Until i was traduction Turc
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I was raised in Moscow until I was nine.
Dokuz yaşına kadar Moskova'da büyüdüm.
And my life was in your control until I was three.
Hayatımla ilgili istediğin şeyi yapman da ben üç yaşına girene kadardı.
I mean, he was in and out of my life until I was eight, and then he disappeared completely.
Sekiz yaşıma kadar bir vardı bir yoktu sonra tamamen ortadan kayboldu.
Yeah. It was. But last December I forgot to pay our cable bill so we didn't have internet or cable until Valentine's Day.
Ama geçen aralık ayında kablolu tv'nin faturalarını ödemeyi unuttum o yüzden sevgililer gününe kadar internet veya tv'miz yoktu.
Then he suggested an admission to Risskov which I thought was a good idea until I realized it was the locked ward, and that I couldn't leave it.
Sonra da Risskov'da tedavi olmamı önerdi. Koğuşun kilitli olduğunu ayrılmamın mümkün olmadığını fark edene kadar iyi bir seçenek olduğunu düşünüyordum.
I didn't even know Jason was on his way home until I saw the message on my phone.
Telefonuma mesaj gelinceye kadar Jason'ın eve geldiğini bilmiyordum.
I was winning. Until the defendant hired new counsel.
Kazaniyordum ta ki sanik yeni bir avukat tutuncaya kadar.
Well, at least I was until this morning.
Yani, en azından bu sabaha kadar ben öyleydim.
Your funeral was the last time I saw Henry... until yesterday...
Cenazen Henry'i son gördüğüm andı. Düne kadar...
I didn't even realize it was missing until these guys with badges showed up at my apartment.
Adamlar rozetleriyle evime gelene kadar yokluğunu fark etmemiştim bile.
All she did was cry and wail until I had to throw her out!
Bütün yaptığı onu dışarı atmak zorunda kalana kadar feryat figan ağlamaktı!
I stopped at that lovely milliners we have in Lambton and we were having the most civil conversation until I mentioned I was Mrs Darcy's sister, at which point they turned their backs on me and walked away!
Lambton'daki hoş şapkacılarda durdum. Bayan Darcy'nin kardeşi olduğumu söyleyene dek en medeni sohbeti ediyorduk ki o anda bana arkalarını dönüp ve uzaklaştılar!
Until five minutes ago, I was the only Hulk in this tower.
Beş dakika önceye kadar, bu kuledeki tek Hulk bendim.
I was going to go until I could beat jump man.
Zıplayan adamı yenene kadar gidecektim.
I promise you, until today, I-I never knew who your husband was or that I'd ever have any legal matter with him.
Seni temin ederim bugüne kadar kocanın kim olduğunu veya kendisiyle yasal meselelerimin olduğunu hiç bilmiyordum.
I didn't know she was homeless until she smiled.
Gülümseyene kadar evsiz olduğunu bilmiyordum.
I sequestered Officer Anderson in the Mclean off-site until I could determine exactly what was on that file.
Dosyada neler olduğunu öğrenene kadar Ajan Anderson'ı Mclean sitesinde alıkoydum.
I didn't remember until your partner was talking to Brooke.
Ortağınız Brooke ile ilgili konuşana dek hatırlamamıştım.
Oh, thank you, Ed, I was looking for those, Would you do me a favour and hold on to them until we land, and I'll get them from you then?
Teşekkürler, Ed. Ben de bunu arıyordum. Rica etsem,... iniş yapana kadar sen de kalsa, inince senden alsam, olur mu?
It wasn't until I heard about the robbery on the news that I noticed that my passkey was missing.
Soygunu haberlerde görene kadar giriş kartımın kayıp olduğundan haberim yoktu.
Seriously, I - I was really going to stay quietly hidden until the surgery date.
Nakil gününe kadar sessizce saklanacaktım.
I always thought that I was the fun, cool dad, and I'd blame your mom for stuff, until my shrink said I couldn't do that anymore and I had to fire him, which was kind of a pain,
Ben her zaman eğlenceli, rahat bir baba olduğumu düşünmüş ve her şey için anneni suçlamıştım ta ki psikiyatristim buna daha fazla devam edemeyeceğimi söyleyene dek. Ben de onu kovmak zorunda kaldım.
I was gonna wait until our anniversary, take you somewhere romantic, perhaps in a canoe- - most likely in a canoe.
Yıldönümümüze kadar bekleyecektim,... seni romantik bir yere götürüp, belki bir kanoya büyük ihtimalle bir kanoya.
Last time I was there, we had a great deal of fun Until she tried to strangle me with her stocking. I'll get a warrant.
Son gittiğimde harika vakit geçirmiştim ta ki beni çorabıyla boğmaya çalışana kadar.
All I know is Joel Stephens was able to write just fine until you came along.
