Which one was it traduction Turc
332 traduction parallèle
Which one was it?
- Which one was it?
- Hangisiydi?
- Which one was it?
Hangi lastiği?
Well, which one was it, Greg or Craig?
Hangisi, Greg mi, Craig mi?
Tell me All right, which one was it?
- Which one did you say it was?
- Hangisi demiştin?
A book was recently published on the German colonies, in which it was specifically stated that one advantage of possessing duelling scars was that native Africans look with more respect upon white men who bear them.
Alman kolonileri üzerine yeni çıkmış bir kitapta özellikle belirtildiği gibi düello yaraları taşımanın avantajlarından birisi de Afrika yerlilerinin, yaraları olan bir beyaz adama olmayandan daha büyük bir saygıyla bakmaları.
And so the work went on until presently everything had been removed from the tons of ore except two final elements one was barium and the other which they had began to think of it in their heart as their own element
Ve sonunda son iki element hariç herşey tonlarca cevherden ayrıştırılmış şekilde devam ediyordu. Biri baryum ve diğeri kalpten inandıkları kendi elementleri kıymetli, büyülü radyum'du.
One of two things has happened, either the woman he bumped into was an accomplice in which case, she has the pearl, or he managed somehow to conceal it in his flight.
İki şeyden biri oldu, ya çarptığı kadın bir işbirlikçi idi, bu durumda inci o kadında bulunuyor, ya da kaçışı sırasında bir şekilde onu saklamayı başardı.
well, Spink and Robson's hadn't got what I wanted... which was one of those clocks with, um, barometers and everything in one... but they rang up their branch in Broadham and said there was one there... so I hopped on the 1 : 30 train and went to get it.
Spink ve Robson'da aradığım şey yoktu hani şu içinde barometre filan olan şu hepsi bir arada saattlerden ama Broadham şubelerini aradılar, ve orada bir tane varmış dediler ben de 13 : 30 trenine atlayıp almaya gittim. - Devam et.
- Which one did you say it was
Hangisi dediniz?
It was no more than a piece of youthful bravado but it was one of those acorns from which great oaks are destined to grow.
Bu, gençliğe özgü boş bir meydan okuma değil kaderinde ulu bir meşe ağacına dönüşmek yazan, bir fideydi.
I wanted to find out which one it was.
Hangisi olduğuna bakıyordum.
One day, he was shouting in a particularly nasty way... and it must have been a note in his voice which irritated Adolphe... because, you know, vipers are very musical reptiles... they're much more musical than people think.
Bir gün bize bağırıp çok kaba şeyler söyledi. Sesinin tonu Adolphe'ı ürkütmüş olmalı. Bilirsiniz, engerekler müziğe karşı çok hassastır.
I knew which one it was.
Hangisi olduğunu biliyordum.
You've just killed one of our men, which is a pity because it was his birthday today.
Bir adamımızı öldürdünüz ki yazık oldu, çünkü bugün doğum günüydü.
It was a tragic and dramatic situation, in which one had to make the choice which would save the most human lives possible. I was brought up in a middle-class family.
Fransız ya da büyük bir vatansever olsa bile bir devlet adamının insanoğlunu ilgilendiren böyle kararlar vermeye hakkı var mı size soruyorum.
It was a fantastic success over 80,000 times as powerful... as Britain's great prewar joke, which was used at Munich... and one which Hitler couldn't match.
İngilizler'in savaş öncesinde Münih'de kullandığı ve Hitler'in baş edemediği fıkradan 80.000 kat daha etkiliydi.
Speaking of luck, it's J.R. Bonner's luck... to have drawn the country's number one bucking bull... undefeated in 29 rides... the 29th of which was, you guessed it, J.R. Bonner.
Baht demişken, ülkenin yenilgisiz tek boğasını çekmek de JR'ın bahtı. 29 defa binilmesine rağmen hiç yenilmemiş. Ona 29'uncu defa binen de, evet doğru tahmin ettiniz, JR.
