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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You were amazing

You were amazing traduction Portugais

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You were amazing.
Eu. Tu jogaste lindamente.
And you were amazing.
E você foi um espanto.
My wife says you were amazing.
A minha mulher diz que foi maravilhoso.
You were amazing!
- Bom trabalho. Foste espantoso.
You were amazing out there.
Foste incrível.
You were amazing.
Foste fantástico!
- Oh, God, you were amazing.
- Foi fantástico.
Alex, you were amazing.
Alex. Foste bestial.
Big Momma, you were amazing.
Big Momma, você é espectacular.
You were amazing last night.
Tu foste incrível ontem á noite.
You were amazing.
Foste espectacular.
No, I thought you were amazing.
Não, eu achei que foste fantástico.
- Larry said you were amazing.
- O Larry disse que estavas espantosa!
God, you were amazing.
Nossa, você foi demais.
Miranda says that you were amazing.
A Miranda diz que foste fantástico.
You were amazing.
Foste fantástica.
Syd, you were amazing.
Syd, és fantástica.
You were amazing.
Tu és incrível.
You were amazing.
Estavas espectacular.
You were amazing.
Foste incrível.
- You were amazing, I say.
- Foste incrivel.
You were amazing.
Tu és fantástico.
And you were amazing.
E você foi incrível.
- You were amazing.
- Tu foste fantástica.
The amazing thing about you is you never need any sleep. Who were you calling?
A coisa surpreendente sobre você é, você nunca precisa dormir.
Sabe, Max, é incrível como você acreditou mesmo que era uma galinha.
But it's amazing that you were able to accomplish what you did.
Mas é incrível ter chegado aonde chegou.
You were this amazing occidental samurai. I mean..
Foste um samurai ocidental espantoso!
You know, not that I care one way or the other but these doctors today do amazing things. lf you were so inclined.
Sabes, para mim é indiferente, mas, hoje em dia, os médicos conseguem milagres! Se estás tentada.
Did you think we were joking... when we stipulated this amazing time... to see Mr. Derville?
Você achou que estávamos brincando quando lhe dissemos desta hora um tanto estranha para ver o Sr. Derville?
No, better than that, you were amazing.
Mais forte!
You were so amazing as the king!
Foste fantástico no papel do rei!
Where's this amazing thing you were gonna show us?
Onde está essa coisa espantosa que nos ias mostrar?
When you consider six months ago half of them were fighting each other... it's amazing.
Quando pensamos que há seis meses atrás metade deles estava a lutar contra a outra metade... é admirável.
That was pretty amazing what you were doing in there.
Foi fantástico o que esteve a fazer ali.
You were right, Kramer, this slicer is absolutely amazing.
Tinhas razão, Kramer. Esta cortadora é absolutamente fantástica.
C.A., you were, if I may say, amazing.
C.M., foi, se me permite dizê-lo, maravilhoso.
- You were absolutely amazing.
- És mesmo fantástico.
I am so blown away by how amazing were you today at Barneys.
Fiquei impressionada contigo no Barneys.
That was something really.... Amazing! You were demented out there.
Foi realmente... lncrÍvel!
You were so amazing.
Foste espantoso.
And the whole time we were at said dinner table... you ate two, maybe three bites of this amazing dinner I made for you.
E enquanto estivemos à dita mesa... comeste duas, talvez três dentadas deste jantar incrível que te fiz.
I just wanted to tell you how amazing you were tonight.
Só queria dizer-te que foste incrível esta noite.
- We were so amazed at how brave you were, I wanted to thank you and I have bought you an amazing present.
Estávamos tão pasmados o quanto valente tu foste, eu queria-te agradecer e comprei-te um presente maravilhoso.
You were so amazing.
És espectacular.
There were people from all over America that wrote and called and sent mail and... It was amazing to me, um... groups that were affiliated with the NRA - groups, you know, people that I call "gun nuts" - writing me and telling me what a horrible thing it was
Fui contactado por telefone, carta e e-mail por gente de toda a América e o que achei mais incrível, foi que grupos associados á NRA, gente a quem eu chamo tarados por armas, me escreveram a dizer que tinha sido horrível
If you were in love with an amazing woman, and you knew she was throwing away everything that was amazing about her on some scum... would you still want her picture on your desk?
Se estivesse apaixonado por uma mulher incrível e soubesse que ela desperdiçava isso tudo por causa de um sacana... ainda poria a foto dela numa mesa?
It's amazing you were able to survive out here.
É incrível terem conseguido sobreviver aqui.
You were the most amazing boyfriend in the world.
Tu eras o namorado melhor do mundo.
You can see how the joints were driven by the muscles and its a modern concept, its just amazing stuff. Its what we use to create a robot for NASA
Pode ver-se como as articulações são conduzidas pelos músculos e é um conceito moderno, é uma coisa espantosa é o que usamos para criar um robot para a NASA
You were amazing.
- És espantoso.

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