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Translate.vc / Turc → Anglais / [ Y ] / Ya seninki

Ya seninki traduction Anglais

304 traduction parallèle
- Çok daha iyi, ya seninki?
- It's much better, and yours?
Ya seninki?
Bir şişe Bass ya seninki?
A bottle of Bass and what's yours?
- Ya seninki?
- And yours?
Ya seninki?
What's yours?
Ya seninki, Petingo mu?
What's yours, Petingo?
Ya seninki?
And yours?
Peki ya seninki ufaklık?
What about you, you little animal?
Ya seninki?
Ya seninki?
And you?
- Ya seninki nasıl?
- How's yours?
- Ya seninki?
- You?
- Ya seninki?
- Why yours?
- Ya seninki?
- And you?
Ya seninki ne kadar?
How about you?
- Ya seninki?
- Yours?
- Hayır. Ya seninki?
Was your mother a whore?
Ya seninki?
What about yours?
Ya seninki?
- And yours?
- Ya seninki?
How about you?
İyi, ya seninki?
He's fine. How'bout yours?
- Ya seninki?
- And your father's?
Peki ya seninki?
What about yours?
Benimki temiz... Ya seninki?
Mine is... and yours?
Ya seninki ne?
And you, what you call yourself?
Ya seninki?
And your name?
Ya seninki?
Wasn't yours?
İki votka martini, ya seninki, Crocodile?
Uh, two vodka martinis, and what's yours, crocodile?
- Ya seninki? - Ben mi?
- And what's your name?
- Ya seninki?
What's yours?
Ya seninki?
Is yours?
Ya seninki?
How's yours?
Ya seninki gider ya benimki.
It's either you or me.
Ya seninki düşerse?
What if your chute fails?
- Ya seninki?
- What's your name?
Ya seninki neredeydi?
Yours, where was it?
- Ya seninki?
- And you are?
- Ya seninki?
- Where are yours?
- Ya seninki?
- What was your specialty?
Giy şunu. - Ya seninki?
- What about yours?
Ya seninki, onu ne kadardır tanıyorsun?
Your woman, how long do you know her?
Ya seninki?
How about you?
Windy, eşyalarımı seninki ile Zeke'nin eşyalarının yanına koy, olur mu?
Windy, throw my bags in with yours and Zeke's, will ya?
Çavuş, seninki gibi bir surat bize çok pahalıya mal olabilir.
Sergeant, a face like that could cause a lot of damage...
Ya seninki ne?
And yours?
- Ya seninki?
- Great.
Hoşuna gitsin ya da gitmesin, Cyrus. Ama adım bu, Cole. Tıpkı seninki gibi.
Like it or not, that's my name, Cole, just like yours.
Seninki var ya.
I've got yours.
Ya seninki?
Şey, şöyle söyliyeyim takıldığı kızların kalitesi ya da zekası seninki ile pek bağdaşmıyor.
Well, let's just say... the girls he used to bring around... didn't have your class... or subtlety.
Al, bu dergilere göre seninki gibi olan arabaların hepsi ya toplatılmış ya imha edilmiş.
Well, Al, according to these magazines all the cars like yours have either been recalled or exploded.

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