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That you did traduction Portugais

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Did you know that Matt won't let me cross the city limits?
Sabias que o Matt não me deixa passar os limites da cidade?
Did he give you that stone?
- O que lhe deu essa pedra?
I know that you and your team did a rotation on the donnie.
Sei que você e a sua equipa fizeram um turno na Donnie.
Did you see that in there?
Viu aquilo ali?
- Did she tell you to take that video of me?
- Ela disse-te para fazeres esse vídeo comigo?
And I was very impressed that despite everything he did, you still rescued him.
E fiquei impressionado depois de tudo o que ele fez, ainda o resgataram.
Well, I'm ashamed to say that I did, Pam, but at least I get to be having pancakes with you here this morning, right?
Tenho vergonha de dizer que o fiz, Pam, mas ao menos pude comer panquecas aqui contigo esta manhã, não é?
Did you know that she was down here?
Sabias que ela estava aqui?
What did he specifically say that leads you to believe he's delusional?
Que disse ele especificamente que te levou a acreditar que estava com alucinações?
Did you give them the seed that I gave you?
Deu-lhes as sementes que eu lhe dei?
I'm asking you how did you pass that information along?
A minha pergunta é : como lhe deu essa informação?
Not that I'm justifying what he did. I'm not but desperation can make you do terrible things.
Não é que eu esteja a justificar o que ele fez, mas o desespero pode obrigar-nos a fazer coisas terríveis
That, you did.
Isso... Fizeste tu.
How did you know that?
Como é que sabias disso?
I just want you to know... that I remember what you did for me.
Só quero que saibas... Lembro-me do que fizeste por mim.
I need you to know... that I did everything I could to keep her safe.
Preciso que saibas que fiz tudo ao meu alcance para a manter segura.
- I need you to know... that I did everything I could to keep her safe.
- Preciso que saibas que fiz tudo ao meu alcance para a manter em segurança.
As brazenly as you pursued this bargain, did you really believe that no one would find out about it, that I wouldn't find out?
Com o descaramento com que prosseguistes este acordo, acreditais realmente que ninguém iria saber, que eu não iria descobrir?
Her name was Charlotte... and you did it for reasons that had nothing to do with her.
Chamava-se Charlotte. E fizeste-o por razões que nada tinham a ver com ela.
That, you did.
Isso, fostes vós.
How did you get that?
Como arranjaste isso?
Wow. Did you just come up with that yourself?
Foste tu que inventaste isso?
Did you ever wonder why Silas had such easy access to the drugs that I needed?
Nunca pensaste como teria o Silas acesso aos medicamentos de que preciso?
And I did my best to convince them that you were beyond saving. - They wanted to see it by themselves.
E fiz os possíveis para os convencer de que não podias ser salva, mas eles queriam ver.
How did you remember that?
Como te lembraste disso?
So, tell me, did that pretty girl of yours turn you on to politics?
Diz-me : a tua miúda gira fez-te entrar na política?
That you did.
Pois foi.
It did that to you?
Aquilo fez-te isso?
Did you come up with that?
Foste tu que a inventaste?
You think that guy did something to you'cause you were a raging douche?
Achas que ele te fez alguma coisa por teres sido um parvo?
That was you apologizing for what you did.
Estavas a pedir desculpa, não estavas? Por causa do que fizeste.
Rohan, did you hear that?
Rohan ouviu isso?
Did you see that, Wasim?
Viu isso Wasim?
Did I ever talk to you like that in all these years?
Alguma vez falei consigo assim nesses anos todos?
How did you get out of that colony?
Como saiu daquela colônia?
What the fuck did I do now for you to act like that?
Que raios sucede aqui?
How did you manage that one?
Como conseguiu isso?
What you just did right there... and I don't wanna insult you... but that was fucked up what you just did right there.
O que você fez agora, e não quero ofender... mas foi horrível.
You know how hard I bust my ass, by myself, to send you to that school so that you can have more opportunities than I did.
Sabes o quanto me esforcei sozinha para te pôr naquela escola para teres mais oportunidades.
Did you hit that?
Did you hear about that police chase last night?
Souberam da perseguição policial ontem?
I do not get you, you know that? I mean, all of the evidence points to Zack, even he can't deny it, but now you don't think that he did it.
Todas as provas apontam para o Zack, mesmo não podendo negar, mas não achas que ele fez isso.
- I know, but what did you do before that?
Isso eu sei. Mas antes disso!
Idiot, what did you do before that?
Antes disso tolo!
What did I do wrong that you punished me like this?
O que eu fiz de tão errado para merecer tal punição?
- He told you a lot? Did he tell you when we're fuckin', he only wants to do stuff that he's seen in porn?
Tipo, quando estamos a foder, quer fazer coisas vistas no porno?
You never did that in my dreams.
Nunca fizeste isso, nos meus sonhos.
You never did that in mine.
E tú nunca o fizeste, nos meus.
Why did you do that?
Porque fizeste isso?
It's simply that I never imagined you would ever achieve this honor, let alone before I did.
Estou. Eu, simplesmente, nunca imaginei que ela ia conseguir essa honra, ainda por cima antes de mim.
How did you make that happen?
Como é que fez isso acontecer?

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