Talk about it traduction Portugais
11,572 traduction parallèle
You don't understand, and I don't want to talk about it with you any more!
Não, não entende e não quero falar mais consigo.
Sadie didn't want to talk about it.
A Sadie não quis falar sobre isso.
We kind of agreed not to talk about it. He mention any issues with work?
Falou sobre alguns problemas de trabalho?
You might do something, not just talk about it.
pudesses fazer alguma coisa. - Em vez de só ficares a falar.
They thought it was cute when I was a boy, but one day he shook me, told me not to talk about it anymore.
Eles achavam engraçado quando eu era criança, mas, um dia ele sacudiu-me e disse-me para não falar mais sobre isso.
We'll talk about it, tomorrow.
Falamos nisso amanhã.
Yeah, listen, my 12 o'clock's here now, so I gotta run, but we'll talk about it later, okay?
A minha cliente das 12h chegou, então, tenho que desligar, mas, falaremos sobre isto mais tarde, está bem?
Did you and Avery talk about it?
Tu e a Avery falaram sobre isso?
- Can't we at least talk about it?
- Não podemos falar nisso?
Okay, it's hot when you talk about it because you're obviously good at your job.
É excitante quando você fala dela, porque, obviamente, é óptimo a fazer o seu trabalho.
- If you ever want to talk about it... - No.
- Se alguma vez quiseres falar...
- I can't really talk about it yet.
Eu não posso falar sobre isso ainda.
Promise... I won't talk about it anymore.
Não irei falar mais nisso.
I like hearing you talk about it.
Gosto de te ouvir falar sobre isso.
It's good for you to talk about it.
É bom para ti falares sobre isso.
I don't talk about it with anyone else.
Não falo disso com mais ninguém.
I do not want to talk about it.
Não quero falar sobre isso.
I prefer not to talk about it right now.
Prefiro não falar disso agora.
- We don't need to talk about it.
- Não temos de falar disso.
All right, I'll make some inquiries, but you're wasting your time. 'Cause the guys who do what he does, they don't talk about it. They never do.
Farei perguntas, mas perdes o teu tempo, pois quem faz o que ele faz não fala do assunto, nunca falam.
But I can't talk about it right now.
Mas, não posso falar contigo agora.
I can stay if you want to talk about it.
Posso ficar se quiser falar sobre isso.
Why don't we talk about it when you're here?
Porque é que não falamos quando regressares?
But we never talk about it.
Mas nunca falamos nisso.
Him talk about it and him said, "daddy, I did say you wicked, but you is the best father."
Ele fala disso e diz "Pai, disse que eras mau, mas és o melhor pai."
And I feel like we should just put that in the past and not talk about it.
Acho que devíamos esquecer o que aconteceu. E não falar mais do assunto.
I sat down with councilman and zoning Board president Tom D'Esposito and some local healthcare professionals for an exclusive interview to talk about it and how it ties into what might be a larger crisis in Sarasota.
Reuni-me com o conselheiro e presidente do conselho de urbanismo Tom D'Esposito e com alguns profissionais de saúde para uma entrevista exclusiva para discutir o assunto, e a sua relação com o que poderá ser uma crise maior em Sarasota.
"Legally, I can't talk about it "'cause the case is still open. "
"Legalmente não posso falar sobre isso, porque o caso ainda está aberto."
I guess you didn't really talk about it.
Acho que vocês, realmente, não falaram sobre isso.
Let's talk about it.
Vamos falar sobre isso.
Let's just talk about it later, okay? - Okay.
- Falamos disso mais tarde.
I'm-a call you, we'll sit down and have some lunch and talk about it next week.
Eu ligo-te, almoçamos e conversamos para a semana.
They talk about it on the TV, and I know Dwight's gonna be in it.
Falam disso na televisão e sei que o Dwight vai atuar.
Well, we are who we are, Grandma, despite whether our father wants to talk about it.
Somos quem somos, avó, mesmo que ele não queira falar.
Come over, and we'll talk about it.
Aparece para falarmos sobre isto.
Don't try to talk about it now.
Tente não falar disso agora.
So you wanna talk about it? Let's talk about it.
Então vamos lá.
What a waste, it seems to me, knowing it doesn't have to be this way, knowing the man who talked me into giving a shit about this crew, why, he could talk those people out there into anything.
Mas parece-me um desperdício. Por saber que não tem de acabar assim. Por conhecer o homem que fez com que me preocupasse com esta tripulação.
I told him that I would talk to you about it.
Disse-lhe que ia falar-te nisso.
You talk to my coworkers, my friends, my ex, and you don't think I'll find out about it?
Fala com os meus colegas, os meus amigos, a minha ex, e acha que eu não ia descobrir?
It's hard for me to talk about.
É-me difícil falar.
Well, first, can we talk about the nature of reality, as you perceive it?
Primeiro podemos falar sobre como percebe a realidade?
Did you ever talk to him about it?
Falou com ele sobre isso?
And I would talk to Schmidt about it, but it's like he can't even see the mess.
E eu até falava com o Schmidt sobre isto, mas é como se ele não conseguisse ver a confusão.
If it's unfair to you of course... we can talk or think about something else
Se for injusto para ti, é claro que podemos falar sobre isso ou pensar noutra coisa.
It's weird you'd say that,'cause... he... doesn't talk about you... often...
Não sei porque disse isso, tem piada, porque... ele... O Antoine não fala de si. Muitas vezes.
It's complicated, I don't really wanna talk about it right now.
- É complicado.
I wanted to talk to you about it the other day, and... And now you're telling me all this, and it, well, it just, uh, just feels like gloating.
Queria falar contigo no outro dia, e... agora dizes-me isto e parece que te estás a gabar.
I like it the black way, you know, where we curse each other out, we may fight, and then we get cool again, but we talk about each other behind each other's back, like,
Prefiro da maneira dos negros, sabes, onde nos amaldiçoamos, até podemos discutir, mas ficamos na boa novamente, mas falamos nas costas de uns dos outros, tipo,
It's - - it's things he couldn't talk about.
São coisas que ele não podia falar.
When I can I see Axe, talk to him about it?
Quando posso ver o Axe para falarmos?
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about it 81
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it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
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talk about 39
talk about something else 16
about it 81
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
itis 22
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
itis 22
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347