Being alive tradutor Espanhol
1,055 parallel translation
For the joy of being alive in his great poetry.
Por la alegría de sentirme vivo en su poesía.
Making a frantic pretense of being alive.
Simulan estar vivos por medio de una actuación frenética.
" "l'm alive, and being alive is fantastic." "
"Estoy vivo, y estar vivo es fantástico."
" "I'm alive, and being alive is fantastic." "
"Estoy vivo, ¡ y estar vivo es fantástico!"
It was good to celebrate just being alive.
Ha estado bien celebrar el mero hecho de estar viva.
But without our camels, ammunition, and equipment, we're not much better off being alive.
Pero sin camellos, sin equipos y sin municiones. Mejor estaríamos muertos.
Do not you realize that I being alive, you will never be yours at all?
¿ No te das cuenta de que estando yo vivo, tú nunca serás suya del todo?
Do you think there's any chance of him still being alive?
¿ Cree que es posible que aún viva?
The Moral : being dead and being alive are the same thing.
La moraleja : estar muerto y estar vivo es la misma cosa.
If you deny what you know or what you are, or where you are, you deny the simplest part of being alive, and you die,
Si renegáis de lo que sois, o del lugar que ocupáis, estaréis renegando de la esencia de estar vivo, y termináis muriendo,
Shock of each moment, was still Being alive...
Qué sensación vigorizante...
- Use your head while being alive!
- ¡ Usa tu cabeza mientras estás vivo!
You Like being alive.
Usted tiene gusto de estar vivo.
Mr. Spock, what are the chances of the captain and the others being alive?
¿ Qué probabilidades hay de que el capitán y su grupo estén vivos?
May the guilt of being alive among so many deads be lifted off me!
Quiero expiar la culpa de estar vivo entre los muertos.
Having fun is being alive.
Divertirme es vivir.
They give me the illusion of being alive.
Me dan la ilusión de estar vivo.
Do you enjoy being alive, Bobov?
¿ Le gusta vivir, Bobov?
Why do you enjoy being alive?
¿ Y por qué le gusta tanto vivir?
By being alive.
Por seguir con vida.
No. You could tell they were lying, but it didn't matter much...'cause in the spring, we'd run out into the fields... and there'd be sunshine and new rain... and I'd be a squirrel, and a rabbit, and a badger... and then I'd fall down and feel the earth... and in an instant, I'd know that being alive was just everything.
Se notaba que estaban mintiendo, pero eso no importaba mucho... porque en primavera, salíamos corriendo al campo... y había sol y lluvias nuevas... y yo era una ardilla, y un conejo, y un tejón... y luego me dejaba caer y sentía la tierra... y, por un instante, sabía que estar viva lo era todo.
A happy life is feeling good about being alive.
Una vida feliz es un sentimiento bueno estando vivo.
But her injuries are comparatively minor, when you consider the incredibility of her being alive at all.
Pero sus heridas son comparativamente insignificantes... cuando considera lo milagroso de que esté viva.
If there's one thing I truly appreciate, it's being alive.
Porque lo que más me gusta, precisamente, es vivir.
She should have settled for being alive.
Debió conformarse con tener vida.
There must be some way of scaring them off, driving them out. Getting rid of every human being alive in that...
Debe de haber un modo de ahuyentarlos, de expulsarlos, de deshacerse hasta del último ser vivo de esa...
I mean, alive for the time being.
- Bueno... vivo, provisionalmente.
For years, I've lived in dread... of being buried alive.
Por años, he vivido con el miedo de ser enterrado en vida.
Forgive me for being profound at this moment but suddenly once more, it's good to be alive.
Perdóname por ser muy profundo En este momento Pero de repente otra vez, es bueno estar vivo
Life as happiness for being alive, freedom of spirit, agility, physical health, sociability, peacefulness, oblivion.
Nuestra mente se va concentrando sobre el culto a la vida.
The only thing that's keeping me alive... is the thought of... being there in time to vote for a new pope.
Es lo único que me mantiene vivo : llegar a tiempo de votar al nuevo Papa.
Not one human being left alive.
Ni un ser humano con vida.
Oh anything's better than circling around a planet forever and being kept alive.
¡ Oh, nada es mejor que nunca a su vez alrededor de un planeta y para mantenerse vivo.
It's like being buried alive.
Es como estar enterrada viva.
The monks had to leave for fear of being buried alive
Los monjes tuvieron que abandonarla, podía derrumbarse de un momento a otro.
Why are we being kept alive?
¿ Por qué nos mantienen vivos?
That's better than being staked out on an anthill... with the hot sun burning down... and a bunch of Indians watching the ants eat you alive.
Eso es mejor que estar en una estaca sobre un hormiguero... con el caliente sol quemando... y un monton de indios mirando como las hormigas te comen vivo.
My men are being burnt alive!
Mis hombres estan siendo quemados vivos!
The Monoids only keep us alive because they enjoy being waited on.
Los Monoides sólo nos mantienen vivos porque les gusta que les sirvan.
I'd say half an inch of being pared alive 295 times.
Yo diría que más bien a media pulgada... de ser descuartizada viva 295 veces.
Wilson is still alive and being held prisoner.
Wilson sigue vivo y lo tienen prisionero.
We stay alive by being scared to death.
Nuestro temor nos mantiene con vida.
Being flayed alive.
Que te despellejen vivo.
Our seniors are being captured, we don't even know whether they're alive or dead!
¡ Nuestros padres han sido capturados, ni siquiera sabemos si están vivos o muertos!
Without a coffin. She was still alive when they buried her. She was in a coma from being whipped when they took her, and nobody had the decency to finish her off.
Estaba en coma de ser azotada cuando se la llevaron, y nadie tuvo la decencia de rematarla.
But those fortunate enough to remain alive will have the privilege of being used by our revered minister of science, the good Dr Zaius.
Pero los que tengan la suerte de permanecer vivos tendrán el privilegio de ser utilizados por nuestro admirado ministro de la ciencia, el buen Dr. Zaius.
The reward was not contingent, however, on the slave being returned alive.
- Untranslated subtitle -
The tarantula is unable to do anything to defend itself... despite being aware of being disemboweled and, little by little, eaten alive.
Con esto la victima es incapaz de hacer nada para defenderse... a pesar de ser consciente de ser destripada y, poco a poco, comida viva.
And, being the woman, she is the more guilty... she should therefore be dragged to the market square... and there be burned alive in the purifying flames of outraged justice.
Y siendo mujer principal responsable... debería ser llevada a la plaza... y quemada viva como ejemplo de justicia.
They're giving odds on how long you'll stay alive being my partner.
Apuestan cuánto tiempo vas a durar vivo siendo mi compañero.
When a fear becomes strong enough, it is like another being within you who fights to stay alive.
Cuando un miedo se vuelve muy fuerte, es como otro ser dentro de uno que lucha por mantenerse vivo.
alive 714
alive and well 49
alive or dead 65
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being alone 20
being the operative word 35
alive and well 49
alive or dead 65
being 356
being there 23
being erica 27
being you 16
being with you 29
being alone 20
being the operative word 35