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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / Wrists

Wrists traduction Portugais

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You gotta get your wrists into it.
Veja. Você tem que trabalhar com o pulso.
In anything athletic, you got to get the wrists in. Watch me.
Não é atlético, você tem que manter os pulsos para dentro.
And you're going to drive him down to Tim, the blacksmith, and have those preposterous contraptions removed from his wrists.
Vais levá-lo ao Tim, o serralheiro, para ele lhe tirar essa engenhoca ridícula dos pulsos.
She said it very loud, like a shriek, and then they shot and she fell, and I wanted to got to her, but we were all tied by the wrists in a long line of girls and women.
Ela falou muito alto, foi como um grito, e depois mataram-na. Ela caiu e eu quis ir ter com ela, mas estávamos atados pelos pulsos numa fila de raparigas e mulheres.
Wrists first, then ankles and a few loops hooking them together.
Os pulsos, daí os tornozelos, daí amarre-os juntos.
Madame got the razor from your room, and she cut her wrists.
A Madame usou a lâmina do seu quarto, e cortou os pulsos.
Now stick out your wrists.
Agora dê-me as mãos.
There she is, stretched out across the bed, dead drunk, her wrists cut and bleeding.
Lá estava ela, estirada na cama, bêbada como um cacho, com os pulsos cortados e a sangrar.
Show me your wrists, Frank.
Mostra-me os pulsos, Frank.
Show me your wrists!
Mostra-me os pulsos!
After I'd milked every tear out of it, I cut my wrists, not deep enough to die, just enough to bleed myself back into the centre of attention.
Depois de ter esgotado todas as lágrimas, cortei os pulsos, não o suficiente para morrer, mas o suficiente para voltar a ser o centro das atenções.
- My wrists are too sore.
- Meus pulsos esto doendo demais.
She'd cut her wrists, and she was dead.
Ela tinha-se enforcado, e estava morta.
Three sweet ones The heart, the wrists and the hand
Três doçuras O coração, os pulsos e a mão
All day I was expectin you'd be in to practice. I'll go down there and knock'em dead, it's all in the wrists and I got the touch, Molly. Practice.
Tenho estado todo o dia à espera que fosses ensaiar.
I stretched my arms and my sore wrists.
Pude esticar os braços e os pulsos anquílosados.
Slashed her wrists when Valentino died.
Quis matar-se quando Valentino morreu.
I love a girl who has a nice neck, nice breasts, a nice voice, nice wrists, a nice forehead, nice knees. But she's such a coward!
Amo uma rapariga com uma bela nuca, um belo peito, uma bela voz, belos pulsos, uma bela fronte, belos joelhos mas que é uma cobarde.
Round her wrists, bracelets and things
E muitas pulseiras nos pulsos
Women rarely sIit their wrists.
É muito raro que uma mulher corte as veias.
- Well, blow on your wrists.
Sopre por dentro da roupa!
He could break the glass, and cut his wrists.
Poderia quebrar o espelho, e cortar as veias.
Rub his wrists. Keep his circulation going.
Esfreguem-lhe os pulsos, para a circulação.
Because you can't slash wrists with an electric razor.
Porque não se cortam as veias com uma máquina dessas.
I would appreciate it if you would not worry so much about my schooling and tell your hands to do their stuff or I'll blow'em off your wrists!
Podia deixar de se preocupar com a minha educação e dizer ás suas mãos que trabalhem ou eu as arrancarei com um tiro!
Now, look, those cuts on her wrists...
Olhe, os cortes que ela tem nos pulsos...
Will you leave your wrists alone?
Você vai deixar seus punhos em paz?
You have to convince yourself that everything is as cheap and nasty and rotten as you are, otherwise you'd be back in the bath again with your bloody wrists cut!
Tens de convencer-te de que os outros são todos reles e ruins como tu, senão voltavas a cortar os pulsos!
- Slashed his wrists same day.
- Cortou os pulsos no mesmo dia.
Listen, buster, in Reykjavik, it is dark for eight months of the year and it's cold enough to freeze your wrists off.
Ouve, labrego, em Reiquejavique, fica escuro durante oito meses e o frio quase nos congela as mãos.
Elbows in, wrists down, elbows, wrists... elbows, wrists, elbows, wrists, elbows, wrists, elbows, wrists.
Cotevelos para dentro, pulsos para baixo, cotevelos, pulsos, cotevelos, pulsos, cotevelos, pulsos, cotevelos, pulsos, cotevelos, pulsos.
Elbows, wrists, elbows, wrists, elbows, wrists, elbows, wrists...
Cotevelos, pulsos, cotevelos, pulsos, cotevelos, pulsos, cotevelos, pulsos...
First wrists. Then the feet.
Primeiro as mãos, depois as pernas.
Look at your hairy wrists.
Viste-te, os punhos, os calcanhares?
My wrists are broken!
Os meus pulsos partiram!
My wrists...
Está a doer!
They hurt. Your wrists seem to be very weak.
Os teus pulsos são fracos.
Weak wrists? Can't pick up your food? Here.
Nem consegues pegar na comida?
Teacher, my wrists are killing me!
Os meus pulsos estão a matar-me.
The artful god Hong. The drunken flute player with the powerful wrists.
O habilidoso deus Hong, o bêbado do punho de aço.
Only a few of societys elect display the exact time on their wrists.
Só uns poucos eleitos no mundo luzem a hora exata em seu pulso.
Gimme your wrists.
Dá-me os punhos.
Now go for his wrists!
Ataca-lhe os pulsos.
Bind his wrists.
Enfaixem os pulsos dele.
Bind his wrists.
There were cuts on her wrists from being handcuffed.
Tinha golpes nos punhos, de ter sido algemada.
She takes pills or swims out to sea... or slits her wrists.
Esqueça a natação e venha logo para câ, está bem? Rick, há uma coisa que precisa aprender.
She takes pills... or swims out to sea... or slits her wrists.
Sim, acho que sim. Estive na África, França, Chipre e, agora, Belfast. Belfast?
Both wrists.
Ambos os pulsos.
His wrists.
Os pulsos.
She takes pills or swims out to sea... or slits her wrists, but she ain't got the guts to blotto the old face. Isn't that what you said, Tony?
Primeiro o portão, ° agora, a casa de hóspedes.

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