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They all died traduction Portugais

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As nearly as we can judge, they all died of exhaustion.
Tanto quanto nos apercebemos, todos eles morreram de exaustão.
And the turnaround down in the spring, when the crick dried up and they all died!
E quando a ribeira secou e eles morreram às centenas.
I'm sure they all died thinking of you...
Estou certo que todos morreram a pensar em si...
Yes, if I'm right... If I'm right, we've just come on a single instance. Probably an accident, a landing that went wrong and they all died.
Pois e se eu estiver certo... se estiver certo... nós todos surgimos... por causa de um acidente, uma aterragem mal calculada em que todos morreram.
They all died on me.
Morreram todos.
Bones, can you tell me what they all died of?
Bones, sabe dizer-me do que morreram todos?
If you say they all died mysteriously, I'll bloody kill you.
Se me disseres que morreram estranhamente, mato-te.
And you said they all died.
E você que todos tinham como morto.
They all died within a few months, eight years ago.
Há oito anos, em poucos meses, morreram todos.
They all died but one, and she died later on.
Todas morreram, excepto uma, e essa morreu mais tarde.
But they all died on the Trail of Tears.
Mas morreram todos no Trilho das Lágrimas.
- And they all died?
- E todos morreram?
This is their only album. And after they made it, they all died in a plane crash.
Só gravaram este álbum, quando o terminaram, morreram num acidente de aviação.
They all died in that John Vorster Square.
Todos eles morreram na Praça Juan Vorster.
My dad, Grandma, my best friend, they all died.
O meu pai, avó, o meu melhor amigo, todos eles morreram.
They all died. Slick, Aldo, Mario, Ralphie.
Todos morreram. o Brilhantina, Aldo, Mario, Ralphie.
No, they all died of heart attacks.
Não, eles morreram todos com ataques de coração.
- But they all died of cholera, sir.
- Mas todos eles morreram de cólera.
Well, they all died.
Morreram todas.
They all died within ten hours of birth.
Morreram todas dez horas depois.
they all died!
Morreram todos.
They all died.
Morreram todos.
And they all died?
E todos morreram?
But they all died in the lab.
Mas morreram todos no laboratório.
They all died of old age!
Eles morreram todos de velhice!
I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.
Queria oferecer-vos violetas, mas murcharam quando o meu pai morreu.
They're all worried about why Watanabe-san... died in the park he created.
Estão todos preocupados porque ele morreu no parque infantil que ele próprio criou.
They were all running around, bullets flying through the air, so they reckon that he probably died there.
Acha que esteja morto enquanto corria do fogo das metralhadoras. Foram tantos mortos que, talvez ele seja um deles.
All his doctors said they died of heart attacks.
Todos os seus médicos disseram que morreram de ataques cardíacos.
Legend has it that when Diomedes died, all these little birds gathered and sang a funeral chorus as they accompanied him to his grave.
A lenda conta que quando Diomedeo morreu, todos os passarinhos se juntaram num coro funerário até ao túmulo.
They came all that way and died.
Vieram de tão longe e morreram.
So they'll all talk about us when we've died
Para que falassem de mim mesmo depois de morrer
So, if all the birds and the beasts died tomorrow, and the world became a desert, when people heard my music they would still know, feel what nature was.
Como se todas as aves e animais morressem amanhã... e o mundo se tornasse um deserto, quando as pessoas, ouvissem a minha música, poderia ainda conhecer e sentir o que a natureza era.
Many of the prisoners were given no food at all until they died of starvation.
Muitos dos prisioneiros não comiam nada... até morrerem de fome.
They were told he had died a hero's death, but that was all.
Disseram-lhes que ele teve uma morte de herói, mas foi só.
They all scattered the moment the King died.
Eles estão todos espalhados desde o instante que o Rei morreu.
They just died his blaze, that's all.
Mal deu para eu sobreviver, longe de ser uma nova vida!
The gloy of England, and they died for England and all that England stands for.
A glória de Inglaterra, e morreram pela Inglaterra e por tudo o que ela representa.
They died because of a French, British and American blockade that cut off all food and medical supplies and because counter-revolutionaries have sabotaged the factories and the railroads and the telephones, and because the people, the poor, ignorant, superstitious, illiterate people,
Morrerem por causa do bloqueio francês, britânico e estadunidense... que não deixou passar provisão nem medicamentos, e a causa da sabotagem contra-revolucionário das fábricas, vias férreas e telefones, e porque o povo, que é pobre, ignorante, supersticioso e analfabeto,
Drew, I can always tell... when a dead person I beautify worked for Kerr McGee... because they all look like they died before they died.
Drew, posso sempre dizer... quando embelezo uma pessoa morta se ela trabalhou para a Kerr McGee... porque parecem todos como mortos mesmo antes de morrerem.
Bentley Bobster, Duncan Nesbitt, Rupert Waxflatter. They've all died recently except this man, Chester Cragwitch!
Infelizmente, o Sr. Holmes está realmente encrencado.
They all had a little girl who died, and they couldn't have any more children. Or they thought that having a kid... would make up for all the things that were wrong with their lives.
Ou tinham tido uma filha que tinha morrido e não podiam ter mais filhos ou pensavam que ter um filho ia compensar tudo o que estava mal nas suas vidas.
For all I know, they were taken before he died.
Pelo que sei, foram tiradas antes dele morrer.
- They'll send you the names of all the Jews... who died during World War ll.
Enviariam os nomes dos judeus mortos na 2a.
I'd give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.
Quisera oferecer-lhe violetas, mas murcharam quando papai morreu.
I'm sorry, miss. All they told me... was that the woman who lived in here died this morning.
Desculpe, a mim só disseram que a mulher deste quarto morreu esta manhã.
In numerous Gaelic poems dating all the way back to the seventh century, they tell of a man who fell prey to great evil, and died shackled in a dungeon, a victim of wrongful captivity.
Em numerosos poemas de Gaelic, datado tudo para trás do sétimo século. eles contam sobre um homem que derrotou a grande presa, e morreu algemado num calabouço, vítima de cativeiro injusto.
So I put a wire mesh over the nest, and all the little ones died when they hatched.
Então pus uma rede no ninho para que os... - filhotes morressem ao nascer.
They died for nothing all because you interfered!
Porque interferiste!
My van died, and they dragged it off the road because of all the traffic.
Minha carrinha morreu, e eles a arrastaram para fora da estrada por causa daquele tráfego todo.
They died of sudden, unexplained illnesses... all within the last six months.
Eles morreram todos subitamente nestes últimos seis meses.

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