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The envelope traduction Portugais

1,163 traduction parallèle
That might be the envelope for the bomb.
Aquele deve ser o envelope da bomba.
Pick up the envelope... "
Pegue no envelope.
Give me the envelope.
Dê-me o envelope.
The envelope is in my pocket.
O envelope está no meu bolso.
You signed your name and you addressed the envelope.
Assinaste e endereçaste o envelope.
- I thought Cole was the last. - His name is on the envelope.
- Pensei que o Cole era o último.
Irei a casa mal possa, assim que cuida de tudo e no envelope encontrarás 65 dólares.
May I have the envelope, please?
Trazem-me o envelope, por favor?
- I know that I know the contents of a letter from the look of the envelope!
Eu sei, eu sei. Conheço o conteúdo de uma carta só de olhar para o envelope!
You got some kids out of him. But when the seeds have been planted, you throw away the envelope.
Conseguiste uns filhos dele, mas depois das sementes plantadas, deitamos fora o pacote.
In the envelope.
Estava no envelope.
I was relieved when, at dawn, I found the envelope and money were still in my pockets.
Tranquilizei-me quando ao amanhecer encontrei intacto, nos meus bolsos, o envelope com o dinheiro.
Eddie, I'm sealing the envelope, I'm out the door.
Eddie, estou a fechar o envelope, vou já sair.
- Beats the envelope-stuffing scheme.
- É melhor do que os envelopes.
The envelope has your name on it.
O envelope tem o teu nome.
It would be a big help if we could have a look at the envelope too.
Seria muito útil se pudéssemos ver o envelope também.
Mm, don't smudge it. I wanna keep the envelope.
Não esborrates, vou guardar o envelope.
Pushing the envelope and living to tell about it.
Desafiar o corpo e contar.
There isn't anything on the envelope.
Não diz nada no envelope.
The envelope contains currency.
O envelope contém notas...
An ambassador juggles crises in order to push the envelope for many.
Claro que o Embaixador tenta resolver as crises de modo a conseguir o máximo possível de indultos.
Open the envelope.
Abre o envelope. - Não.
- The envelope ¡ ¯ s already sealed.
- O envelope já está selado.
Brandt, give him the envelope.
Brandt, dá-lhe o envelope.
I delivered the envelope to Gloria last night.
Entreguei o envelope à Gloria ontem à noite.
Distract him so I can plant the bomb in an envelope.
Vai distraí-lo para eu pôr a bomba no envelope.
- No, the bomb is in an envelope.
- Não! A bomba está num envelope.
- In the Best Picture envelope.
- No envelope do "melhor filme".
Let's be logical. You're the psycho, you should have this and I the gun.
O psicótico, tu, levas o envelope, e eu, a arma.
In this envelope are all the questions that James Snodgrass was asked on Twenty-One, okay?
Neste envelope estão as perguntas que fizeram ao Snodgrass.
The odd thing about this envelope is he appeared on the show on January 13, yet somehow he mailed this to himself January 11, registered mail.
O estranho é que, ele apareceu no dia 13 de Janeiro mas enviou isto a ele próprio pelo correio no dia 11 de Janeiro. Em carta registada.
He put the questions in a sealed envelope and sent them to himself, registered mail.
Ele enviou as respostas a ele próprio, em carta registada.
Pick up an envelope marked "Doris"... at the front desk and dress sexy.
Vai buscar na recepção um envelope endereçado a "Doris"... - E veste-te provocadora.
Look at the window!
Olhem para o envelope!
Yeah, but his reply envelope... just had a check to the gas company in it.
Foi, mas o envelope de resposta só tinha um cheque para o gás.
[Audience Laughs] Throughout his career, Welles pushed the creative envelope in so many ways.
Ao longo da sua carreira, Welles levou a sua criatividade ao limite.
You'll find an envelope under the rim of the fountain.
Há um envelope no rebordo da fonte.
Victor's landlord said there was cash in the mail box... the first of every month.
O senhorio do Victor's diz que havia um envelope com dinheiro... na caixa do correio todos os meses, no dia 1º.
But nobody believes me because when the Americans left... that one gave the priest... an envelope full of dollars for me.
Eles não acreditam em mim porque quando os americanos se foram embora, deixaram-me dinheiro
Didn't I say I guess the contents of a letter from the mere look of its envelope!
Eu não disse que adivinho o que diz uma carta só de olhar para o envelope?
The only thing in it was a bill from Wind-up Toy Weekly and then an envelope with an address, a return address from a place called Infinity Laboratories...
Só lá encontrei um recibo do Wind Up Toy Weekly e um envelope com um remetente de um local... -... chamado Infinity Laboratories. - Clark!
I need to send this parcel with the profit projections to Pete Porter in Pasadena.
Preciso de enviar este envelope ao Pete Porter, em Pasadena.
I've been working on the theory that the trajector operates within a neutrino envelope.
Tenho trabalhado na teoria que o trajector opera dentro de um envelope de neutrino.
Here it is throwing off the larval envelope.
Aqui a vemos a largar o invólucro larvar.
I've left money in the wardrobe for a new TV.
Deixei-te um envelope no armário, vais poder comprar uma televisão.
The subject is carrying a flight bag. I am now removing from the flight bag a manila envelope.
A "cobaia" traz um saco de voo, do qual retiro agora um envelope em papelão.
The total amount of cash... in the manila envelope is $ 10000, right?
Bom, as notas dentro do envelope perfazem... Dez mil dólares, correcto?
Okay, the envelop contains $ 50,000.
O envelope contém 50 mil dólares.
It isolates the subject with a frequency envelope and creates images, audio -
Isola o sujeito com um invólucro de frequências e cria imagens, áudio...
Bailey, getting that envelope from Berkeley was like a phone call from the governor.
O envelope de Berkeley foi como receber um telefonema do governador.
Jason, hold up the envelope now.
... levanta o envelope...

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