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But she doesn't tradutor Espanhol

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No, she doesn't deserve to be in the middle of it, but she's right in the center of it.
Charlotte no merece estar en medio de todo esto. Tiene razón. No, ella no se merece estar en medio de todo esto, pero es que está justo en el centro.
Yes but she doesn't love her husband.
Sí, pero ella no ama a su marido.
But don't be surprised if she doesn't give your romantic delusions the warm response that you're hoping for.
Pero no te sorprendas si no le da a tus ilusiones románticas la respuesta cálida que esperas.
And digging a little further, it appears as if she ran the procedure through her insurance, which doesn't cover cosmetic surgery, but which Dr. Denning apparently signed off on and approved.
E investigando un poco más, parece que pagó el procedimiento a través de su seguro, pero no cubre la cirugía estética, pero el Dr. Denning al parecer lo firmó y lo aprobó.
I know she doesn't want to think about this, but what do we do about this case?
Ya sé que no querrá pensar en esto, pero, ¿ qué vamos a hacer con el caso?
- But she doesn't even care about- -
- Pero ni si quiera le importa...
She will not like you for it, but it doesn't matter'cause your job is not to make her like you.
No le gustarás por eso, pero no importa porque tu trabajo no es hacer que le gustes.
But she doesn't.
- Pero no lo está. - Lo siento.
She hears, sees, but doesn't feel anything... since the beginning...
Ella oye, ve, pero no siente nada... Desde el principio...
She said the Germans took the Jews in the Summer of 1941, but that still doesn't explain why no one knows about it.
Ella dijo que los alemanes se llevaron a los Judíos en el verano de 1941, pero eso aún no explica por qué nadie lo sabe.
She doesn't fuck you, but doesn't let you go.
Nunca se decide lo que quiere.
Doesn't want the wife to know, obviously, but he'd continued to send Susie messages the day after she was last seen alive, and these he didn't delete.
Obviamente, no quería que lo supiera su mujer, pero continuó enviando mensajes a Susie... el día posterior al que fue vista viva por última vez, y esos no los borró.
So, she goes and gets changed, ready for Rob at 9 : 30, but, subject to verifying his alibi, Rob doesn't turn up because at 9 : 30, he's on the road to Bridlington, but somebody else did.
Así que ella se cambia, preparada para Rob a las 9 : 30 pero, a la espera de verificar su coartada, Rob no aparece porque a las 9 : 30 está en la carretera hacia Bridlington, pero otra persona apareció.
- But she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life in prison, either.
- Pero tampoco quiere pasar el resto de su vida en la cárcel.
She doesn't know yet but, er... seems that the problem is with me.
Ella aún no lo sabe, pero... parece que el problema está en mí.
Yeah, but snooping is snooping, and if she doesn't clear her history, who knows what we'll find?
Sí, pero fisgonear es fisgonear, y si no ha borrado su historial, ¿ quién sabe lo que encontraremos?
But she doesn't want you involved.
Pero no te quiere involucrada.
Sweetie, uh, Hannah had to go away, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't miss you very, very much. Okay?
Cariño, Hannah se ha tenido que ir, pero eso no significa que no te eche de menos mucho, mucho, mucho. ¿ Vale?
- She doesn't talk, but she stalks.
- - Ella no habla, pero ella acecha.
In the bag, but she doesn't pull it out for me.
En la bolsa, pero no lo hace tire de él para mí.
But if she doesn't apologize to me, I'm serious : I'm out.
Pero si ella no se disculpa conmigo, en serio, estoy fuera.
But you're... You're talking to a woman who doesn't even know if she's married anymore.
Pero estás hablando de una mujer que ni siquiera sabe si sigue casada.
I mean, she doesn't know, but she knows.
Quiero decir, ella no sabe, pero sabe.
She doesn't want to think about getting married right now, but I want to marry her.
Ahora no quiere pensar en casarse, pero quiero casarme con ella.
I don't really know, but she doesn't like it.
En realidad no sé, pero a ella no le gusta.
