With your family traduction Portugais
1,464 traduction parallèle
I know how hard you worked to get your shot with me, but you turned it down to be with your family.
Eu sei o quanto trabalhaste para poderes trabalhar comigo, mas recusaste isso, para estares com a tua família.
Fantastic. Stan, get inside right now and have dinner with your family!
A única coisa pior que um miúdo na puberdade é ser o pai de um miúdo na puberdade.
The modern furniture, the strategically placed magazines, the framed diplomas the art on the wall, are all in conflict with your family photos.
A mobília moderna, as revistas estrategicamente posicionadas, os diplomas enquadrados os quadros na parede, estão todos em conflitos com suas fotos de família.
That you pick up fighting with your family.
... isso, aprendemos a lutar com a nossa família.
You are going with your family on a vacation.
Vais de férias com a tua família.
you're here with your family.
Estás aqui com a tua família.
But You'Re Supposed To Be With Your Family On Thanksgiving.
É suposto estar-se com a família no dia de Acção de Graças.
Being with your family, your friends, your community.
Estar com a família, amigos e comunidade.
Go be with your family.
Vai para junto da tua família.
AII the times you wanted to be with your family but you were on some investigation instead.
As vezes em que querias estar com eles, mas estavas nalguma investigação.
The hell with your family, right?
- Que se lixe a tua família.
Spending time with your family, making them very happy.
Passas tempo com a tua família, fá-los muito felizes.
I hereby free you from a party with your family, especially your mom.
Considera-te libertada de um festejo em família, sobretudo com a tua mãe.
We put you in there with your family, all together.
Pusemos-te lá com a tua família, todos juntos.
You need to share this with your family.
Precisa de partilhar isto com a sua família.
Worst thing she ever did was get mixed up with your family.
O pior que fez foi misturar-se com a sua família.
Pleasant evening at home with your family, I hope.
Agradável noite em casa com a sua família, eu espero.
- Yes. We've been sitting here chatting with your family.
Temos estado aqui a falar com a sua família.
-... with your family and everything- -
- Espera lá!
I'm sure you're going to want to talk this over with your family.
Tenho a certeza que vai querer falar primeiro com a sua família.
It's Xmas time, you gotta be with your family.
É Natal, vão para junto das vossas famílias.
Have you been in touch with your family?
Tens contactado com a tua família?
And since you can't take care of your family, I'm taking Julia and Lizzie with me.
Visto que não sabes tomar conta da tua família, vou levar a Julia e a Lizzie comigo.
Don't you want a proper bris With your friends and family there?
Não prefere uma cerimónia adequada, com os amigos e a família?
My hope is that he can do that with the love and support of your family.
Eu desejo que ele consiga fazer isso com o amor e apoio da sua família.
How dare you breakin to our house, defile our bed, and smash our family photos with your foot.
Como ousam invadir a nossa casa, sujar a nossa cama e esmagar as nossas fotografias de família com os teus pés?
You didn't stay with your foster family.
Não ficaste com a tua família de acolhimento.
But Your Secret Dies With You, Your Family And Your Friends.
Mas o teu segredo morre contigo, com a tua família e os teus amigos..
But now you're having a big party with all your friends and family coming from all over?
Mas agora vão dar uma grande festa Com todos os vossos amigos e família?
- We also know that your father does not work with anyone outside of the family.
Também sabemos que o seu pai não trabalha com ninguém fora da família.
Man, oh, man, what are you trying to do to your family with this food?
Que estás a fazer à tua família com esta comida?
Spend Christmas with your family.
Passa o Natal com a tua família.
And you registered a complaint with Detecve Grasso that Mr. Quiñones was threatening your family.
E você registou uma queixa com o detective Grasso que o Sr. Quiñones estava a ameaçar a sua família.
So Santo heard aboutQuiñones threatening your family, figured he'd make some points with the boss.
Então o Santo escutou que o Quiñones ameaçou a tua família, pensou cair nas graças do patrão.
I don't member your "prominent family" around when you needed help with your little club here.
Não me recordo de ver a tua "família espectacular" quando precisaste de ajuda na tua discotecazita.
Uh, sir, your family's been staying with us for what seems like forever, and -
A sua família está connosco há não sei quanto tempo e...
So your family's history with my family has nothing to do with it?
Então, a história da sua família com a minha família não tem nada a ver?
It did leave me with some questions about you and your intentions regarding the family. I assure you, the only connection they have to my vision for New York now, today, is that they're in the way.
Garanto que a única ligação entre eles e a minha visão para Nova Iorque, hoje, é o facto de estarem no meu caminho.
Last night, I was sitting with you and your family and I realized something.
Ontem à noite, quando estava contigo e com a tua família, percebi uma coisa.
So lighten those loafers and get ready for us to suck your funny bone with some Family Guy-style show stoppers.
Calcem as luvas e preparem-se para lhes sugarmos o tutano... com alguns clips ao estilo de Family Guy!
Why all this? What do you mean to live with my family's blood on your hands?
Mais de 500 rúpias, amigos.
We'll tell your friends and family. They'll book a time to phone. We'll make sure someone's with you.
Diremos aos seus amigos e família, se marcarem hora para Ihe falar haverá alguém aqui consigo.
Can you live with a wood-rotting fungi that colonizes and spreads to every timber in your home, leading to a mold which can produce airborne pathogens that might infect every member of your family causing conjunctivitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis and I'm not gonna lie to you here allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
Conviver com um fungo que se espalha... em toda a madeira que tem em casa... produzindo agentes patogênicos... que podem infectar toda a família... causando conjuntivite, pneumonia de hipersensibilidade? Isso, sem falar... em aspergilose broncopulmonar alérgica.
When I was working on your home with you to me it felt like family.
Quando eu estava trabalhando na sua casa... eu me senti... parte da família.
What is it with you and your family?
Qual é o problema comigo e com a tua família?
Is your family happy - with their new accommodation?
A sua família gosta da vossa nova casa?
But I hope you and your family will be comforted by the knowledge that Brent was loved and respected by almost all those who came in contact with him.
"mas espero que o senhor e a sua família encontrem consolo " no facto do Brent ser estimado e respeitado " por quase todos os que lidavam com ele.
This is you wanting to be with your friends more than your family.
Preferes estar com os teus amigos a estar com a tua família.
You'd think on such a nice day, your husband would want to spend time with his family.
Você pensaria que num dia tão bonito, o seu esposo haveria de querer passar tempo com a sua família.
Let's have nothing more to do with each other... because, obviously, your idea of family is, uh - is very different from mine.
Esqueçam que nos conhecemos. Não há mais nada a fazer, um pelo outro, porque obviamente, a idéia de vocês sobre família é muito diferente da minha.
Like that he came back to Buffalo to kill Edward O'Leary so he could stop him and the rest of the Irish from getting into bed with some Chinese sugar daddy and wiping your family off the map?
Como que ele voltou para Búfalo matar Edward O'Leary assim ele pudesse o parar e o resto do irlandês de entrar em cama com algum papai de açúcar chinês e esfregando seu família fora o mapa?
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your family 337
with your mother 23
with your 48
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
your family 337
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family members 20
family reunion 17
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family members 20
family reunion 17
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family man 38
family meeting 38
family business 42
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family man 38
family meeting 38
family business 42