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Peder brown traduction Anglais

164 traduction parallèle
Nişanlım. Brown... Peder Brown'nın kızı mı?
Reverend Brown's daughter?
Peder Brown'a sor.
Ask Padre Brown.
Peder Brown şimdi de sana yapışacak.
Now, Father Brown will have it in for you, too.
- Olur, Peder Brown.
- Yes, Padre Brown.
Peder Brown seni görmek istiyor.
Father Brown wants to see you.
Peder Brown?
Father Brown?
- Peder Brown için ağıt tutturuyorum.
- Playing a requiem for Father Brown.
Sizin Peder Brown için üzgünüm.
I am sorry about your Father Brown.
Ben Peder Brown'a benzemem.
I'm not Father Brown.
Ve muhterem Peder Brown.
And Reverend Brown.
Peder Brown!
Reverend Brown!
Peder Brown.
Reverend Brown.
Bunlar Peder Brown ve Peder Riley.
This is Father Brown and Father Riley.
Peder Brown ve Riley.
This is Fathers Brown and Riley.
Peder Brown, duayı bizim için okur musunuz?
Father Brown, would you render it for us?
Peder Brown.
Father Brown.
Hayır Peder Brown, lütfen.
No, Father Brown.
- Peder Brown.
- Father Brown.
Peder Brown'la bir şey konuşmamız lazım.
I think Father Brown and I, we have to talk.
Peder Brown ve Riley'ye yolu aç.
Put Fathers Brown and Riley through.
Peder Brown manastırımıza katılıyor.
Father Brown was going to join our order.
Peder Brown'ı çağırıyorum.
Father Brown.
O başka bir Peder Brown.
It's another Father Brown.
Başka bir Peder Brown.
No, it's another Father Brown.
Bu Peder Brown değil.
It's not this one.
Size Peder Brown'ı sunmaktan büyük bir gurur duyuyorum. Bu yıl Ağlayan Bakire heykelinin mucizevi özellikleri... konusunda vaaz vermesi için... onu bizzat Tanrı görevlendirdi diyebiliriz.
It is with great happiness that I present to you Father Brown... whom, we may say, the hand of God himself... has chosen to deliver this year's sermon... on the miraculous properties of the shrine of the Weeping Virgin.
Peder Brown!
Father Brown!
- Peder Brown mu?
- Father Brown?
Peder Brown... Hristiyan olmayanlar, bazen acı çekebilirler.
Reverend Brown... non-Christians can be a pain sometimes.
Peder Brown, Onun yaşam tarzına göz yumamam.
Reverend Brown, I don't want to condone his life style.
- Peder Brown.
I am now. Father Brown.
- Peder Brown!
Father Brown!
- Peder Brown, her yerde sizi arıyordum.
Father Brown, I've been looking for you everywhere.
Hatta durun. Peder Brown!
Father Brown!
Peder Brown
Father Brown Season 1 - Episode 09
Peder Brown onu çoktan aldı.
Father Brown already took it.
- Peder Brown.
Father Brown.
Sanırım Peder Brown'a ait olan bir şey aldınız.
I think you'll find that belongs to Father Brown.
Paketinizin içindekiler merak uyandırıcı, Peder Brown.
The contents of your package are intriguing, Father Brown.
Peder Brown!
Father Brown?
Peder Brown!
- Father Brown!
Mekana göz kulak olup boş anında yakalamaya çalışıyordun. Peder Brown istasyona doğru hareket etti.
You were keeping an eye on the place, caught on the hop..... as Father Brown set off for the station.
Siz de Flandre'da mıydınız, Peder Brown?
Were you at Flanders, Father Brown?
Hem Peder Brown da bunu doğrulayabilir.
And Father Brown can attest to that.
Sorun mu var, Peder Brown?
Problem, Father Brown?
Peder Brown
Father Brown Season 1 - Episode 03
- Peder Brown, Bayan McCarthy.
Father Brown. Mrs. McCarthy.
Peder Jeremiah Brown. - Hadi, peder.
The Reverend Jeremiah Brown.
Sevgili kardeşlerim ve konuklarımız... Peder Riley ve Brown sağ salim vardıkları için... özel bir şükran duasında bulunacağız.
My brothers and guests here today... a special prayer of thanksgiving for the safe arrival... of Father Riley and Father Brown.
Fark edilmeyecek gibi değil ama geçen gün Peder Quinn geldi eve bakıp, "Bayan Brown sizin ve dedenin ne güzel bir evi var" dedi.
Oh, God, it's cold out there! By the way, don't mind me. I'm fine.
Fark edilmeyecek gibi değil ama geçen gün Peder Quinn geldi eve bakıp, "Bayan Brown sizin ve dedenin ne güzel bir evi var" dedi.
Well, it's not as if it goes unnoticed. I had Father Quinn round the other day... he took one look at the house and said, "Mrs Brown, yourself and God keep a lovely home".

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