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Was the traduction Portugais

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He was the one I trusted the most.
Era nele que eu mais confiava.
Was the first lady with him that night?
A primeira-dama estava com ele naquela noite?
♪ To overcome ♪ Was there any other source of marital conflict - between the president and his wife?
Havia outra causa de conflitos conjugais entre o presidente e a mulher?
Was there any other source of marital conflict between the president and his wife?
Sabia de outra causa para um conflito matrimonial entre o presidente e a sua mulher?
What was the purpose of the president's visit to the hotel?
Qual o objetivo da vinda do presidente ao hotel?
What state was the president in after speaking to his wife?
Como estava o presidente, depois de falar com a mulher?
Was the president a violent man?
O presidente era um homem violento?
Was there anyone else in the suite at that time?
Estava mais alguém no quarto?
I'm talking about the Colombian who was the director of CENAPAZ.
Estou a falar do colombiano que era diretor do CENAPAZ.
Everyone thinks I was the asshole here.
Todos acham que sou a cretina, aqui.
The gun store owner was more of a libertarian than you would think.
O dono da loja de armas é mais liberal do que parece.
What the hell was that?
- O que raio foi aquilo? - Não sei.
At first I was furious, because the secret had to be the baby inside you.
Ao inicio estava furioso, porque o segredo tinha que ser o bebé dentro de ti.
No, it's not. Playing the game with Reid was more important than being faithful to you.
Fazer um jogo com o Reid era mais importante do que ser fiel a ti.
And he was staying in an FBI safe house where he was putting his mother up for the night.
Que estava num esconderijo do FBI a acomodar a mãe dele para passar a noite.
Our agreement was that I would get the money and the drugs.
O nosso acordo era... que eu iria arranjar o dinheiro e as drogas.
The head of that drug cartel was also named Eagle.
O líder desse cartel de droga também se chamava "Eagle".
But during the arrest... there was an accident.
Mas, durante a detenção... houve um acidente.
Which makes us question whether she was involved in the president's death.
Faz-nos pensar que ela possa estar envolvida na morte do presidente.
The coroner's office has concluded that the cause of death of our president, Diego Nava Martinez, was not the fall from the balcony of the Grand Hotel of Mexico.
O médico-legista concluiu que a causa de morte do nosso presidente, Diego Nava Martínez, não foi uma queda da varanda do Grand Hotel do México.
The cause of the president's death was a gunshot wound.
A causa de morte do presidente foi uma bala.
- The speech he was going to give.
- Do discurso que ia fazer.
Emilia Urquiza went missing, which makes us wonder if she was involved in the president's death.
Emilia Urquiza desapareceu. O que nos faz questionar se ela esteve envolvida na morte do presidente.
Sources say that the same gun was used to kill Nava.
Fontes dizem que foi a mesma arma usada para matar o Nava.
Nothing that was out of the ordinary for a head of state.
Nada de invulgar para um chefe de estado.
It was your job to look after the president's safety and well-being.
O seu trabalho era cuidar do bem-estar e segurança do presidente.
And if I had thought that the change in his wife's behavior was a true threat, I assure you I would have acted.
E se eu achasse que a mulher dele podia constituir uma ameaça, garanto-lhe que teria feito algo.
♪ We're wandering around ♪ Did you ever ask him specifically how the separation was affecting him?
Alguma vez lhe perguntou a ele como a separação o estava a afetar?
So, the separation was due to normal strain on the marriage?
Então, a separação deveu-se ao desgaste natural do casamento?
So their separation was due to normal strain on the marriage?
A separação deveu-se às pressões normais de um casamento?
The president was meeting with his wife, Emilia Urquiza.
O presidente ia encontrar-se com a mulher, Emilia Urquiza.
Besides the fact that he was really good at his job.
Para lá de que ele era muito bom no seu trabalho.
We set this up inside the church during the funeral, to see who was calling in and out.
Montámos isto dentro da igreja, durante o funeral, para ver quem estava a ligar ou a receber chamadas.
The phone that called Urquiza... [in English] was shipped to Tepito.
O telefone que ligou ao Urquiza foi enviado para Tepito.
Pepe, don't you think it's risky to put her in charge of investigating the death of someone... she was involved with?
Pepe, não achas arriscado pô-la a cargo da investigação da morte de alguém com quem tinha uma relação sentimental?
- There was a fire at the warehouse.
- Houve um incêndio no armazém.
[Agustin on monitor] Last night, at 10 : 26 p.m., there was an explosion in a warehouse in the industrial park.
Ontem à noite, às 22h26, houve uma explosão num armazém da zona industrial.
We have information... that has led us to believe... that the warehouse was being used as a meth lab.
Temos informações que nos levam a concluir que o imóvel estava a ser usado como laboratório de produção de metanfetaminas.
The warehouse was registered to a foreign national who goes by the name of Jaime Bray Gonzalez.
O armazém estava registado em nome de um cidadão estrangeiro, chamado Jaime Bray Gonzalez.
The warehouse was a key part of our investigation.
O armazém era uma parte fundamental da nossa investigação.
Ms. Vargas was removed from her post due to a conflict of interest - related to the Nava murder investigation.
A Sra. Vargas foi despedida devido a conflitos de interesse na investigação da morte de Nava.
The only thing that guy did in Colombia was break up cartels. That's why Emilia hired him.
A única coisa que fez na Colômbia foi desmantelar cartéis, por isso ela o contratou.
Barquet managed to get the DEA drones to magically show that the fire at the warehouse was caused by a meth lab.
Os drones da DEA, como por magia, mostraram que o incêndio no armazém foi provocado por um laboratório de metanfetamina.
[Alicia] The victim was suspected of helping the first lady, Emilia Urquiza, escape...
Suspeita-se que a vítima tenha ajudado a Primeira-Dama, Emilia Urquiza, a fugir.
THE OATH... a few days ago, President Nava was...
O JURAMENTO... há uns dias, o Presidente Nava estava...
The location of Bray's body was Canek's ticket to get into the C1.
A localização do corpo do Bray foi a forma de o Canek entrar no C1.
The only way to get to Citlalli was to get himself arrested.
A única forma de aproximar-se da Citlalli era sendo preso.
According to the latest reports, it was an armed squad.
Segundo as últimas informações, foi um comando armado.
It was attacked, the prisoners were freed and the guards were murdered.
Foi atacado, os prisioneiros foram libertados e os guardas foram assassinados.
The man who found Bray's body... was in the C1.
O homem que descobriu o corpo do Bray estava no C1.
Is that she was with him at the time of his death.
É que ela estava com ele quando ele morreu.

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