Whatever that was traduction Portugais
1,020 traduction parallèle
He could be a professional con artist who meets innocents abroad, gives them a song and dance about being an independent whatever that was, then skips out after bilking them for all they're worth.
Pode ser actor profissional! Conhece inocentes no estrangeiro, canta-lhes a canção da independência e sei lá o quê, e engana-as de todas as formas possíveis!
Well, unfortunately the poor man passed over before he was able to pass on whatever it was that was on his mind.
Infelizmente, o pobre homem faleceu antes de transmitir o que lhe ia na cabeça.
Now, whatever it was that was in here before came back and took Jill. But how?
Fosse o que fosse, está de volta e levou a Jill.
Spock and I will go back into time ourselves and attempt to set right whatever it was that McCoy changed.
O Spock e eu vamos voltar no tempo para tentar corrigir seja o que for que o McCoy mudou.
It's vital we stop him... before he does whatever it was that changed all history.
É vital que o paremos antes que ele faça o que quer que seja que mudou toda a história.
Although whatever civilization that might have been here was destroyed by some natural catastrophe, it would appear that one of the race took refuge in the cave.
Embora a civilização de cá tenha sido destruída por uma catástrofe natural, parece que uma das raças se refugiou na gruta.
Whatever that power surge was, it had nothing to do with the transporter or with any other system aboard this ship.
Aquela sobretensão não teve nada a ver com esta nave.
We can only hope that whatever deadly disease it was, it wasn't particularly contagious.
Só podemos esperar que, seja qual for essa doença fatal... não seja muito contagiosa.
Conjecture, captain, rather than explanation. - It would seem that we were held in the power of creatures able to control matter and to rearrange molecules in whatever fashion was desired. - Well?
- Uma conjectura, não uma explicação.
Our responsibility is clear. Whatever happened to the captain on that planet must have taken place in the short space of time that he was alone with Dr. Lester.
O que aconteceu ao Capitão ocorreu no breve espaço em que esteve a sós com a Dra. Lester.
Whatever you were doing, you had a right to do no matter how nonsensical your ventures may be. It was that simple.
Estavas no direito de viver a tua vida por mais disparatadas que fossem as tuas escolhas.
And entitled to whatever was stole from that cabin.
E tenho direito ao que foi roubado da cabana.
I mention this only to show that Paul needs our sympathy and support. Because whatever happened to him was just bad luck.
Só o mencionei para mostrar que o Paul precisa da nossa solidariedade e apoio, porque o que lhe aconteceu foi azar.
Now, I don't know what you did, but whatever it was, that's a miracle.
Não sei o que é que fez, mas o que quer que tenha sido, é um milagre.
Bought a horse, traps and other truck that went with being a mountain man. And said goodbye to whatever life was down below.
Comprou um cavalo, armadilhas e outras coisas necessárias à vida de um homem de montanha, e disse adeus à vida que tinha cá em baixo.
That's an early-day folk singer. And my job is to tell it like it is. Or was, or whatever.
O meu dever como bardo é contar as coisas como elas são ou como foram.
Now of course Irving... Knew very well that whatever made Hughes a mystery was whatever... made Hughes, himself, a born mystery maker.
Claro que Irving sabia muito bem tudo o que fazia Hughes ser um mistério, era tudo que fazia o próprio Hughes, um fabricante nato de mistérios.
So, we're all just fine, but whatever was on that ship used our transporter beam to come aboard with us, and now it's here.
Entao, está tudo bem... mas o que estava na nave usou nosso raio de teletransporte... para vir a bordo e agora está aqui.
Well, whatever it was, somebody didn't like it. That's for sure.
Deve ter feito mal a alguém, não resta dúvida.
All right. Now, we know that extreme emotional commitment, anger, frustration, whatever, was present in all of those people that we interviewed, right?
Sabemos que estados emocionais extremos, raiva, frustração, estavam presentes nos entrevistados.
I took the liberty of checking with the CSIO, and they tell me that the prime content of whatever it was that fell... was petroleum, oil.
A agência de investigação científica diz que o componente principal do que tem caído é petróleo.
Piglet, whatever it was that made these tracks, has now been joined by a whatever-it-is.
Piglet, seja quem for que deixou aqui estas pegadas, começou a encontrar-se com... Sei lá quem.
Whatever drug or elixir it was that this woman...
A droga ou o elixir que essa mulher...
I'm afraid Baltar's plan has failed, whatever that plan truly was.
Temo que o plano de Baltar falhou, qualquer que fosse o verdadeiro plano.
Whatever it was is gone now but let's ease on over in that direction.
Seja o que fosse, foi-se agora mas... vamos com prudência naquela direção.
