We didn't find anything traduction Turc
121 traduction parallèle
We didn't find anything incriminating at Lionel Young's place, but I managed to get you this.
Lionel Young'ın evinde suçlayıcı bir şey bulamadık ama bunu alabildik.
We didn't find anything.
Bir şey bulamadık.
So we didn't find out anything.
Bir şey öğrenemediysek ne olmuş yani?
We thought it was part of a buried structure so we excavated out, but we didn't find anything else.
Gömülmüş bir yapının parçası olabilir mi acaba dedik ve çevresinde kazı yaptık, ama hiçbir şey bulamadık.
We didn't find anything.
Hiçbir şey bulamadık.
Ray, I'm thinking the reason we didn't find anything in the backyard... is because they probably weren't burying anybody in the backyard. They were digging bodies up and they probably buried them in the basement.
Ray düşünüyorum da... bahçede bir şey bulamamamızın nedeni buraya gömmemeleri... onları evin bodrumuna... gömüyorlar.
We didn't find anything until we subjected it to a high-frequency warp field.
Onu yüksek frekanslı warp alanına maruz bırakana kadar... hiçbir şey bulamamıştık.
I didn't find anything much to go on, but we've got an address.
Elimizde çok bir şey yok ama bir adres var.
We didn't find anything else.
Başka birşey bulamadık.
I didn'do anything. Even if we evade the police, they'll find us. It isn't that.
- Abi, vallahi bir şey yapmadım.
She didn't do anything. Well, she said we were gonna find them and we did.
Tıpkı, italyan birinin gözlük tercihi gibi.
We didn't find anything at the scene that made those shin bruises either.
Hatta bacağındaki yaralanmaya sebep olacak bir şey de bulamadık.
We didn't find anything in the Book of Shadows.
Gölgeler Kitabı'nda bir şey bulamadık.
A blackmail payment perhaps? But we didn't find anything.
- Şantaj parası olabilir mi?
You see before you came in, we asked Sally to empty her handbag and we didn't find anything incriminating.
Siz içeriye girmeden önce Sally'e çantasını boşaltmasını söylemiştik ve içinde onu suçlayabileceğimiz hiçbir şey yoktu.
We searched the woods but we didn't find anything.
Ormanı aradık ama bir şey bulamadık.
We had an inspection and they didn't find anything.
İnceleme yaptırdık ve hiçbir şey bulmadılar.
We did an M.R.I. on all the babies, and, unfortunately, we didn't find anything, so we're starting them on the strongest antibiotics that we've got, and we're hoping that that will take care of it.
Tüm bebeklerin MR'ını çektik ama ne yazık ki bir şey bulamadık. Bu yüzden elimizdeki en güçlü antibiyotikleri vereceğiz ve işe yaramasını umacağız.
We didn't find anything when we were searching the house.
Evi aradığımızda bir şey bulamadık.
We didn't find anything.
Hiçbir şey bulamadıklarını.
It's not like we didn't try anything to find him.
Onu bulmak için hiçbir şey yapmadan oturmadık.
Well, we didn't find anything like the murder weapon at the scene.
- Olay yerinde ve şüphelilerin üzerinde cinayet aletine benzer bir şey bulamadık.
We searched the coordinates provided on the tape, but didn't find anything.
Kasette belirtilen koordinatları araştırdık, ancak bir şey bulamadık.
We didn't find anything.
Hiçbir şey bulmadık.
We did an extensive check on Mr. Fuller and didn't find anything.
Bay Fuller'ı kapsamlı biçimde araştırdık ama hiçbir şey bulamadık.
- We didn't find anything.
Herhangi bir şey bulamadık.
We didn't find anything.
Hiçbir şeye rastlamadık.
It's nothing personal.We just didn't find anything.
Kişiselleştirme. Hiçbir şey bulamadık.
We didn't find any evidence that he'd ever planned to do anything, commit any acts of terrorism when he got back from Afghanistan.
Zikri'nin bir şeyler planladığına dair hiçbir iz bulamadık. Afganistan'dan döndükten sonra hiçbir terörist eylemde bulunmamıştı.
We didn't find anything at the scene.
Olay yerinde hiçbir şey bulmadık.
Yeah, we didn't find anything.
Evet, hiçbir şey bulamadık.
We reviewed them, but we didn't find anything.
Kontrol ettik ama bir şey bulamadık.
And if we couldn't find anything you didn't disclose on the application, you can still get hit with a preexisting denial, because you don't even have to have sought medical treatment for it.
Ve başvuru belgesinde açıklamadığınız hiçbir şey bulamasak bile hala önceden kalma hastalık açısından tuzağa düşürülebilirsiniz. Çünkü tedavi görmenize bile gerek yok.
We didn't find anything.
Hiç bir şey bulamadık.
- We didn't find anything.
- Hiçbirşey bulamadık.
We didn't find anything.
- Bir şey bulamadık.
We didn't find anything with Holck or around Groenningen.
Holck hakkında ya da Groenningen civarında hiçbir şey bulamadık.
We now know Watari's identity, but in the end, we didn't find out anything about Ryuzaki...
Görünüşe göre biz de ölmeyeceğiz. Watari hakkında bir yazı var ;
It's upside down and we didn't find anything.
Altını üstüne getirdik ama bir şey bulamadık.
I already told you, we didn't find anything in that house.
Zaten sana söyledim, o evde hiçbir şey bulamadık.
But we didn't find anything.
Ama biz hiç bir şey bulamadık.
B6 wouldn't show up on a tox screen, and we didn't find anything at the house.
B6 toksik madde testinde görünmezdi. Ve evde de bir şey bulmadık.
Write that we didn't find anything.
Bir şey bulamadığımızı yaz.
We didn't find anything that fits the statement.
İfadeye uyacak bir şey bulamadık.
They didn't find anything in the photos we sent.
Gönderdiğimiz fotoğraflardan hiçbir şey bulamamışlar.
Yes, but we didn't find anything.
Evet, ama bir şey bulamadık.
We didn't find anything today because of you!
Senin yüzünden bugün hiçbir şey bulamadık.
- We didn't find anything.
- Bacağınızda hiçbir şey yok.
Except we didn't find anything with a bullet hole in it At the crime scene
Ama olay yerinde, üzerinde kurşun deliği olan bir şey görememiştik.
We didn't find anything but don't worry, we'll be out by morning.
Hiçbir şey bulamadık. Ama merak etme, yarına çıkmış olacağız.
We're also aware tt you didn't find anything.
Ayrıca biliyoruz ki, hiçbir şey bulamadınız.
we didn't have sex 26
we didn't 551
we didn't talk 19
we didn't see anything 18
we didn't get it 23
we didn't know 109
we didn't do it 31
we didn't know that 16
we didn't do anything 115
we didn't do anything wrong 49
we didn't 551
we didn't talk 19
we didn't see anything 18
we didn't get it 23
we didn't know 109
we didn't do it 31
we didn't know that 16
we didn't do anything 115
we didn't do anything wrong 49
we didn't have a choice 45
we didn't know what to do 17
we didn't kill him 16
we didn't get that far 16
we didn't do this 22
didn't find anything 16
find anything 160
find anything interesting 20
we did it 1467
we did our best 26
we didn't know what to do 17
we didn't kill him 16
we didn't get that far 16
we didn't do this 22
didn't find anything 16
find anything 160
find anything interesting 20
we did it 1467
we did our best 26