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Oradaydı traduction Anglais

11,727 traduction parallèle
Oradaydı değil mi? Panayırda?
He was there, wasn't he, at the fair?
İhtiyacınız olana dek sizi desteklemek için hep oradaydım.
I've always been there to support you when you needed it.
Hiç oradaydın mı
You ever been there?
Cordell oradaydı.
Cordell was there.
Görmüştüm, oradaydım.
I saw it, I was there.
Sizi üniversiteye göndermek için çalışıyordum, işte oradaydım.
I've been working to send you kids to college, that's where I've been.
Akşam yemeği için evine gittim, o ve kocası, o da oradaydı.
I went over to her house for dinner, her and her husband, he was there.
You were there.
Çünkü oradaydım ve yardımı dokunur diye düşündüm.
Uh, because I was there and thought it would be helpful.
- Eminim oradaydılar.
- I bet that they were.
You were there.
Diğer bir sürü kıyafetle birlikte oradaydı.
It was there with a bunch of other clothes.
- Karen da geçenlerde oradaydı.
- Karen was just there.
- Oradaydım, her şey oradaydı.
I was there, all of it, everything.
Ben hep oradaydım.
"I've... I've been here forever."
- Ben oradaydım, biliyorsun.
- I was there, you know.
Peki, Baxter'ı görmeye gittim ama Shredder oradaydı.
Uh, okay, um, so I went to go see Baxter, but then Shredder was there.
Sen de oradaydın, Jake, benim yapmadığımı biliyorsun.
You were there, Jake, you know it wasn't me.
Benim yüzümden oradaydınız.
Well, you were only there because of me.
Olay gerçekleştiğinde oradaydım.
I was there when it happened.
I was there.
- Oradaydım, yanıma aldım.
It was there. I took it.
Abim de oradaydı.
My big brother was there too.
Ah, doğru, evet, oradaydım.
Oh, yes, that's right, I was, yeah.
Neden oradaydın Arthur?
Why were you there, Arthur?
Liderleri öldürdüğünde ben de oradaydım.
I was there when he took them all out.
Öldürüldükten sonra oradaydım.
I mean right after.
Sürekli güneş gözlüğü takan adam oradaydı.
The guy who always wears sunglasses, he was there.
Sürekli güneş gözlüğü takan adam oradaydı, Mariah'yı sakinleştirmeye çalışıyordu.
The guy who always wears sunglasses... he was there, trying to calm Mariah down.
- Ama oradaydım.
- I was there.
Oradaydın biliyoruz.
We know you were there.
Bazı yaratıklar oradaydı.
Some Aliens were up there.
Kanlar içinde seni bulduğumda o da oradaydı.
He was there with you when I found you, covered in blood.
- Birkaç kişi ile oradaydık.
A few of us went up there.
Ben de oradaydın.
- I was there.
Kelebek oradaydı.
The butterfly was there.
Ve sen de oradaydın.
And you were there.
Wally ve ben bütün gece oradaydık.
Uh, Wally and I, we were there all night.
Mücadele etti ama sen oradaydın.
She struggled because you were there.
Yıllar önce oradaydım.
I was there years ago.
I... was there.
Şu sembol de oradaydı.
And that symbol was there.
- Ben de oradaydım.
- I was there.
Öldürüldüğünde oradaydın.
You were there when he perished.
Evet, oradaydım. Evet.
- Yes, I was there.
- O rahip o, gözetime alındığında oradaydı... -... ve hala hayatta.
- That priest... who was there... when he was taken in... and who is still walking the fucking earth.
Hayır, oradaydım.
No, I was there.
I was there!
- Eve geri döndüğümde Roddy hâlâ oradaydı.
When I got back to the house,
She was there.
Ve reklamlara girdiklerinde sen hâlâ oradaydın. Attın.
You did.

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