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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ A ] / And close the door

And close the door tradutor Espanhol

559 parallel translation
Come in and close the door, mister.
Entre y cierre la puerta, señor.
And close the door behind you.
Y cerrad la puerta.
Go outside and close the door.
Salga y cierre la puerta.
Come in Watson and close the door.
Entre y cierre la puerta. Siéntese, amigo.
Come in and close the door.
Pasen y cierren la puerta.
Blow me a kiss and close the door gently as you leave.
Sóplame un beso y vete.
And close the door tight.
- Y cierra bien la puerta.
Come in and close the door.
Entra y cierra la puerta.
And close the door behind you, unless you want the people from the street to come in here, too.
Y cierre la puerta al irse... a menos que quiera que también entre la gente de la calle.
And close the door.
Y cierre la puerta.
Come in and close the door.
Entre y cierre la puerta.
Yes, and close the door right away.
- Y cierra esa puerta.
Go and close the door.
Id al lado y cerrad.
George, get in there and close the door.
George, muévete y cierra la puerta.
And close the door.
Y cierra la puerta.
Go through it and go into the locker room, and close the door.
Pasarán y se meterán en los vestuarios, y cerrarán la puerta.
Come in and close the door, Walter.
Entra y cierra la puerta, Walter.
Then jump back into the room and close the door behind you.
Un segundo nada más, volver a la habitación y cerrar.
Keep it, and close the door.
Quédeselo y cierre la puerta.
Thanks, and close the door.
Gracias, y cierre la puerta.
Come in and close the door. The smell will spread around the house.
Entra y cierra, que sale todo el humo.
Come in, Pearson, and close the door.
Entre, Pearson, y cierre la puerta.
And close the door on the way out, will you?
Y cierre la puerta al salir, por favor.
Come in and close the door!
i Pase y cierre Ia puerta!
Close the door. ( Screaming and yelling ) ( Whistles )
Cierra la puerta.
And if you don't mind, uh, close the door.
Y si no les importa, cierren la puerta.
- And, Mullen, close the door, will you?
- Y cierra la puerta, Mullen, ¿ quieres?
And if you close the door as you go out.
Cierre la puerta al salir.
Get him in! Close the door and put the light out.
Cierra la puerta y apaga la luz.
close the door and go into the kitchen.
Cierre Ia puerta, criatura, y vaya para Ia cocina.
And close the door on your way out.
- SI, y cierra la puerta al irte.
Close the door when I'm gone... and forget me.
Cierren la puerta cuando salga... y olvídenme.
And close the door.
Tenemos que hablar.
Go up, close the door, and I'll shout.
- Es fácil verlo. Hay que asegurarse.
Close the door and lock it...
¿ Cerrarás la puerta con llave?
- Yes, sir. And I'll close the door.
- Y cerraré la puerta.
- And Mullen, close the door, will you?
- Y cierre la puerta.
And then I heard her go out and very quietly close the door.
Entonces la he oído salir y cerrar la puerta con sigilo.
Yes, close the door and come closer...
Cierra la puerta y acércate.
Close the door and put a table in front.
Cierra la puerta y pon una mesa delante.
Then close the door and stay through there, that way I can study in peace.
Entonces, cierra la puerta y quédate ahí, así por lo menos estudio en paz.
Not till you get on the other side of that door and close it between us.
No hasta que te vayas al otro lado de esa puerta y la cierres.
Close the door, Joshua, and let death pass.
Cierra la puerta, Josué, y deja que la muerte pase.
You elegant gentlemen lie in bed until 6 : 00, and at 9 : 00 at night you rush to close the door so fast that the customers bark their noses.
Los señoritos se quedan en la cama hasta las 6, y a las 9 de la noche os dais tanta prisa en cerrar la puerta que los clientes se pillan las narices en ella.
With Dorothy Lamour for my wife. She'll be waiting and waiting and at night-time, she'll close the door
Y como mujer, Dorothy Lamour, me esperará siempre, y por la noche... ella cierra la puerta.
And don't forget to close the door.
No olvides cerrar la puerta.
Stand guard here, Ivan, and make sure the door doesn't close.
Quédese aquí y vigile que la puerta no se cierre.
You close the door and she's gone forever.
Cierras puerta y se va para siempre.
I'll close the door. You knock on it. I'll answer it, and then you can tell me if it's effective.
Yo cierro la puerta, tú tocas, yo abro y luego me dices si resulta convincente.
And close the door!
¿ Pero qué clase de camaradas sois?
Wait, I'll close the car door, and shut it off...
Espera, cerraré la puerta de coche.

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