We didn't know that traduction Russe
668 traduction parallèle
Я не знаю, останемся ли мы с Кларком вместе после всего.
Gee, we didn't know it was that bad.
Мы даже не думали, что все так плохо.
I'm sorry about that girl Mary, sir. We didn't know she was coming. She'll be no harm.
И простите, что с Мэри так вышло, мы не знали о её приезде.
That's where we had the fight and I didn't know what to do.
Это там, где мы спорили и я не знал, что мне делать.
We're old friends, Patou and I. You didn't know that, did you, Victor?
Мы с Пату старые друзья. Ты это знаешь, Виктор?
I was happy that we had finally arrived at Doug's beach but there was something about that jetty, I didn't know what.
Я была рада, что мы наконец приехали на пляж Дага но в этом пирсе было что-то, я не знаю что.
You see, if you got this money from someone you didn't know I mean, that might be the very person we're looking for.
Если эти деньги дал вам какой-нибудь незнакомец, возможно, он тот, кого я ищу.
An hour ago, we didn't even know we were coming. Isn't that so?
Час назад, мы даже не знали что приедем, так мама?
How did you know? We didn't disclose that to the press.
ќткуда вы узнали?
Is that the rich uncle you used to talk about before we got married? And he's been here, in Los Angeles, all these years And didn't let me know? Uh huh.
Это тот богатый дядюшка о которым ты говорил ещё до свадьбы?
Even when we came to know about it, later on it didn't surprise me that Fedora had been deluded when she was with Alberto.
Даже, когда мы узнали об этом позже... это не удивило меня, что Федора заблуждалась, когда была с Альберто.
We know that they didn't take it.
Известно, что у них ничего не вышло.
It's strange that we didn't know each other and even might have never met.
Странно, что мы были не знакомы и вообще могли не встретиться.
Well, that's as good an answer as any, but why didn't we know about it earlier?
Этот ответ не хуже других, но почему мы не знали об этом раньше?
... but you know, Harry's clothes, the ones we found by the pool, he didn't wear them that night according to the inspector.
Одежда Гарри, та, которую нашли у бассейна... Инспектор сказал, что он ее в тот день не одевал.
- But you know that we didn't get as far as...
Но вы ведь знаете, что мы не успели...
But things didn't happen like that we were quiet for a long time... -... we didn't know what to do. - Alan!
Но, к несчастью, они молчали долгое время, и мы не знали что делать.
- And you know that if we didn't know... - I know...
— Знаю... — И ты знаешь, что если бы мы не знали...
We didn't know it at the time... until Louie was about three years old, we found out that he was hard of hearing.
Мы не знали об этом до тех пор, пока Луи не исполнилось 3 года и мы обнаружили, что он плохо слышал.
We didn't know where we were going or what we were gonna do. I've never been on a boat before. That was the first time.
Мы слышали, как филины кричали, "ухали".
And you didn't know that we don't like to drink hot tea.
А ты не знал, что мы не любим горячий чай.
You know, Stu, your father told us that if you came around, that we didn't have to take it from you anymore.
Знаешь, Стю, твой отец заверил нас, что если тьI появишься, нам больше не придется терпеть твои вьIходки.
Calm down, we didn't know that.
Успокойся, кум. Мы же не знали.
We work at the cunt division, if you didn't know that!
Мы же служим в шлюшном отделе, ты что, забыл?
All we know that he didn't have the present when he came in the street again.
Мы только знаем, что на улицу он вышел уже без свёртка.
We have proof that you did. - I didn't know... - You didn't know what?
У нас есть информация, что знал.
We didn't know that we were- -
Мы не знали, что это мы...
- They didn't know. - They knew we were brothers, but they were never told that we were twins.
Знали, что мы братья, а что близнецы - нет.
The village which had stood for maybe 1,000 years didn't know we were coming that day.
Деревня стояла здесь тысячу лет. Они не знали, что мы придем сегодня.
But if we do find that kid's body over in South Harlow, they'll know we didn't go to the drag races.
Но если мы найдем тело, Все узнают, что на гонки мы не ходили.
In fact, we didn't know this gap was that way until we found this specimen.
По сути мы не знали для чего нужен этот зазор, до того, как нашли этот образец.
Well, one thing I do know. You're a great kisser. Why didn't you tell me when you got home that we were staying?