Moreover, how does one account for the fact that you eventually ceased to see : : : The peculiar aura, or whatever it was : : :
Além do mais como explica o facto de que você parou de ver... aquela aura peculiar, ou o que quer que fosse...
Whatever it was, it was bigger than that block of ice you found.
Seja o que for, é maior do que o bloco de gelo que vocês encontraram.
Salt, I've got a story that was due day before yesterday, so whatever you've got to say, make it snappy.
Isto já devia ter sido entregue antes de ontem. Seja lá o que for, despacha-te.
Are you suggesting that whatever was in their safes might incriminate them?
Estás a querer dizer que, o que quer que, estivesse nos cofres deles poderia os incriminar?
I mean, if it ever came out that I was connected with those whatever this is, it would finish me.
Se acharem que estou ligado a isto, é o meu fim.
Why do you think, whatever it was that happened in there... only happened to you and didn't happen to me?
O que quer que tenha acontecido lá... por que é que aconteceu contigo e não comigo?
If we could get one of them to dance, that was it. We'd get on the floor and really start to smoke, cutting in on each other, and these girls would stop whatever they were doing, and look.
Você chamava uma para dançar... ia para a pista, mandava ver... e as outras paravam para olhar.
We accept that we had to sacrifice... a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong.
Nós aceitamos o fato de que temos que sacrificar um sábado inteiro na detenção pelo que seja que tenhamos feito de errado.
We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice... a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong.
Nós aceitamos o fato de que temos que sacrificar... um sábado inteiro na detenção pelo que quer que tenhamos feito de errado.
Amanda, whatever it was that was in the wall, was it alone?
Amanda, o que quer que seja que estivesse na parede, estava sozinho?
An act of horrible violence and cruelty has taken place amongst us, my neighbors, and whatever we shall discover the reason finally to be, I believe that this was no mere accidental occurrence.
Um ato de violência e crueldade extremas foi praticado entre nós e seja qual for o motivo que levou à sua prática, acredito que não se tratou de um caso acidental.
Yes, I was about to report that he has no connection whatever to Foundation cases.
Sim, ia informar-te que ele não tem ligação com nenhum caso da Fundação.
Whatever bad was going around, that's what I got.
Fiquei com o pior que havia para fazer.
What about that... whatever it was I ran straight through?
E aquela cena... aquela coisa que eu atropelei?
So what's new? They said I was too offbeat-looking, whatever that means.
Disseram que eu tinha um ar fora do comum.
Whatever's happened, the fact remains that the robbery was foiled and the money was saved. - I understand here...
Mas a verdade é que se evitou o roubo e o dinheiro foi recuperado.
Well, she couldn't go back to her apartment, so that means that all she had was whatever she had in her pocket, unless she could hock something.
- Ela não podia voltar para casa. Só tinha o dinheiro que trazia no bolso, a não ser que tenha penhorado algo.
Whatever it was that Flagg kid was behind it.
Seja lá o que for, o Flagg está por detrás.
That Dimjolt guy, whatever his name was.
O daquele Dimjolt, ou lá com se chamava ele.
Brindemos a isso... seja lá o que for que ele disse.
I mean, where did he get the digitalis, or the atropine, or whatever drug it was that got his heart going so fast?
Onde é que conseguiu a digitalina, ou a atropina... ou seja qualquer que seja a droga que tenha feito disparar o seu coração?
Teresa is the lady that Frankie was... whatever in the attic.
Teresa é a rapariga com quem Frankie estava... seja o que for no sótão.
He warned the others... that whatever terrible deed had befallen their true friend, Sinbad... the entire town of Basra was in grave peril.
Avisou os outros, que em qualquer acto terrível que tivesse caído o seu verdadeiro amigo, Sinbad, toda a cidade de Basra corria um grave perigo.
Whatever is necessary. That I should trust you. He was generous.
O que fosse necessário para que confiasse que ele era generoso, que essa é a sua natureza.
Marylyn's uncle brought back some manuscripts he found in that - whatever it was...
O tio da Marylin trouxe alguns manuscritos que ele encontrou - la naquele nao sei que...
I'm one of the people circling our capital under the assumption that whatever problem there was below was a normal one.
Sou um dos milhares que estão circulando nossa capital e que supõem que o problema lá embaixo é normal.
whatever that means 174
whatever that is 200
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
whatever that is 200
that was close 355
that was stupid 112
that was quick 252
that was about 19
that wasn't very nice 41
that was a long time ago 336
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that was fast 352
that wasn't me 262
that was awesome 388
that was nice 214
that was amazing 502
that was funny 122
that wasn't your fault 51
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that was great 569
that wasn't it 39
that wasn't me 262
that was awesome 388
that was nice 214
that was amazing 502
that was funny 122
that wasn't your fault 51
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that was great 569
that wasn't it 39