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You were married traduction Portugais

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I mean, you had to know you were married to a guy who occasionally might miss a thing or two, and maybe you might have to... speak up.
Deves ter percebido que és casada com um tipo a quem escapam algumas coisas e que talvez precises de as verbalizar.
You were married, huh?
Foste casado?
I heard that you were married.
Ouvi dizer que eras casado.
I don't know why I thought you were married.
Eu não sei porquê eu pensei que eras casado.
My age? You were married at my age!
Na minha idade você já estava casada.
I keep my ring in my wallet. Even if you were married.
Mesmo que fosse casado.
You don't have to tell anyone here that you were married Or that you have had a divorce
Aqui você nao tem que dizer a ninguém que se casou.
And you were married, too.
- E que tu eras casado, também.
I heard you were married.
Soube que casaste.
Well, you could have at least told her that you were married.
Podias ao menos ter-lhe dito que eras casado.
You were married, and you had a little baby, and the stork flying over the house Was yo ur pet.
Eras casada, tinhas um bebé... e a cegonha que voava sobre a casa era o teu animal de estimação.
- You were married to her.
- foste seu marido.
Imagine you were married and you found a tape of your wife in another guy's apartment.
Imagina que eras casado e encontravas uma cassete da tua mulher no apartamento de outro tipo.
You were married at the Sacred Cross Chapel in Chicago.
Você casou na Capela da Sagrada Cruz, em Chicago.
- Last year, when you were married... you believed a woman only got one great love.
- Enquanto foste casada, acreditavas num grande amor.
Anything said before you were married is fair game.
Tudo o que for dito antes do casamento, não conta.
You were married and a date is a room at the Best Western.
És casado e um encontro é um quarto no Best Western.
It's not like you were married, and even if you were...
Vocês não eram casados, e mesmo que fossem...
You were married?
- Esposa? Jà foi casado?
Yes, Tia. You were married to Raj
Foi por minha causa que esse acidente aconteceu.
Priya, you were married earlier?
Pryia, foste casada antes?
Did you know that hardly any of the guys who landed on the moon are married to the same people they were married to before they went there?
Sabias que quase nenhum dos tipos que pousou na Lua está casado com a mesma pessoa com que era casado antes de ir?
I can't find any documentation that the two of you were even married, let alone any history or evidence of foul play.
Não acho nenhum documento que ateste seu casamento, muito menos qualquer prova de um delito.
Well, we were just talking about... you guys getting married and how great it is.
Estávamos para aqui a falar de vocês irem casar-se e de como isso é fabuloso.
You'd what, wait till we were married to tell me the truth?
Podias o quê, esperar até estarmos casados para dizeres a verdade?
- That you were never married.
- Que nunca foste casado.
Look, if you two were married that would be completely different.
Ouça, se fossem casados, seria uma situação totalmente diferente.
You said we couldn't get married, because you were broke.
Disseste que não nos podíamos casar porque estavas "teso".
- Were you ever married? - Yeah.
- Já foste casada?
How long were you married for?
Certo. Quanto tempo estiveste casada?
Dont you think its fishy were not married yet?
Não achas suspeito que ainda não estejamos casados?
For instance, you were never married.
- Por exemplo, nunca se casou.
You were pregnant when you married daddy.
Estavas grávida quando se casaram.
None of your parents were married, you bitches.
Nenhum dos vossos pais se casou, seus chulos.
Were you ever married, Sergeant?
Nunca se casou, meu sargento?
is he the man you were married to?
É o homem que você se casou?
I just got back from the events office at the where you and Mike were supposed to be married.
Acabo de regressar dos escritórios de festas do Tangiers onde você e o Mike iam casar.
Hey, how long were you married?
Quanto tempo estiveste casada?
If you were a married man... I'd be wondering if your wife had thrown you out.
Se fosse casado, perguntava-lhe se a sua esposa o expulsara de casa.
Were you married a long time?
Foi casado durante muito tempo?
How long were you and Gwen married?
- Quanto tempo esteve casado com a Gwen?
- So how long were you and Gwen married?
- Quanto tempo esteve casado com a Gwen?
How long were you married?
Quanto tempo estiveste casada?
I couldn't get you anywhere near a theater or art gallery when we were married, especially if there was football on TV.
Não podia te levar perto de um teatro ou uma galeria de arte quando estávamos casados, especialmente se havia futebol em TV.
I told you my parents were still married, you yelled at me.
Estava a dizer-lhe que os meus pais eram casados e depois gritou comigo.
I feel bad, especially considering that you were so good to me... during the whole Big-married-man affair.
E sinto-me mal. Foste tão boa para mim, durante o caso com o Big homem casado.
- Were you really married to grandpa?
- Foi mesmo casada com o avô?
Were you ever married?
Vocês casaram-se?
Were you married?
Estiveram casados?
No, but if we were following your plans, Julianne, we'd be at home right now, doing the same shit that we do every goddamn day, and if we followed your mother's plans, you'd probably be a veterinarian right now and we wouldn't even be married,
Não, mas se tivéssemos seguido os teus planos, Julianne, estaríamos agora em casa a fazer as mesmas coisas que fazemos todos os dias.
Never married, which, as we know, if you were a woman, would be a curse.
Nunca se casou, o que para as mulheres seria uma maldição.

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