Already there tradutor Espanhol
5,655 parallel translation
Hey, partner, we're already there.
Hey, socio, ya estamos ahí.
They're already there, Ryan.
Ya están allí, Ryan.
Our surveillance team is already there, right?
Nuestro equipo de vigilancia ya está ahí, ¿ verdad?
She wanted me to say goodbye to Mary Margaret for her. Oh. At the rate mermaids swim, she's probably already there.
Quería que le dijera adiós a Mary Margaret de su parte. A la velocidad que nadan las sirenas, probablemente ya esté allí.
Oh, I think we're already there.
Creo que ya estamos.
It simply reveals what's already there.
Simplemente revela lo que ya está ahí.
The scouts were already there.
Pero los ojeadores ya estaban allí.
It's already there!
Ya está.
Sleep already there, if you're not scared.
Dado que no es tan malo, porque no duermes tu allí?
The antennas were already there.
Las antenas ya estaban ahí.
He already works there.
El trabaja acá.
There was a black man named Jake Bradford that they charged, and he had already been in jail, and he was charged on the rapes.
Había un hombre negro llamado Jake Bradford que te cobran, y ya había estado en la cárcel, y él fue acusado de las violaciones.
We should be there already!
¡ Ya deberíamos estar allá!
The evidence on the ground in occupied Germany, both in the American and British sectors, was indicating that the Germans had already been so bombarded with the message of their guilt that there's no need for a film like this any longer at this time.
Las pruebas sobre el terreno en la Alemania ocupada, tanto en los sectores estadounidenses y británicos, indicaba que los alemanes ya habían sido tan bombardeados con el mensaje de su culpa... "ESTOS ACTOS VERGONZOSOS... ¡ ES SU CULPA!" -... que no hay más necesidad de una...
- Well, we can't wait. It's already out there.
- ¡ No podemos esperar!
I got there, they said you already left, and, you know...
Llegué, dijeron que ya te habías ido, y sabes.
I even took my belt off already so that saves 15 minutes right there.
Incluso me saqué el cinturón ahorrándome 15 minutos.
We know that you were already approached by Sweetums and you said "No," but is there any way you would reconsider?
Sabemos que lo llamaron de Sweetums y dijo que no. Pero ¿ no hay modo de reconsiderarlo?
So--oh, and there's a mix CD that I made already loaded in your car.
Y un CD de música mezclada que ya puse en el auto.
There's already talk of a sequel.
Ya se está hablando de una secuela.
Stay out, there's a crowd already.
Quédate dónde estás. Ya somos bastante gente aquí.
It would seem... there's already one here.
Parece... que ya hay uno aquí.
There's nothing in the pathology report to refute what we already know.
¡ Entonces! No hay nada en el informe de patología para refutar lo que ya sabemos.
Unfortunately, where there's a lot of cement inside, detection can be more difficult, but I've already sent in Greshnov and Private O'Brien to inspect the premises.
Desafortunadamente, donde hay una gran cantidad de cemento en el interior, la detección puede ser más difícil, pero yo ya he enviado a Greshnov y a O'Brien a inspeccionar las construcciones.
When we see these star children, these children who are gifted with extraordinary human function, born seeming to know things already, show that there is some sort of interaction going on with a nonphysical intelligence.
Cuando vemos estos niños de las estrellas, estos niños que son otorgados con funciones humanas extraordinarias, nacen pareciendo saber ya cosas, muestran que hay un cierto tipo de interacción con una inteligencia no-física.
Who's been in there already, apart from the first officers?
¿ Quién ha estado ya ahí dentro aparte de los primeros agentes?
Katie, there's a great deal of evidence already to tie Paul Spector to the crimes of which he stands accused. Your lies are futile.
- Katie, hay un gran número de pruebas para conectar a Paul Spector con los crímenes de los que está acusado.
Everything that a man is supposed to be, it's already in there, I promise.
Todo lo que se supone que es un hombre, está ahí, lo prometo.
He's already in there.
Él ya está ahí.
Although most scientists say that we're a long way from developing the technology to create wormholes... if such a thing is even possible at all... there are those who believe these celestial shortcuts already exist.
Aunque la mayoría de los científicos dicen que estamos muy lejos de desarrollar la tecnología para crear agujeros de gusano, si tal cosa es incluso posible en absoluto, hay quienes creen que ya existen estos atajos celestiales.
Margaret is already in tears, and there are two cops in the waiting room, and I say to them,
Margaret está llorando y hay dos polis en la sala de espera, y les digo :
Well, when I got there he was already doing it, so I just figured I'd chalk this one up as another loss and move on.
Bueno, cuando llegué allí él ya lo estaba haciendo, así que pensé en tachar esta como otra derrota y seguir adelante.
There's about 500 that I've printed out already 500? !
Hay cerca de 500 que ya imprimí 500?
Oh, yo, I'd rather feel shorty over there lookin like she need some home already.
Oh, yo, prefiero sentir Shorty allá Lookin'como ella necesita un poco de casa ya.
We had already beaten them in the truck, for they can not escape, when they arrived there.
Ya los habíamos derrotado en el camión, para los que no pueden escapar, cuando llegaron allí.
By the time I got here, there was already a crowd of people gathered around her body.
En el momento en que llegué, ya había una multitud de personas que se reunieron alrededor de su cuerpo.
There's really nothing I haven't already told the police.
En realidad no hay nada que no le hubiera dicho a la policía.
Whoever is sick was already here, which means there will be more to follow.
Quienquiera que sea ya estaba enfermo, lo que significa que habrá más que le sigan.
That sounds like you've already made the decision that nobody's walking out of there alive. You!
Eso suena a que ya ha tomado la decisión de que nadie va a salir de aquí con vida. ¡ Usted!
I already got the hard sell from your wunderkind over there.
Ya ha venido tu niña prodigio.. a hacerme una venta agresiva.
Yea, there is already someone up there just taking it down.
Sí, ya hay alguien allí arriba quitándolo.
It's too bad we already have jobs, we could easily go work there.
Es una pena que ya tengamos trabajo, podríamos trabajar allí fácilmente.
There are men already about her purpose, as you know.
Ya hay hombres encargándose, como bien sabe.
Argh! Ah. There is a lady down there already, however.
Sin embargo, ya hay una dama abajo.
But if there were primates already here who had evolved by Darwinian evolution, it's not a big step to take the next step and create a cross. WILCOCK :
Pero si ya había primates aquí que evolucionaron según la teoría de Darwin, no es un gran paso subir un nivel y crear una cruza.
It's been an hour already, and the natives down there are getting restless.
Ya ha pasado una hora, y los nativos de ahí abajo se están poniendo nerviosos.
Hell, I bet, uh, yoga girl's already in there.
Coño, apuesto a que la chica yoga ya está ahí dentro.
There's also a security deposit, a cleaning deposit. The groceries you've already eaten. But we'll figure that out later.
A propósito, también hay un depósito de seguridad un depósito de limpieza, y los víveres que ya comiste pero lo resolveremos más tarde.
That is exactly why I'm still here, to prove to y'all what I already know... there's nothing wrong with me.
Por eso exactamente estoy aquí, para demostraros a todos lo que yo ya sé... que no me pasa nada.
Look, I think that you already did. There's something in there.
Mira, creo que ya lo hiciste.
I'm already in Queens. I could be there in 15 minutes.
Podría estar allí en 15 minutos.
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275