Bırlıkte traduction Anglais
5 traduction parallèle
Çünku ben henuz onunla bırlıkte taşınmaya hazır değilim
Because I'm not ready for us to move in together.
Ayrıca Danıel ıle bırlıkte hareket etmıyorsa tek başına Jessıca'yı sarıp, taşıyıp, okyanusa atamaz.
Plus, if she's not working with Daniel, she just wouldn't be capable of wrapping up Jessica on her own, carrying her off the property, then dumping her in the ocean.
O ve babam 1930'larda b ¡ rl ¡ kte ata b ¡ nerlerm ¡ s.
He and my father used to ride together, back in the'30s.
Burada b ¡ z ¡ mle b ¡ rl ¡ kte oldugun ¡ ç ¡ n sana m ¡ nnettarim.
I'm just so very grateful that you're here with us.
Umarim burada kalirsin... Eve ¡ le b ¡ rl ¡ kte.
I hope that you'll stay here with Eve.