Beat him tradutor Espanhol
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Beat him down with an oar.
Lo golpearon abajo con un remo.
You should go beat him up.
Deberías ir a golpearlo.
What do you say we beat him up even worse than he already is?
¿ Qué dice si lo golpeamos incluso peor de lo que ya está?
Send somebody who can beat him! A second assassin! A third!
¡ Envíen al segundo, al tercero, e incluso al cuarto asesino que pueda vencerlo!
Beat him up!
¡ Péguenle!
I said beat him up!
¡ Dije que les peguen!
And we won't pay you a penny, because you beat him up.
No les vamos a dar nada, por haberle pegado.
Beat him.
Maybe beat him to the car.
Quizá lleguemos al coche antes que él.
There's no way I beat him to that recorder now.
No hay forma de que consiga la grabadora antes.
The case is about a guy who, in a sudden fit of rage, tore someone's prosthetic arm off and beat him into a coma with it.
El caso es sobre un chico quien, en un repentino ataque de furia, le arrancó el brazo postizo a alguien y lo golpeó con éste hasta dejarlo en coma.
I would certainly have wrenched it from its socket and beat him with it.
Ciertamente desearía tener que arrancarlo de su articulación y golpearlo con el.
He... he beat him up pretty bad.
Y le dio una buena paliza.
Silver got mad because my boy beat him down.
Silver se puso furioso porque mi hijo le dio una paliza.
You know the rule : if you can beat him in a fight.
Tú conoces la regla : solo si puedes vencerlo en una pelea.
I think you beat him with it.
Creo que le golpeó con ella.
His killer beat him senseless, and the remnants are still there.
Su asesino lo golpeó sin sentido, y los restos son sigue ahí.
Why don't you go beat him up and take it!
¡ Por qué no vas a darle una paliza y se lo quitas!
I'll beat him up for you
Le atizaré por ti.
That's one way you'll never beat him
En eso nunca le podrás ganar.
- I want to beat him, Katrine.
- Quiero ganarle, Katrine.
We beat him with our policy.
Tenemos que superarlos con nuestra política.
Which was that you found him and beat him until he surprised you with an offer that you could not refuse :
Que fue que usted lo encontró y le golpeó hasta que él le sorprendió con una oferta que no pudo rechazar :
- Y traté, y lo derroté.
We got witnesses that say members of the Kapu beat him up.
Tenemos testigos que dicen que un Kapu le dio una paliza.
Beat him up.
I beat Stephen once, once at draughts, and he immediately took up chess and I never beat him at that again!
Le gané a Stephen una vez, una vez en tragos, y de inmediato tomó el ajedrez y nunca le gané a eso otra vez!
Dad, I can't beat him, but you can.
Papa, yo no puedo vencerlo, pero tu si.
I couldn't even beat him at a fucking game of pool.
Ni siquiera podía ganarle en un puto juego de billar.
I got him beat.
Tengo lo golpearon.
Right then I knew I had him beat.
Justo entonces supe que le había ganado.
Without missing a beat, Briggs tells him,
Sin perder el ritmo, Briggs les dice,
Jamie, he popped in here for a drink and you tried to beat the shite out of him.
Jamie, vino hasta aquí para tomar un trago y lo echaste a patadas.
So now we have to beat reynold and go to tribal and vote him off because reynold is a threat. survivor Season26Episode12
Ahora tenemos que vencer a Reynold y expulsarle porque es una amenaza. Traducido por : twine y Hopewell
You gave him two kids, you'll always beat the others.
Le diste dos niños, le ganarás siempre a las otras.
I thought I was over him But when I got his call the other day... I found my heart still skipped a beat
Pensé que ya lo había superado... pero cuando me llamó el otro día... mi corazón dio un brinco.
Pay him to beat up Rita Rudner.
Pagarle a golpear a Rita Rudner.
Everyone at the docks heard about the beat-down the Kapu put on him.
Todo el mundo oyó lo del Kapu que le dio una paliza.
And you think Arroyo might beat us to him.
¿ Y crees Arroyo nos puede vencer a él.
They beat us to him.
Nos golpearon a él.
I could... beat it out of him.
Podría... sacárselo a golpes.
If a victim gets suspicious, then the girlfriends'husbands threaten to beat the crap out of him.
Si la víctima sospecha, entonces los maridos de las novias les amenazan con partirles la cara.
I appreciate what you're trying to do, Lena, but what makes him special, gets him beat up.
Aprecio lo que tratas de hacer, Lena, pero lo que lo hace especial, hace que le den una paliza.
The key is we make it look like she could beat the guy, but then she lets him win.
La clave es hacer que parezca como si pudiera vencer al tío, pero luego dejarse ganar.
Karev brought him in beat to hell.
Karev le trajo hecho polvo.
All he does is beat up other superheroes who are smaller than him... and the only thing he's afraid of...
Todo lo que hace es una paliza otros superhéroes que son más pequeños que él... y lo único que tiene miedo de...
Bam, beat the crap out of him.
Le hacemos papilla.
Danny, the answer to every question can't be "beat the crap out of him."
Danny, la respuesta a las preguntas no pueden ser "le hacemos papilla."
So I should teach her to beat the crap out of him?
Entonces, ¿ debería enseñarle cómo hacerle papilla?
Danny, I think what she's saying is we should tell Emma it's okay to beat the crap out of him.
Danny, creo que lo que ella está diciendo es que deberíamos decir que Emma está bien si le hace papilla.
And, if I recall, I beat the crap out of him.
Y, si no recuerdo mal, le hice papilla.
beat him up 29
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
beat it 695
beat me 47
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
beat it 695
beat me 47