One more time he was ironic, therefore the debate was on the Norway, e the Norway is a series of disasters, of which, even so it could not to have had guilt, perhaps therefore they were inevitable, e I believe that it had been, it was directly responsible, while minister of the Navy.
Donanma kendi emrinde olduğu için yine de sorumlu sayılsa da, Norveç operasyonu ve neticesindeki hezimetten dolayı suçlanmaması görüşü hakimdi.
And it was partly the sort of... the sort of scavenging of the crews and the finding of the wine and the jam and the eggs and all the other things, which helped make the comradeship one of the things that made it such fun.
Ve bu kısmen, mürettebatın yiyecek arama şarap, reçel, yumurta ve tüm diğer şeyleri bulma işi arkadaşlığın gelişmesine yardım eden eğlenceli şeylerdi.
They delivered only five beakers, and one of the bowls arrived chipped, which it was not when I paid for it.
5 çömlek geldi, üstelik biri de oldukça hasar görmüştü. Ödemeyi yaptığım zaman böyle bir şey yoktu.
And... which one of those obviously perfect legs was it that came off in'99?
Peki bu mükemmel bacaklardan hangisi 99'da koptu?
My dear parents... if I left without a word... it was to avoid another one of those discussions... which even the simplest things seem to provoke in our family.
Sevgili ailem oradan tek söz etmeden ayrılmışsam eğer ailemizi huzursuz etmenin en kolay yolu gibi görünen şu tartışmalardan birini daha yaşamayalım diyedir.
Wonder which one was one who done it.
Öldüren hangimizdi, merak ediyorum.
- You wouldn't know which one it was.
- Hangisi olduğunun farkında değilsin.
And then, perhaps, it was the other one. The one which Jacqueline de Bellefort fired at Simon Doyle.
Belki de Simon Doyle'a ateş edilirken şala sarılıydı.
Oh, and, er, pardon me, but one piece of foolishness, which was the drawing of the letter "J" on the wall of the cabin, so melodramatic it could only have one effect.
Oh, bir de küçük aptallık vardı : Duvara J harfi yazmak. Bir tek sebebi olabilirdi :
Let's see, which was it... it's this one.
neredeymiş acaba. Buldum işte!
Emperor Qin's philosophy- - the only one permitted- - was called "legalism," which is just what it sounded like, do as the law says... or else.
İmparator Çin'in felsefesi - izin verilen tek felsefe - "kanunculuk" olarak adlandırılıyordu ve bunun da anlamı açıktı : "Kanun ne derse onu yap, yoksa fena olur."
Then she wasn't sure which one of you it was.
Sonra hanginiz olduğundan emin olamadı.
It was destroyed five minutes before the completion of the purpose for which it was built. We have to build another one.
Yapılma amacını tamamlayamadan beş dakika kadar önce yıkıldı.
Lf, on the other hand, things were to come unstuck, and the minister got it into his head that we were engaging his good offices in order to clear up traces of some unlicensed venture which had aborted, and there was a scandal, well, it would be just one scandal too many.
Diğer yandan, eğer plan tamamen suya düşerse, ve bakan iyi niyetinin yarıda kesilmiş, emniyetsiz ve riskli bir işin artıklarını temizlemek için kullanıldığını anlarsa ve bir de skandal varsa, işte, bu bir skandaldan daha da fazlası olur.
But in our temple, the priest used to read from the Muslim Koran and the Hindu Gita, moving from one to the other as if it mattered not which book was read as long as God was worshipped.
Ama tapınağımızda rahip, bir Müslümanların Kuran'ından bir Hinduların Gita'sından okurdu. Tanrıya ibadet edildiği sürece kitap fark etmiyordu.
Even if this was not a law, which it is I'm afraid I would have a lot of difficulty endorsing an enterprise which is as fraught with genuine peril as I believe this one to be.
