Constable traduction Turc
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Constable Crabtree stepped between the window and you.
Memur Crabtree pencere ile senin arana girdi.
Despite his injuries, Constable Crabtree remains resolute and courageous.
Yarasına rağmen Memur Crabree dirençli ve cesur duruyor.
Constable Crabtree needs his mother - - his real mother - - to be by his side.
Memur Crabtree'nin başucunda gerçek annesine ihtiyacı var.
Constable Crabtree's pension, his status as an officer of the law - - it all ends now.
Crabtree'nin emekliliği, kanun görevlisi olması statüsü artık sona erdi.
Constable Crabtree, good to see you on your feet again.
Sizi yeniden ayakta görmek ne güzel Memur Crabtree.
A detective can't go about dressed as a constable.
Bir dedektif polis memuru gibi giyinip dolaşamaz.
Actually, Sir, there might be something to what constable Crabtree is saying.
Memur Crabtree'nin söylediğinde doğru bir yan olabilir.
Ma'am, I'm not a Detective, just a constable.
Ben Dedektif değilim, sadece memurum.
Hum... Constable, is there something you're not telling me?
Bana söylemediğiniz bir şey mi var memur bey?
Uh, thank you, Constable.
Teşekkür ederim Memur Bey.
- You should stay back. - Constable!
- Geride durmalısınız.
Constable Crabtree is making inquiries.
Memur Crabtree araştırıyor.
Your rather clumsy Constable Crabtree has been bumbling about looking for me.
Sakar memurunuz Crabtree orada burada beni arıyor.
Please, Constable, there's no need for confrontation.
Lütfen memur bey, hiç gerek yok.
And this is Constable George Crabtree.
Bu da Memur George Crabtree.
You don't want to make us ask you twice. Constable, I don't think that will be necessary, right?
- Bence gerek olmayacak, değil mi?
Constable, this would look very good on you.
Size çok yakışır Memur Bey.
Constable Higgins, can you stand where the victim was standing?
- Yok mu? - Yok. İyi aile kızı gecenin bir vakti tek başına niçin yürüyormuş?
- Kimdi o memur bey?
I'm afraid Constable Crabtree sent him away.
Memur Crabtree onu gönderdi.
He's with a constable.
Yanında bir memur var.
Even a lowly constable could become the dead manager of a telegraph company.
- Basit bir polis memuru bile telgraf şirketinin ölü müdürü olabilir.
That's quite all right, Constable.
- Sorun değil.
I know we got off to a bit of a rough start, but uh... I just want to say it's been a pleasure, Sir. The same, Constable.
Bay Wilcox tek bir kurşunun neden olduğu büyük bir iç kanamdan ötürü öldü.
It could include the chief constable himself. I want that list.
O listeyi istiyorum.
Thank you, Constable.
Teşekkür ederim Memur Bey.
- The chief constable?
- Emniyet Müdürü mü?
Your Majesty, Sir Ralph Ellerker and Mr. John Constable.
Majesteleri! Sör Ralph Ellerker ve Bay John Constable.
- Mr. Constable, the promises of a King are worth a great deal more than the promises
Bay Constable, bir kralın sözü sıradan birinin sözünden tartışmasız daha değerlidir.
- Captain Constable.
- Yüzbaşı Constable.
What about Mr. Constable?
Ya Bay Constable?
- John Constable?
- John Constable?
John Constable you are a principal and irredeemable traitor and villian against the King's Majesty.
John Constable sen, Majesteleri Kral'a karşı olan vatan hainlerinin en başısın, ve ıslah edilemez bir kötüsün.
Detective Constable Quinn.
- Dedektif Constable Quinn.
Detective Constable Quinn.
Dedektif polis memuru Quinn.
Oh, yes. I'll say. CONSTABLE 2 : I'll cover the whole area.
Tüm bu bölgeyi arayacağız.
The key to what? CONSTABLE :
Neyin anahtarı?
I'm in a bit of trouble. [CONSTABLE blowing whistle]
Bu aralar başım belada.
Well, it was my pleasure to assist Constable Crabtree.
Memur Crabtree'ye yardım etmek benim için bir zevkti.
Good evening, Constable.
- İyi akşamlar memur bey.
Thank you, Constable.
Teşekkür ederim.
Constable, could you please see Mrs. Jones safely home?
Bayan Jones'u evine götürün.
- Constable.
- Dr.
"Constable Crabtree's Household Adhesive Strips."
- Parmak izi mi? Nerede buldun?
We're down here, Constable.
- Bu taraftayız.
I don't have time for this nonsense, Constable!
Constable Crabtree's remarkably untidy - - Well, I... I'd be delighted.
- Memnuniyetle.
Mr. Constable...
Bay Constable!
CONSTABLE : Stop, thieves!
Hırsızlar, durun!
Ah, evet, evet.
Ah, evet.
construction 69
constance 215
constant 35
constitution 23
constantine 63
constantin 25
constantly 101
constipation 22
constantinople 23
constance 215
constant 35
constitution 23
constantine 63
constantin 25
constantly 101
constipation 22
constantinople 23