a certeza que faria tudo para salvar o seu pai, mas esta não é a melhor forma.
I mean, sure you would, and don't say you wouldn't, because you'd be lying.
Claro que querias, e não digas não, porque estarias a mentir.
I'm sure you would, But if you're not at that site tomorrow morning, I'm gonna take away your car.
Eu sei que preferias, mas se não estiveres naquela morada amanhã de manhã, vou-te tirar o teu carro.
Sure you would.
Claro que sim.
- I'm sure you would, but, uh, - I'm not sure if I'm still going to... - Aw.
- De certeza que sim, mas não sei bem se ainda vou...
Today I am attending... I'm sure you would expect, as you yourself may also have the intention...
Hoje estarei presente, como já devia esperar e como até poderia partilhar dessa intenção,
I'm sure you would've dealt with it later, but kids, high school kids, especially, they're just ruthless, judgmental.
Mais tarde, não te importarias, mas os miúdos, sobretudo os do liceu, são impiedosos a fazer juízos de valor.
Given you're the prosecutor that helped put him away and you made a name for yourself in the process, I'm sure you would like that.
Dado que foi a procuradora que o condenou e que ganhou fama no decorrer do caso, isso era o que você queria.
Make sure they know to keep it quiet. Can you think of anyone who would do something like this?
Vou conversar com os funcionários da loja, pedir para ficarem em silêncio.
I'm not sure that you would find this job that satisfying.
Não tenho a certeza se gostarás deste emprego.
Kinda * * * songs I would love to record. But I would have to talk to you more about that. Yeah sure.
Tenho umas 10 músicas que gostava de gravar, mas tenho de falar mais contigo sobre isso.
But when your service is less than exemplary, like with Mr. Harpel there, who I'm sure would have met you at the appointed time... had you only picked him up yourself in a jet, as I did, then you become vulnerable to competition.
Mas quando o teu serviço é menos do que exemplar, como com o Sr. Harpel, que de certeza que se encontrava contigo na hora marcada, se o tivesses ido buscar ao avião, como eu fiz, então fica-se vulnerável à competição.
Monk, I'm sure they would like to visit, you know, catch up.
Sr. Monk, de certeza que querem estar juntos. Percebe? Conversar.
I'm sure you can come up with something. Step four, now that the Daedalus can use its beaming technology again... which would be thanks to...
Quarto, a Dédalo pode usar o teletransporte...
Yeah, but if he was, like a step to the right, I would have stunned him for sure. Good for you.
Se estivesse um pouco à direita, tinha-o atordoado pela certa.
You mean the look on my face when you rammed my fighter, making sure neither one of us would win?
A expressão que fiz quando me abalroaste o caça, garantindo que nenhum dos dois vencia?
And our country will, I'm sure, be grateful to you if you would allow me.
E decerto que o nosso país lhe ficará grato.
I'm not sure about the other one, but I would like to see you.
Não tenho certeza quanto ao outro, mas gostaria de te ver.
I may be talking out of turn, because I don't know for sure, but I would think, with everything you've done, for as long as you've done it, you deserve to have a life.
Posso estar a falar de cor, porque não tenho a certeza, mas seria de pensar que, com tudo o que já fizeram, durante o tempo em que o fizeram, vocês merecem ter uma vida.
I'm sure that Ellie hoped that when you played these albums, that you would remember her. And she would be with you in the music.
De certeza que a Ellie esperava que, ao ouvires estes álbuns, te lembrasses dela... e ela estaria sempre contigo através da música.
I'm sure Danny would, uh, love to take you up there.
De certeza que o Danny não se importa.
You're so sure that the cause of death was suicide. Why don't you work out how you would prove it?
Se está tão certo que a causa da morte foi suicídio, porque é que não planeia como vai sustentar essa tese?
And I just wanted to make sure that you would approve.
E queria ter a certeza de que o senhor aprova.
I wanted to make sure it would work out before I told you.
Queria ter a certeza de que corria bem, antes de te dizer.
I'm sure the chief would've let you out yeah.
Com o que lhe aconteceu, de certeza que o chefe te deixava não vir. Pois.