And she doesn't know what she's talking about half the time, and some idiot nurse taught her how to email and text and tweet, and thank you all for coming but really,
Y no sabe de lo que esta hablando la mitad del tiempo, y una enfermera tonta le enseñó a mandar correo electrónico y de texto y Twitter, y gracias a todas por haber venido, pero en realidad,
She opens the gate, but she doesn't leave any kind of print? Not even a smudge?
¿ Ella abre la puerta pero no deja ninguna clase de huella?
But, if she doesn't have it removed, it'll kill her.
Pero si no se lo quita, podría morir.
Clearly, she wanted my advice, but then she pointedly asked you so that she showed me that she doesn't really need me, any more.
Claramente quería mi consejo, pero luego intencionadamente te lo pidió a ti así me enseña que realmente ya no me necesita.
She says she doesn't, but I saw her talking with her husband...
Ella dice que no se irá pero la vi hablando con su marido.
I don't care if she's gay, but I care if she doesn't seem like my mom.
No me importa si es lesbiana. pero me importa si ella no se parece a mi madre.
You know, she has an IUD, so she doesn't think the pregnancy's gonna be viable, but, um...
Sabes, tiene un DIU así que no cree que el embarazo vaya a ser viable, pero...
And maybe like, a scar that's so well placed that it shows how tough she is but doesn't fuck up her pretty face, right?
Y tal con una cicatriz que está tan bien situado que muestra lo dura que es pero no jodió su cara bonita, ¿ verdad?
Well, nancy thinks sid is cheating on her, But she doesn't have any proof.
Bueno, Nancy cree que Sid le es infiel, pero no tiene ninguna prueba.
She's on her way down to talk to us, but she doesn't know why, ma'am.
Está de camino para hablar con nosotros, pero no sabe por qué, señora.
She doesn't Work for free. But I don't have a problem with Bill because of his race at all.
Pero no tengo un problema con Bill debido a su raza en absoluto.
- But she doesn't know who you are.
- Pero no sabe quién eres.
Lydia does seem a bit hapless, but she doesn't seem evil.
Lydia parece un poco desafortunada, pero no mala.
And I may or may not be, but almost definitely won't be a senior producer here under Mackenzie if she still has a job, which sounds like she probably absolutely doesn't.
Puede que sí o puede que no vaya a ser el productor de Mackenzie si aún tiene empleo aunque suena a que probablemente ya no lo va a tener.
Of course I care, but if she doesn't consent, there's really very little we can do.
Claro que me importa, pero si ella no da su consentimiento hay poco que podamos hacer.
He doesn't know what she was thinking, but when she got to
No sabe en qué estaba pensando, pero cuando llegó...
But she doesn't mean it.
Pero no lo dice en serio.
My tour just ended, but she doesn't know.
Mi viaje acaba de terminar, pero ella no lo sabe.
Look, I don't know what Emily said to you, but she doesn't play games...
Mira, no sé qué es lo que Emily te dijo, pero ella no juega a juegos...
She's still alive, but it doesn't look good ;
Ella todavía está viva, pero no se ve bien ;
One night I'm sure she saw my face, but luckily she doesn't seem to have recognised me.
Una noche estoy seguro de que vio mi cara, pero por suerte parece que no me ha reconocido.
She doesn't want to believe that he's capable of it, but her memory's telling her differently.
Ella no quiere creer que él es capaz hacer de esto, pero su memoria le está diciendo lo contrario.
You're gonna think this is crazy, but she doesn't want me talking about our relationship with people I work with.
Pensará que es una locura, pero ella no quiere que hable de nuestra relación... con la gente con la que trabajo.
Which doesn't seem like a long time, but if you think about it, it's about a third of the time that she's known the groom.
Lo que no parece mucho tiempo, pero si lo piensas, es como la tercera parte del tiempo que conoce al novio.
But doesn't she wonder where I am? No, of course she doesn't.
No, por supuesto que no lo hace.
Well, maybe she's just - - you can't feel her, but that doesn't mean that she's not there.
Bueno, tal vez... no puedan tocarla, pero eso no significa que no esté allí.

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