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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / We'll talk about it

We'll talk about it traduction Portugais

893 traduction parallèle
- We'll drop in and talk about it sometime. - If you don't mind.
- Num dia temos que falar disso.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falamos sobre isso amanhã de manhã. - Está bem!
We'll talk about it later.
Conversaremos sobre isto depois.
We'll talk about it now.
Conversaremos sobre isto agora!
We'll talk about it and straighten everything out before anything happens.
Falaremos e esclareceremos as coisas antes que algo aconteça.
We'll talk about it later.
Falaremos sobre isso mais tarde.
We'll talk about it in here.
Vem cá, Tom. Falamos aqui dentro.
- Yeah, well, as I said, we'll talk about it.
- Pois, tal como disse, falaremos disso.
We'll talk about that when it is all over.
Falaremos disso quando acabar tudo.
Well, read it, and we'll talk about it some other time, huh?
Lê francês? Então leia-a, conversaremos sobre isso noutra altura.
Well, we'll have a nice long talk about it sometime.
Um dia, teremos uma bela e longa conversa a esse respeito.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Conversaremos amanhã.
- No, we'll never talk about it again.
- Não, nunca mais falamos sobre isso.
Come with me and we'll talk about it over lunch?
Vem comigo e falamos disso enquanto almoçamos?
We'll talk about it now.
Falamos agora.
Some day we'll have a nice, long talk about it.
Algum dia teremos um longo bate-papo sobre isso.
We'll talk about it later.
- Eu sei. Falamos depois.
- Yeah, we'll talk about it.
- Sim, falaremos sobre isso.
We'll talk about it tonight, at the house over some grub.
Vai jantar lá a casa e conversaremos sobre isso.
We'll talk about it at supper, huh?
Combinamos isso durante o jantar.
We'll talk about it later.
Obrigado, novamente.
We'll talk about it there.
Falaremos sobre isso lá.
We'll talk about it in the morning.
Falaremos sobre isso pela manhã.
We'll talk about it.
In that case... just give me a check for my share of the profits and we'll talk about it then.
Nesse caso... me dê um cheque pelos meus lucros e logo falaremos do resto.
We'll talk about it later.
Teremos tempo de falar disso.
We'll talk about it when you come back.
Falaremos sobre isso quando você voltar.
We'll have plenty of time to talk about it.
Teremos muito tempo para conversar.
We'll talk about it on the way to the airport.
Nós falaremos sobre ele no caminho do aeroporto.
- We'll talk about it tomorrow.
- Amanhã falamos.
We'll talk about it on the fly.
Falaremos a caminho.
Sure, friend, we'll talk about it later.
- Amigo, falamos disso depois.
We'll talk about it when you come back.
Falaremos disso quando regressares.
We'll talk about it some other times.
Logo falamos disso em outra ocasião.
We'll talk about it later.
Falaremos sobre isso depois.
We'll talk about it tonight.
Discutiremos esta noite.
We'll talk about it after.
Falaremos disso mais tarde.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falaremos sobre isso amanhã.
Please, uncle Max. We'll talk about it later.
- Tento escrever uma carta.
We'll talk about it outside.
sim, sim sairá.
Get on it this afternoon, we'll talk about it on the train.
Trate disto esta tarde, falamos deles no comboio.
We'll talk about it later.
Falamos nisso depois.
We'll talk about it in the morning.
Falamos disto amanhã de manhã.
We'll talk about it when we get home.
Falaremos sobre isso quando chegarmos a casa.
Vai dormir, aquecer-se, e falamos na segunda-feira.
( firmly ) We'll talk about it when- - when I get home.
Falamos nisso quando eu chegar a casa.
- We'll talk about it in the morning.
Conversamos manhã. Não!
We'll talk about it in the morning.
Vocês conversam amanhã.
If you get tired of chasing'em, look me up and we'll talk about it.
Se te fartares de os perseguir, procuras-me e falaremos sobre isso.
We'll talk about it over dinner at your place.
Falarei com ele ainda hoje. Depois, entrego-lhe no restaurante.
Now, look, Walters, why don't you come down from there and we'll talk about it?
Agora, olha, Walters, porque não desces daí para podermos conversar?

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