Went away traduction Portugais
1,748 traduction parallèle
When Patty went away, did she ever tell you where she went?
Quando a Patty se ausentou, ela disse-lhe aonde foi?
You're the one that went away.
Foste tu que fugiste.
- Lila went away?
- A Lila foi-se embora?
You and Lila went away together as sponsor and sponsee.
Tu e a Lila foram viajar, sendo ela a tua madrinha.
He spoke with the provost and a rep at panhellenic and suggested that it would be in everyone's best interest if this all just went away, so it has.
Ele falou com o reitor e com um representante da directoria e sugeriu que era mais interessante para todos se esquecem tudo isto, portanto, foi esquecido.
I never went away.
Eu nunca fui embora.
My sister went away to camp and came back with an entirely new body.
Minha irmã foi acampar e voltou com um corpo completamente novo.
I could still watch him when he went away.
Para o continuar a ver quando ele fosse embora.
He starts drinking himself to death when i went away.
Ele começou a beber quando fui embora.
You know, before I went away, I never really appreciated my life, my job, my wife, but now, now I know.
Sabe, antes de eu ir embora, eu não apreciava a minha vida... o meu trabalho, a minha esposa... mas agora, agora eu sei.
Maybe it went away.
Talvez ele tenha ido embora.
I just assumed it went away.
Eu presumi que estava fora.
I felt guilty about it all these years, like it was my fault you went away.
Senti-me culpado todos estes anos, como se fosse culpa minha teres ido.
How it all went away so fast.
Em como tudo se esfumou.
Peggy died, and Lisa went away.
Peggy morreu e Lisa foi embora.
Slavic languages and just they went away, you know, and no more Tolstoy.
Se olharmos se as línguas eslavas desaparecessem, desapareceria Tolstoy.
The Victorian freak show never went away, now it's called Big Brother or American idol.
O Circo de Aberrações de antigamente não desapareceu. Agora chama-se Big Brother ou Ídolos.
But since I learned this method, those problems went away.
Mas desde que aprendi este método, já não tenho problemas.
It broke my heart when they went away.
Fiquei destroçado quando eles partiram
Bynum went away for embezzlement.
A Bynum foi presa por desfalque.
Is mom went away?
Mãe foi para muito longe?
Estabamos covering to us, aparesiste your and everything went away mopped wing
Estávamos bem de vida, apareceste e tudo foi por água abaixo.
Went away when your tens went down to a set of eights.
Foi-se quando os teus dez perderam com uma sequência de oitos.
So I was prescribed the yeast infection cream, general cream, and it went away.
Receitaram-me um creme adequado, um medicamento vulgar, e aquilo desapareceu.
When my father went away, I lived alone in our house.
Quando o meu pai partiu, eu fiquei sozinha na nossa casa.
Well, it's not like all my problems just went away.
Bem, não é que todos os meus problemas tenham desaparecido...
He just went away and he never came home.
Foi-se embora e não voltou.
My mom went away. She's expected back any time now.
A minha mãe foi-se embora volta qualquer dia.
You remember that weekend? We went away and we made up a little game where'd you be my slave.
Lembras-te daquele fim de semana que brincamos que eras minha escrava?
Grandma says Father went away.
A avó diz que o pai foi embora.
Maybe the feelings just went away
Talvez os sentimentos se tenham perdido.
One already went away.
Já passou.
Gentlemen, went away.
Meus senhores, aqui vamos nós.
This went away.
Isto está terminado.
I thought if you went away to medical school, then I'd be happy, but...
Pensei que, se fosses para a faculdade de medicina, ficaria feliz, mas...
Charlie's voice : I stayed out of the Village and avoided Mick for the next couple of years until I went away to school.
Fiquei longe do bairro para evitar o Mick durante os dois anos seguintes até sair da escola.
Right. Okay, the first time she ran away, do you remember where she went?
Da primeira vez que ela fugiu, lembra-se para onde ela foi?
You know, hon, it's too bad. No one was home when we went to your old place and we just had to... drive away without going in at all.
Sabes, querida é pena que não estivesse ninguém em casa, na tua casa antiga, e tivemos de nos ir embora sem chegarmos a entrar.
When they took away my powers, some of my memory went along with it.
Quando me tiraram os poderes, alguma da minha memória foi com eles.
Eric, I told you there would be no more "us" if you went to Italy for three months after being away on the movie for six.
Eric, já te disse que não ia haver mais nenhum nós se fosses para Itália durante 3 meses, depois de teres estado 6 fora.
serena had better just stay away. went * * *
É bom que a Serena se mantenha afastada.
When he went back, I knew I had to get away.
Quando voltou a ser preso, percebi que tinha de me afastar.
On his first trip Siddhartha went out into the country, away from his father's influence.
Na primeira viagem Siddhartha foi para o interior, longe da influência do pai.
That was fine for a while till, of course, my wife passed away, and then things went downhill.
Até a minha mulher falecer. Depois tudo começou a correr mal.
When he turned away, I just assumed he was gay and went back to my falafel.
Quando ele me virou as costas, assumi que era gay e voltei à falafel.
And there was this beautiful beach that was about three blocks away that I went to all the time.
E eu ia sempre a uma praia linda que ficava a 3 quarteirões de distância.
Not two months later and not far away, another child went missing.
Dois meses depois e não muito longe, outra criança desapareceu,
I went to the boxing ring today... and I saw your father... taking away the woman... who sings on TV.
Hoje fui ver a luta de boxe vi o teu PAI levar consigo a mulher que canta na TV.
Did you see on the tape that I went to my father with his grandchild in my belly, and begged him for help, and that he turned me away?
Viste quando contei, quando fui ao meu pai com a sua neta na barriga. Implorei ajuda. E ele negou.
He saw you from far away and went nuts.
Viu-te de longe e ficou louco.
She went through a string of them after my parents divorced, but she always drives them away, on purpose, I think.
Teve vários namorados depois do divórcio, mas sempre os afugentou. De propósito, acho eu.
away 568
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
went missing 21
away from home 17
away with you 30
away present 49
away from me 19
away you go 17
away from here 45
away from you 37
away party 43
went missing 21