Tek bildiğim, sen ortaya çıkana kadar Joel Stephens gayet güzel şeyler yazabiliyordu.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised. None of us knew he was separated until tonight. I knew.
Galiba şaşırmaıyım yani, bu geceye kadar hiç birimiz ayrıldığını bilmiyorduk.
She was thinking only of herself, while I will think of her until the end of my life.
Ben hayatımın sonuna kadar Sabina'yı düşünecekken o sadece kendini düşündü.
No, I was just yelling "buy" and "sell" until they threw me out.
Hayır, sadece beni dışarı atana kadar "sat" ve "satın al" diye bağırdım.
Up until now, we thought that that was a place that Cutler used just to bring Abby Maxwell, but what if it was also a dead drop for those flash drives?
Şu ana kadar burasının sadece Cutler ın Abby Maxwell i getirdiği mekan olduğunu düşündük, ama ya aynı zamanda flash sürücülr için bir teslimat yeriyse?
I explained to her how I was your new assistant and I needed to stash her in a motel until you'd visit her.
Yeni asistanınız olduğumu söyledim ve siz onu ziyaret edinceye kadar onu bir motele yerleştirdim.
Um, actually I didn't see her until she was moved.
Aslında o aktarılana kadar onu görmedim.
Are you sure you feel okay? Well, I did until you told me I was dead.
Öldüğümü söyleyene kadar iyiydim.
I was so grateful... until I realized what they'd done.
Minnettar olmuştum, ta ki ne yaptıklarını anlayana dek.
I didn't realize who they were until it was too late.
Çok geç olana kadar kim olduklarını fark etmedim.
Sonny was at USC with some friends, and Wifey was at the house alone until she called Sonny and told him to come on home.
Sonny Üniversite, arkadaşlarıymış, eşi ise evde tek başınaymış, Taki, Sonny'i arayıp eve gelmesini söyleyene kadar.
Father... not telling me about you paying the ransom until now... was it because you were afraid that I'd be hurt by the truth? Did you try to turn it around and make it look like you were to blame?
Baba, kesinkes kolyeyi verdiğini söylemen ben kötüyüm diye hatanı telafi etmeye çalıştığın için mi?
I was like a slave to him until someone opened my eyes.
Gözüm açılana kadar onun kölesi gibiydim.
No, I-I was until Leo pushed some on me, and I told him, 25 grand wasn't gonna be enough to bail us out...
Hayır, Leo biraz verene kadar öyleydim. Sonra ona bu işten sıyrılmak için 25 Bin... -... yetmez dedim..
He was a bit preachy, but a nice guy, at least until he learned what I did, and then, of course, I was the devil.
Vaaz vermeyi severdi ama iyi çocuktu tabii ki ne yaptığını öğrenene kadar, sonra tabii ki şeytan ben oldum.
Until now, I wasn't sure what was true.
Şimdiye kadar, neyin doğru olduğundan emin değildim.
I was until you and your girlfriend ruined the show.
Sen ve kız arkadaşın mahvedene kadar çıkarıyordum.
I was held hostage for years, Until finally they had to decide what to do with This medici girl.
Yıllarca rehin tutuldum, ta ki Medici'nin kızına ne yapacaklarına kara verene kadar.
I told them I wouldn't say anything else until my lawyer was present.
Avukatım gelene kadar hiçbir şey anlatmayacağımı söyledim.
I couldn't see her until it was too late.
Çok geç olana kadar onu görmedim.
So, here they had found this legendary capital of the Sumerians with its gold-clad tombs and cuneiform tablets, something that they thought was simply a myth until the actual discovery of it, proving that it was indeed historical fact.
Araştırmacılar burada, altın kaplı mezarlar ve çivi yazılı tabletlerin bulunduğu efsanevi Sümer başkentini ortaya çıkartarak, tarihsel bir gerçeği de ortaya çıkartmış oldular. Bu keşif, Sümerler'i basit bir efsane olmaktan çıkartarak tarihsel bir gerçeğe dönüştürmüştür.
I didn't know Rory was with him until... afterwards...
Sonrasında... Arabasına binene kadar...
I just kept repeating that I was the only person he could trust every day until it was in his bones.
Güvenebileceği tek kişinin ben olduğumu sürekli tekrarladım, kemiklerine işleyene dek... Her gün.
And I thought I was the only one, until now.
Ben de öyle bir kendimi tek sanıyordum. Şimdiye kadar.
I was mixing a record until around 4 : 00 a.
Saat 4'e kadar bir kayıt yapıyordum.
I, uh... I didn't figure out what she was going through until... till I heard the gun go off in her bathroom.
Ben, uh... ne yaptığına bir anlam veremedim.
I became that anger until that's all I was.
Bu hâle gelene kadar öfke ile doluydum.
until i met you 38
until it's too late 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
until it's too late 16
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i was just kidding 166
i was just passing by 33
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't expecting that 35
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i was just kidding 166
i was just passing by 33