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Geçmış traduction Anglais

11 traduction parallèle
Yirmi iki yaşını geçmış olan her kadın senin yanında can çekişir.
Because after 22 years with you any woman would end up like this.
Bıçak yarası bır tarafa geçmış teklikeli beyın hasarı var kavramsal calistirmaya sebep olan
How's your brain? Aside from the stab wound, I also found past brain damage that could've compromised cognitive functioning.
Biri doğuya uçmuş, biri batıya... biri Cuckoo'nun yuvasından geçmış. "
"One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo's nest."
Kaufman, Chauncey Gard ¡ ner'n geçm ¡ s ¡ hakkinda b ¡ Ig ¡ ¡ st ¡ yorum.
Kaufman, I'll need some information on Chauncey Gardiner's background.
Chauncey Gard ¡ ner'n detayli geçm ¡ s ¡ hakkinda b ¡ Ig ¡ toplamak ¡ ç ¡ n gereken her yere basvurun.
Use any agencies that are necessary to get a detailed history of Chauncey Gardiner.
K ¡ nney, geçm ¡ s ¡ hakkinda ne buldun?
Kinney, what have you found on his background?
Geçm ¡ s ¡ nde ne var da üstünü örtmeye çalisiyorlar acaba?
What is it about his background that they're trying to cover up?
Geçm ¡ s ¡ hakkinda b ¡ r sey b ¡ Im ¡ yoruz.
We don't have an inkling of his past.
B ¡ r ¡ nsanin geçm ¡ s ¡, onun ayak bagidir.
A man's past cripples him.
B ¡ r ¡ nsanin geçm ¡ s ¡ b ¡ r batakliga dönerse spekülasyona yol açar.
His background turns into a swamp and invites scrutiny.
gecmıs olsun tum hazıne senın neysekı benım ıcım sorun olmayacak
If you can get past this the treasure of the Spanish Mane is all yours. Fortunately for me, you will not.

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