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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Would've

Would've traduction Portugais

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I mean, not that it would've worked.
Digo, não que ele funcionasse.
Maybe I would've found her on my own, maybe not.
Talvez a conseguisse encontrar sozinho, ou não.
But you never would've found me.
Mas nunca me encontraria.
I know Boots would've wanted you to be happy and safe, so... I'm helping out.
Sei que o Boots iria querer que estivesses feliz e segura, então... irei ajudar.
Well, what I'd like to do to him is I would let Bonnie cut out his eye and then I would bury him alive in a pine box but unfortunately I've got a mandate from a judge that says I need to bring in Texas Jack alive.
Bem, daria o prazer á Bonnie para acertar um olho e, em seguida, enterraríamos-o vivo num caixão de pinho, mas infelizmente eu tenho uma ordem de um juiz que diz que tenho que levá-lo vivo.
Do you think Morland would've said yes to the offer to take over the group?
Achas que o Morland teria aceitado a oferta de assumir o grupo?
I mean, how long would you say you've been writing this code?
Gosto muito dos dois, mas há quanto tempo disseste que estás a escrever este programa? Há cinco anos?
You captured and tortured the very individuals who would've helped you and your country...
Você capturou e torturou as únicas pessoas que o poderiam ter ajudado... e aos seu país.
Yo, obviously... oh, dude, if I knew you was in town, I would've hit you up with this party last night.
Se soubesse que estavas cá, tinha-te chamado para uma festa.
Yeah, Ziva, she would've, she would've gone out swinging, you know?
A Ziva teria morrido contente, sabes?
If I'd known she was pregnant, I would've been there in a second.
Se soubesse que ela estava grávida, estaria lá em segundos.
If I hadn't demanded you leave, you would've struck me again.
E se não te mandasse sair, voltavas a bater-me.
If the Field Marshal sent him, he would've come on a Spanish patrol boat and not alone.
Se o marechal o enviasse, ele teria vindo Num barco patrulha espanhol e não sozinho.
- That's what would've happened.
- Isso era o que teria acontecido.
Only had, like, a day and a half, otherwise I would've reached out.
Só tive, tipo, um dia e meio, caso contrario tinha vindo ver-te.
Don't you think I would've mentioned it if he did?
Não achas que o teria mencionado se ele o tivesse feito?
I would've known.
Eu saberia.
He knows what I've done... and that I would do anything to keep it secret.
Ele sabe o que eu fiz. E que que faria qualquer coisa para o manter em segredo.
I'm sure if I'd been able to sleep, I would've had nightmares too.
Tenho certeza que se conseguisse dormir também teria pesadelos.
I never would've thought you'd have it in you.
Nunca pensei que tivesses isso dentro de ti.
You may have killed a lot of men, but you've never ordered one to battle knowing he would die.
Podes ter morto muitos homens, mas nunca ordenaste a alguém que lutasse sabendo que ele morreria.
It occurs to me that if Bob Lee had a visitor, let's say an old friend he hadn't seen in a long time, they would've left a way for him to get a hold of them.
Ocorre-me que se o Bob Lee tivesse uma visita, digamos que de um velho amigo, que já não via há muito tempo, teria deixado uma forma de ele os contactar.
I would've assumed you had a plan.
Pressupus que tinhas um plano.
Stress levels in that household would've been through the roof.
Os níveis de stress lá em casa deviam estar no auge.
That would've worked, but they took my phone. And it's in a building, like, a mile away.
Até dava, mas tiraram-me o telemóvel e está num edifício a mais de 1 km daqui.
Who could've predicted that Rohan would run into his kidnappers himself.
Ninguém poderia prever que o Rohan fosse dar de caras com os raptores.
Sounds to me like the guy would've had a dog sniffing up his ass before he got on the plane.
Parece-me que o tipo ia ter um cão a cheirar-lhe o rabo antes de entrar no avião.
We would've gone in stealth. Surround the fucker, then grab him.
Nós teríamos avançado furtivamente, rodeado o cabrão para o apanhar.
I would've given you a ten, but here, next to me, is an Argentinian judge who's very picky.
Dava-te um dez, mas aqui ao meu lado está um júri argentino que é muito exigente.
Well, I've got a list here of possible locations that would be safe for the Escobar family.
Bem, tenho aqui uma lista de possíveis locais seguros para a família Escobar.
Now I had my own history with La Quica, and believe me, I would've liked to beat him to death right then and there.
A minha relação com o La Quica já vinha de trás e, acreditem, teria gostado de o espancar até à morte logo ali.
And I bet nobody would've cared.
E aposto que ninguém se importava.
Well, if something like that was gonna go wrong it would've happened earlier in the flight.
Bem, se algo assim fosse acontecer, seria numa fase mais inicial do vôo.
The phone would've been worse.
Telefonar tinha sido pior.
And my parents would've still had that restaurant and they would've still been in that kitchen cooking.
E os meus pais ainda teriam o restaurante, e ainda estariam nessa cozinha, a cozinhar.
'Cause she would have been notice this creepy look I've been giving her.
Se não quisesse, já teria notado a forma tarada como olho para ela.
I would help you in any way I could, but honestly, you've got a lot of speculation, and still no proof of a conspiracy.
Mas, honestamente, há aí muita especulação e nenhuma prova de conspiração.
If he wanted to give himself up, he would've.
Se se quisesse entregar, já o teria feito.
In another world, I would've shot you the minute I saw you.
Noutro mundo, ter-te-ia abatido assim que te vi.
I thought you would've learned your lesson in Caraquet.
Pensei que tinhas aprendido a lição em Caraquet.
You know what his reason would've been?
- Sabes qual seria o motivo dele? - Qual?
Anybody else would've thought your friend was crazy, but I knew something wasn't right.
Qualquer outra pessoa teria pensado que o seu amigo era maluco, mas... eu sabia que algo estava errado.
A little heads-up on the takeoff would've been nice.
Um pequeno aviso na descolagem teria sido simpático.
Mitch would've loved this.
O Mitch teria adorado isto.
What is happening? I want you to know you would've been proud of me, okay?
Eu quero que saibas que ficaria orgulhoso de mim, está bem?
I'm not sure that would've worked out for either of us.
- Acho que não daria certo.
There's no way that other asshat doctor would've figured this out.
Aquele outro médico nunca teria descoberto isto.
Right, but any day that it would've happened would've been the day it happened- -
Qualquer dia que acontecesse teria sido o dia em que acontecia.
I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there.
Não sei o que teria feito se não estivesses lá.
I would've thought you would have cleaned this shithole up by now.
Pensei que já tinha arrumado a casa.
I've always wondered... what would actually happen if you put aluminum foil in the microwave?
O que acontece se colocares papel de alumínio no micro-ondas?

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