Поэтому я собираюсь выяснить кому это принадлежит и я уничтожу её.
We know Oswald didn't pull that trigger.
Мы знаем, что не Освальд нажал на курок. А Кастро.
You know that if we didn't sell these weapons the Communists would.
Но если б не мы продали им это оружие, то им бы продали коммунисты.
We didn't know how you could get it or that it killed you.
Mы нe знaли o тoм, oткyдa oнa бepeтcя и чтo oнa yбивaeт.
But we know that she didn't have time to take the pearls.
Это всегда озадачивало меня, Гастингс.
I know we both said some things... ... we didn't mean... ... but that doesn't mean we still don't love each other.
Мы оба сказали много такого чего не стоило но это не значит, что мы больше не любим друг друга
[Gasps] I didn't know we could do that.
Не знала что так можно.
We didn't know that either, but Reverend Jones was 82.
"... но это, определённо, много для человека в возрасте 82-х лет. "Да, мы не знали, "... но Священнику-Джонсу было 82.
Remember when you sang me that "Doggie in the Window" song... where you changed the animals and I didn't know how some of the animals sounded... and we laughed?
Поминаешь, когда ты пела "Собака в витрине"? Ты изменяла животных и я не знал их голоса. И мы смеялись?
Let's go, Tails! Okay, Sonic! Black Eggman, you slowpoke! What? We know you can't keep up right now, so we'll just have to finish this game later. No way! This is bad! I didn't know that thing could fly! Sonic! Tails, grab onto me! We're safe! Don't think you're safe yet. Neither one of you can swim, so you'll both drown in the ocean below.
Побежали, Тейлс! Сделаем это, Соник! Роботник! Что? Знаешь, у нас есть неотлагаемые дела, Так что закончим эту игру позже, хорошо? О нееет! Бежим! Я не знал, что эта штука еще умеет летать! Соник! Тейлс, держись за меня! Это было близко! Не думайте, что вы в безопасности! Никто из вас не умеет плавать, так что вы оба утонете в океане! Я не умею плавать!
The one we received from the Cardassians was the Orb of Time, although we didn't know that at first.
Подобно Сфере Пророчеств или Сфере Мудрости, та, что мы получили от кардассианцев, была Сферой Времени, о чем мы сначала не подозревали.
You know, we didn't have that much to say to each other anyway.
Вы знаете, у нас не было так много, чтобы сказать друг другу в любом случае.
I was happy, and yet I didn't know... - that you were all I needed. - She hooked him, we've got to disconnect!
Я была счастлива, и не знала что мне нужен только ты.
I didn't know... if we were eating in any restaurants that have dress codes.
То есть, мы ведь не будем останавливаться, чтобы пообедать в ресторане.
We didn't keep them or nothing like that, you know?
Мы их не оставляли себе или типа того.
They just had an edge that we didn't know anything about... until yesterday.
У них просто было преимущество, о котором мы не знали... до вчерашнего дня.
Unbelievable, that we didn't know.
Аби даже поверить не мог, что мы так мало знаем о мире.
You know, for all we know, that cure for cancer didn't pan out either.
Кто знает, может это лекарство от рака тоже не действует.
Unfortunately, we didn't know about Chief O'Brien's injury or we would have incorporated that into the program.
К сожалению, мы не знали о травме шефа О'Брайена, иначе включили бы ее в программу.
We didn't know what you were wearing, and the guy, the flower guy, said that white would go with anything, so...
Решили заказать их белого цвета - белый ко всему подходит.
we didn't have sex 26
we didn't 551
we didn't talk 19
we didn't see anything 18
we didn't get it 23
we didn't know 109
we didn't find anything 22
we didn't do it 31
we didn't do anything wrong 49
we didn't do anything 115
we didn't 551
we didn't talk 19
we didn't see anything 18
we didn't get it 23
we didn't know 109
we didn't find anything 22
we didn't do it 31
we didn't do anything wrong 49
we didn't do anything 115
we didn't have a choice 45
we didn't know what to do 17
we didn't kill him 16
we didn't get that far 16
we didn't do this 22
didn't know that 32
know that 57
we did it 1467
we did our best 26
we did 1664
we didn't know what to do 17
we didn't kill him 16
we didn't get that far 16
we didn't do this 22
didn't know that 32
know that 57
we did it 1467
we did our best 26
we did 1664