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When you said traduction Portugais

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You remember when you said all the answers were on that dirigible?
Lembras-te quando disse que as respostas estavam na nave?
When you said to me, "if we survive this, we'll figure out the rest" that was very hard for me to hear, because I don't really know what the rest means. But then I realized I don't really care.
Quando disseste "se sobrevivermos, arranjamos uma maneira no resto", foi difícil, porque não sabia o que era o "resto", mas... eu percebi que não me interessa.
And what did you mean when you said that I would lose Vincent either way?
E o que é que quiseste dizer com o perderei o Vincent de qualquer das maneiras?
Hey, remember when you said that you're not a lawyer?
Lembraste de teres dito que não eras advogada?
Ugh! I didn't strike you when you said "knocking boots," but "bone bros"?
Não te bati quando disseste que andamos enrolados, mas "manos da queca"...?
Do you know three weeks later when you said hey motherfucker,
Três semanas mais tarde quando me chamou de filho da puta, eu disse :
Going out for beer runs. And when you said that you were gonna be a cop, I said, of course you are.
E quando disseste que ias ser um polícia... eu disse, claro que vais ser.
So, Barry, when you said you were off duty last night you weren't visiting Iris again, you know, in disguise?
Vamos a isto. Então... Barry, quando disseste que estavas de folga na noite passada, não foste visitar a Iris outra vez.
- When you said pickup, I thought you meant a truck.
Quando disseste uma carrinha, eu pensei um camião
So that's what you meant when you said and argument.
Então é isso que quiseste dizer, quando disseste discurso.
... when you said all you saw in me was Dad and there was nothing of you in me.
Quando disseste que só vias o pai em mim, que eu não tinha nada de ti em mim.
Mr Molesley, when you said earlier about what you were planning to for Mr Bates,
Sr. Molesley, quando falou há pouco no que está a planear para o Sr. Bates,
What did you mean when you said my son's possessed?
O que quiseste dizer com "o teu filho está possuído"?
But you were also pretty wrong when you said I regretted kissing you.
Mas também estavas bastante enganada quando disseste que eu me arrependi de te ter beijado.
When you said "eat the contract," you weren't kidding.
Não estava a brincar sobre "comeres o contrato".
I couldn't stand it when you said you were married in court.
- Não aguentei quando disseste que eras casada no tribunal.
You've been covering it for a long time. When you said your communication with the machine was limited, you didn't say that it wasn't talking to you at all.
Quando disse que a conversa com a Máquina era limitada, não disse que ela nem sequer fala consigo.
When you put me in charge of this operation, you said that I could run it how I see fit.
Quando me confiou esta operação, disse que eu podia atuar como bem entendesse.
Remember when I said if you went through with surgery there was a 1 in 700,000 chance of dying?
Lembras-te quando eu disse que se avançasses com a cirurgia havia uma hipótese em 700 mil de morreres?
Maybe you should blame me because when Ben told us about Lexi and said there was no trail to follow maybe I was looking for a reason to move on so that our family drama didn't wreak havoc on everybody and everything for once.
Não quero fazer isso contigo. Sabes uma coisa? Devias culpar-me.
When I woke up in the hospital, you said I'd been in a car accident.
Quando acordei no Hospital, disseste que sofri um acidente de carro.
When your mom said you were out on a run, I thought she was joking.
A tua mãe disse-me que vieste correr, e eu pensei que ela estava a brincar.
You said this all started when he was at his station.
Disse que tudo isso começou quando ele estava na mesa dele.
Quando disse aquilo sobre punho de ferro...
Remember when I said you'd thrive?
Lembras-te quando te disse que ias crescer?
Who said you need to wear that olub's tee when you are betting on them?
Quem disse que tens de usar a camisola do clube quando apostas neles?
No, you said when you got here, there was a girl and they took her away and they never brought her back, right?
Não, você disse que quando chegou aqui, havia outra rapariga e eles levaram-na e nunca mais a trouxeram de volta, certo?
I lied to you. I lied right to your face. But I need you to know that when I said I wanted to leave Starling with you, that wasn't a lie.
Menti-te, menti-te descaradamente, mas preciso que saibas que, quando disse que queria deixar Starling contigo, não era mentira.
Well, that's not what you said when you found out.
Não foi o que disseste quando soubeste.
And when I said that it didn't matter what I'd do next because I have you?
Disse que não importa o que farei a seguir, pois tenho-te a ti.
Because that is exactly what you said to me when I told Allison about us.
Foi o que me disseste quando te contei que falei à Allison acerca de nós.
I remember what you said when we were leaving the ghetto.
Mas lembrei-me do que disseste quando saíamos do gueto.
Believe me, when everything's said and done, you don't want to throw this all away over a few orgasms.
Acreditas em mim, quando tudo está dito e feito, não vais querer jogar tudo isso fora por causa de alguns orgasmos.
Grace, when you first came to me three weeks ago, you said your goal was to make your marriage work.
Grace, quando vieste à mim pela primeira vez há três semanas atrás, Disseste que o seu objectivo era fazer o seu casamento dar certo.
Look, I'm sorry, okay? And the things you said when you were whacked-out were real.
Peço desculpa, mas as coisas que disse quando estava anestesiado foram a sério.
Well, Gloria said it all started when she caught you in the ski lodge.
A Gloria disse que tudo começou quando ela te apanhou na estância de esqui.
When I said that it didn't matter what I do next because I have you, I was wrong because we're done.
Quando disse que não importava o que eu faria porque te tenho, estava errado, porque acabámos.
When I came to you thinking about helping people, you said I could be an inspiration.
Quando fui ter contigo pensando ajudar pessoas, disseste que podia ser uma inspiração.
Back at your apartment, when you knew someone had broken in, you said something -
No seu apartamento, quando soube que o arrombaram, disse algo.
I tried to contact Saul when he landed in DC, like you said, - but he never got there. - What do you mean?
Tentei contactar o Saul quando aterrou em DC, como disseste, mas ele nunca lá chegou.
You know, when I said we should watch the particle accelerator turn on I just meant we should get naked and howl at the moon.
Quando disse que devíamos ver o acelerador de partículas a ligar-se, queria dizer que nos devíamos despir e uivar para a Lua.
I hit a nerve right when I said you "Grew up in that place."
Atingi um nervo quando disse, "Cresceste neste lugar".
I heard what he said when you had a gun to his head.
Ouvi o que ele disse quando tinhas uma arma apontada à cabeça dele.
And do you remember what you said to me when I called you in a panic?
Lembras-te o que me disseste quando eu liguei em pânico?
But when I first met you, you said you'd been away from Mystic Falls for 15 years.
Mas quando te conheci, disse que ficou longe de Mystic Falls por 15 anos.
When you told me I could inspire people, you said you couldn't.
Quando disseste que eu inspiraria as pessoas, disseste que tu não podias.
When I said I wouldn't train you, I was trying to protect you.
Quando eu recusei treinar-te, estava a tentar proteger-te.
And that famous spin when he was spinning, I told him, I said, "Why didn't you hit him on the way down?"
Ele fez aquela famosa rotação e eu perguntei-lhe : "Porque não lhe bateste quando estava a cair?"
Tell me, what's your plan when Emily comes forward to dispute everything you've said?
Diz-me, qual é o teu plano quando a Emily se revelar e te confrontar com tudo o que disseste?
When the nurse drew my blood, she said that you ordered a genetic screening.
Quando a enfermeira me tirou sangue, disse que pediu um rastreio genético.
You said that you and Kenneth got the dog when you were married?
Disse que tiveram o cão, enquanto casados?

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