I mean, you're really gorgeous and really cool, and I'm sure that every single guy on this planet would love to sleep with you, including me.
Quero dizer, tu és muito boa e muito fixe, eu estou certo de que os gajos solteiros neste planeta adoraria dormir contigo, inclusive eu.
Well, it sure would suck if you guys died without hearing the story of my great-uncle, Peter Hitler, who was Adolf's favorite brother.
Seria horrível se morressem sem ouvir a história do meu tio-avô, Peter Hitler, o irmão predilecto do Adolfo.
I'm not sure that following Danny's rigorous honesty with a joke about being high was the way William Paley would have handled it- you know what I'm saying?
Não estou certo de que seguindo a honestidade esquivante do Danny, com uma piada sobre estar drogada, seria a maneira que eu e a Paley teríamos agido. Entendes o que estou a dizer?
I'm sure you won't do anything that would jeopardise our chances now.
Estou certo que não fazem nada agora que nos ponha em risco.
I'm not sure Sammy would agree with you, but...
Não sei se o Sammy concordaria, mas...
I'm sure that you know my brave wife would be here by my side, were she able.
Tenho a certeza que sabem que a minha corajosa esposa estaria aqui ao meu lado, se fosse capaz.
Andrew, would you be a dear and make sure your sister's just breaking her own things?
Andrew, sê um amorzinho, e certifica-te que a tua irmã só parte as coisas dela.
Sara, hold this in, would you? Sure.
- Sara, segura aqui, está bem?
Are you sure it would be ok?
- De certeza que não faz mal?
[Jimmy ] And it's something you wonder about, and you would like to know more about, I assume. [ Charlie] Sure. Sure.
Falei com um policial em 11 / 9, que disse que o edifício iria cair.
I'll tell you what, I would not want to be Coach Taylor right now, that is for sure.
Não gostava de estar na pele do treinador Taylor, sem dúvida.
We sure would love to see you.
Eu adorava ver-te.
Mr. Sanders, I'm sure the jury's wondering. If you hadn't been drinking before going to work, would Demetrius James still be alive?
Sr. Sanders, tenho certeza que o júri se está a interrogar se você não tivesse bebido antes de ir trabalhar,
I'm sure you have people in your life that would do the same for you.
Tenho a certeza de que tem pessoas na sua vida que fariam o mesmo.
Chief, if you're not sure the girls are missing, why would you request our help?
Chefe, Se não tem a certeza que as raparigas desapareceram, porque pediu a nossa ajuda?
He knew what you did... and what you would do to make sure he kept his mouth shut.
Ele sabia o que tinha feito e que ia garantir que mantinha a boca calada.
You know, it would sure be a lot easier if there was a centralization of all this information.
Seria muito mais fácil se houvesse uma centralização de toda essa informação.
What makes you so sure he would fall in love with me again?
Porque achas que ele se iria apaixonar por mim outra vez?
Would you do me a favor and check the hallway to make sure the coast is clear?
Fazes-me o favor de ir ver o corredor para eu ter a certeza de que a costa está livre?
However, we would like to make sure that you're satisfied.
Mas queremos garantir que está satisfeita.
Would you like to go with me to make sure I'm telling the truth?
Queres vir comigo, para ver se digo a verdade?
Sure, what would you like to listen to?
- Claro, o que queres ouvir?
Would you mind going by yourself? I'm not sure that I can afford to assign a detective to something that, at least from a legal standpoint, has already been resolved.
Importas-te de ir sozinha, porque não acho que posso mandar um detective, para algo que, de um ponto de vista legal, já foi resolvido.
Kitty had a miscarriage, so I'm sure robert would love to hear from you.
A Kitty teve um aborto, por isso... Tenho a certeza de que o Robert vai gostar de saber por ti.
Yeah... that would've been the call. I'm sure Roger will get them to come back. How dare you treat a lady like this!
E, mesmo estando todas molhadas e nuas e oleadas, foram capazes de me pôr de gatas e empurrar-me a cara para o chão.
I'm sure he would love for you to go visit him at the hospital.
Tenho a certeza que ele ia gostar que o fosses visitar ao hospital.

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