Böyle bir kanun dahi olmasaydı, ki var maalesef gerçek tehlikelerle dolu bir girişimi onaylama konusunda büyük zorluklarla karşılaşırım, ki bunun böyle bir girişim olduğunu düşünüyorum.
I think it was from Holland or from Belgium. I do not guarantee which one it was.
Hollanda mıydı, Belçika mıydı, emin değilim şu an.
The division between II A and II B was only one electrical fence, through which nobody could climb, but you could speak through it.
"2A"'da kayıt görevlisi olarak çalışıyordum. 2A ile 2B, içinden kimsenin tırmanamadığı elektrikli telle bölünmüştü ama arasından konuşabilirdiniz.
I shall say nothing except that it informed me was that you were one of the factors, which had to be taken into account in reconstructing of this drama.
Bu bilgiler ışığında şunu söylemliyim ki bu dramı aydınlatmamda sizi hesâba katmak gözden kaçırılmaması gereken bir ihtimaldi.
Which one of them was it?
Bunu yapan hangisinin adamıydı?
I had one left over from a pair, which a was very attached to. I left it planted on someone's cheek.
Sadece bir çift kalmıştı eskilerden yadigar Yanımda bulunsaydı yine kullanacaktım... ne çare birisinin suratında bıraktım.
It was impossible to identify which one of them was Grandpa.
Hangisinin büyük baba olduğunu | bilmek imkansızdı.
Francis said that Heart of Darkness, which was one of my favorite things I'd ever read, he said it had been tried and no one could lick it.
Francis şu ana kadar okumuş olduğu kitaplar arasında Heart Of Darkness'ın favorilerinden bir tanesi olduğunu söyledi ve dedi ki : "daha önce denendi ama kimse yapamadı."
It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first.
Esas soru hangisinin ona daha önce ulaşacağıydı.
One of the boys entered this way inside, it was against Annie, in the height in which she was going oh it put in the boiler.
Çocuklardan biri içeri girerken pudingi düdüklü tencereye koyan Annie'ye çarptı.
When we will know because the fact is that the Lady Carrington it was so anxious because of buying the last print run, we will discover the motive by which it was murdered and the one who was the person in charge.
Madam Carrington'ın son baskıda bu kadar çok bulmak istediği şeyi öğreneceğiz. Böylece neden öldürüldüğünü bulacağız. Ayrıca katili de bulacağız.
It ended up in a victory for Fretilin, which was one of the groupings, described as populist Catholic in character, with some typical letist rhetoric.
İnsanlar barışı koruyabilecek kadar güçlüler.
Mademoiselle Grey when it will return for Devon and to be remembered of the day in which Sir Carmichael was it killed, perhaps one remembers of having seen a stranger to patrol the village...
Mademoiselle Grey Devon'daki o güne döndüğünüzde, Sir Carmichael'ın öldürüldüğü, belki kasabada bir yabancının dolandığını görmüşsünüzdür?
It was the one thing I had that was truly Klingon, which no one could take away.
O sahip olduğum, gerçekten Klingon olan, benden kimsenin alamayacağı tek şeydi.
Let's say that it was one night of which I do not go away to forget.
Kolay kolay unutamayacağım bir akşamdı diyelim.
It was such a much better letter than your stupid letter... that if she was gonna answer one letter it clearly would've been my letter... which proves to me that you never mailed my letter.
Senin aptal mektubundan çok daha iyi bir mektuptu. Eğer bir mektuba cevap yazacak olsaydı bu kesinlikle benimki olurdu. Bu da benim mektubu asla yollamadığını kanıtlıyor.
It was the one issue which seemed to electrify the voters and swept Giuliani into office. "
Oyların çoğunluğunu almasını sağlayan olay Giuliani'ye seçimi kazandıracak. "
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one is he 45
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it bad 29
was it him 59
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was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it bad 29
was it him 59
was it not 62