She didn't care traduction Russe
216 traduction parallèle
She laughed and she said we were being very silly... that we didn't care for each other anymore but we needn't hate each other.
Она смеялась и говорила, что мы поступаем глупо, что больше не любя друг друга не должны друг друга ненавидеть.
"leaving Frenchy with the care of her four-month-old baby. " She didn't come back until three days later, and by that time
Она вернулась через три дня, и к тому времени
She didn't care about transmission, connecting rod or clutch. Every time something happens to this car, it's special and expensive.
она ничего не понимает в машинах, передачах, трансмиссии но с этой машиной всякий раз что то случается и это очень дорого.
Bill didn't come at all. Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care, she kept saying.
Марго не знала, где он, и говорила, что... ей все равно.
She didn't care.
Никакой реакции.
She didn't care about anything
Ничего не почувствовав.
He's grinning at her like he didn't care she left that lot to those Clearys.
Ты посмотри, она обращается с Клери как с рабами.
I said I didn't care, I was just an adventuress but she wouldn't understand because she had no sense of humor.
Тогда я говорю : "Мне плевать на будущее". "Я – авантюристка и ты не понимаешь меня потому, что у тебя нет чувства юмора".
Because... he thought if she never got jealous of him that she didn't really care about him.
Потому что он думал, что если она не ревнует его, то и не любит его.
She didn't think I could take care of you, Pelle.
Она думала, я не смогу о тебе позаботиться, Пелле.
She said she didn't care anymore
Она сказала, что ей всё равно.
She didn't even care if anybody was around.
Ей было даже всё равно, есть ли кто вокруг.
There were things about Laura I didn't like, but she did take care of my brother Johnny.
В Лоре было такое, что мне не нравилось, но она заботилась о моём брате Джонни.
Mom said it was her fault,'cause she didn't have enough time to take care of me.
Мама себя винила, что мало бывала со мной. Но дело не в том. Уверен, виноват я.
Based on her previous sexual behavior, the boys may have convinced themselves she didn't care.
Основываясь на её предыдущем сексуальном поведении, парни могли убедить себя, что ей всё равно.
The problem was, she didn't care.
Но ей было все равно.
She obviously didn't care at all about me.
я ее явно не волновала.
# Raindrops falling on her # # She didn't seem to care #
I never really knew why she came back, but I didn't care.
Я никогда действительно не знал, почему она вернулась, но меня это не беспокоило.
- She didn't care for you, she...
- Вы ей были не нужны, она- - - Я сказал, убирайтесь!
She didn't even care enough to cut off my head, or set me on fire.
Ей было настолько наплевать, что она даже не отрубила мне голову или подожгла меня.
I told her it didn't mean anything. I was thinkin'of her the whole time. She didn't care.
И я ей сказал, что это ничего не значило, что я все время думал о ней, но ей было все равно.
I didn't care how she got home. It was weird.
Меня не волновала ее судьба в тот момент.
You didn't have an italian girl- - she's here studying the- - we had skippy palumbo from down the street come into the house to take care of the dog.
То есть у вас не жила итальянка? Приехала учиться по обмену? К нам приходила Скиппи Полумбо с нашей улицы - присмотреть за собакой.
Pepper said she didn't care about anything that happened before the day they met.
А Пеппер ответила, что ее не интересует, что было с ним до нее.
She said she didn't care about experience.
Сказала, что ей нет никакого дела, есть у меня опыт или нет.
She didn't even care enough to come to the thing.
А ей было до лампы приходить за ним.
And she meets him... and he told her that he didn't care what she looked like... that he loves her, that he wants her... but of course we know what he wanted, no?
И он встретил там ее. И сказал ей, что ему безразлично, как она выглядит. Что он ее любит, что он ее хочет.
Emilia is very well off, she stays home, takes care of the child, while here she didn't even have a high school diploma.
У Эмилии все в порядке, она сидит дома, растит детей, а здесь у нее даже аттестата о среднем образовании не было.
She didn't care for Mallrats either but Chasing Amy she really loved and connected to for some reason.
Оказался чем-то близок... Во-во.
She didn't care about this election as much as me.
Для неё эти выборы не были настолько важны как для меня.
I didn't care that she was sad. I didn't care about little Haimon.
Мне было безразлично, что она грустит, и маленький Хаймон был мне безразличен.
She didn't care what I was doing.
Ей было все равно как я себя веду.
She didn't care about anything.
Ей на все было наплевать.
But she didn't care when it came to risking somebody else's life. That of our little girl!
Но ей было совершенно наплевать, что она подвергает опасности жизнь нашей маленькой дочери.
She seemed to me a woman who didn't care tuppence about convention or doing the right thing.
Мне показалось, что ей плевать на условности и мнения окружающих.
But Edie didn't care, because she was the first real friend Edie Britt had ever had.
Но Иди было все равно, ведь это ее первая подруга, других у Иди Бритт не было никогда.
Even though she knew she was about to die, Juanita didn't care.
Даже зная, что сейчас умрет, Хуанита думала не об этом.
And I think she didn't care.
И мне кажется, ее это не заботило.
I wouldn't care, but she didn't pay anywhere near minimum wage.
Я бы наплевала на все, но она мне платила меньше минимальной зарплаты!
And it came to me that she didn't care who used to live here that it was indifferent to her history of those who'd had to leave. They'd lived here for centuries, but I knew nothing about them, people I now clean up after.
И я подумал, что этой девушке всё равно, кто тут раньше жил, что ей безразлична история, из-за которой отсюда вынуждены были уйти те, кто жил тут веками, те, о которых я ничего не знаю,
Your mother told her she could have your father, she didn't care.
Твоя мать сказала, чтобы моя забирала себе твоего отца навсегда, и что она ей не завидует.
He didn't care if she was there.
Но его не волновало её присутствие.
"If I'd known that's what he was, I never would have married him!" She knew all along! She didn't care.
"Если бы я знала, чем он был, Я никогда не женилась бы на нем!"
But I didn't recognize her She said she was taken care by me on the plane
Хотя я ее совсем не помню, она сказала, что я позаботилась о ней во время полета.
You know what, I came here this afternoon and told her I thought that, with the quote she shouldn't be doing concerts for groups that are vocal on the opposition, and she didn't care at that moment.
Плюс ко всему, вчера днем я разговаривала с ней и посоветовала не участвовать в концертах для оппозиционных групп, но ей было безразлично.
You like her so much but didn't care how she feels being watched?
Тебе она нравится но ты не думал, что ей может, не понравится, что её снимают?
You said my father didn't care about me, but she says he came here.
Ты скаазала, что мой отец не заботился обо мне, а она говорила, что он приезжал.
I was a shoo-in for homecoming court, but now I am hideous, and no one will care that abbkessler went to third base with the entire varsity soccer team, which she didn't, but I worked very hard to make sure everyone thought that she did so she wouldn't win, but now she will!
Я была кандидатом в королевы выпускного вечера но теперь я отвратительна... и всем будет наплевать, что Абскеллер переспала почти со всей футбольной командой университета, чего она не делала, хотя я сильно старалась, чтобы все считали что она это сделала, и чтобы она проиграла, но теперь она победит!
I think she was drunk when she took the car... and she didn't much care if she made it back to town or not.
По-моему, она была пьяна, когда садилась в машину. И ей было всё равно, доедет она до города или нет.
All she's gonna care about is the fact that I didn't tell her myself.
Её сейчас волнует, то, что я не сказала ей это сама
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't have to 49
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't have to 49
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29